Emacs doxymacs 快捷键操作表

命令 英文解释 中文解释
C-c d ? will look up documentation for the symbol under the point. 查找当前鼠标点下的符号的文档
C-c d r will rescan your Doxygen tags file. 重新扫描tags文件
C-c d f will insert a Doxygen comment for the next function. 为函数插入Doxygen注释
C-c d i will insert a Doxygen comment for the current file. 为文件插入Doxygen注释
C-c d ; will insert a Doxygen comment for the current member. 为当前成员插入Doxygen注释
C-c d m will insert a blank multiline Doxygen comment. 插入多行注释
C-c d s will insert a blank singleline Doxygen comment. 插入单行注释
C-c d @ will insert grouping comments around the current region. 插入环绕当前区域的注释
posted @ 2011-05-26 02:56  Kaffeeck  阅读(616)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报