摘要:第十章 类1.A nested type and its containing type have a special relationship with regard to this-access .Specifically, this within a nested type cannot be used to refer to instance members of the containi...
摘要:提起设计模式(Design Patterns),不觉想起GoF的那本经典的设计模式.不过我觉得那本书更多的是给出一个定义,满足什么原则的设计叫什么名字,让大家讨论的时候有共同语言.但对于学习设计模式,个人觉得用处不大,或许是水平太低的缘故吧,我看了一遍除了几个名字外什么都没记住.Design Patterns Explained这本书目前只有影印版,不知道为什么没人翻译,我觉得这本书挺可爱的.两位...
摘要:第十章 类1.The abstract modifier is used to indicate that a class is incomplete and that it is intended to be used only as a base class. An abstract class differs from a nonabstract class in the following...
摘要:第四章 基础概念1.Protected internal (meaning protected or internal), which is selected by including both a protected and an internal modifier in the member declaration. The intuitive meaning of protected int...
摘要:第二章 词法结构The lexical grammar defines how Unicode characters are combined to form line terminators, white space, comments, tokens, and preprocessing directives. The syntactic grammar defines how the tok...
摘要:第一章 概述 1.Struct constructors are invoked with the new operator, but that does not imply that memory is being allocated. Instead of dynamically allocating an object and returning a reference to it, a ...
摘要:C Programming Language 和C++ Programming Language 成为了不朽的经典著作,于是当企盼已久的天才Anders Hejlsberg写了C# Programming Language的时候,便迫不及待地想买一本瞧瞧,不过看了评论,这本书让很多人失望,说是MSDN的照抄,没有思想上的升华.于是也就没买.事情搁置了很久,突然想系统地学习一下C#,MSDN的照抄也...