

Designing With Web Standard(一)

这本书的确不错,嗯.最近好像懒了些,看了<<ASP.NET SERVER CONTROLS AND COMPONENTS>>和<<Design Pattern Explained>>居然一个字的读书笔记都没写,罪过,这本书不能再那样了,不过也懒得翻译了,这些大师级人物写得书,一个字,浅显易懂.看到哪里把精彩的文字摘录下来,算是做个记号,敦促自己快马加鞭,早日看完,哈哈.
Part I: Houston, We Have a Problem
Before you begin
     Spiraling Costs, Diminishing Returns
    Spaghetti code, deeply nested table layouts, <font> tags, and other redundancies double and triple the bandwidth required for our simplest sites. Our visitors pay the price by waiting endlessly for our pages to load. (Or they tire of waiting and flee our sites. Some wait patiently only to discover that when our site finally loads, it is inaccessible to them.)
Ending the Cycle of Obsolescence
    This is not a book for theorists or purists, but for practical people who need to get work done. It's for creative and business professionals who seek sensible advice and a range of proven techniques so that they can modify their skills and thinking and get on with the job of creating great websites that work for more visitors and customers.
Chapter One:99.9% of Websites Are Obsolete
Lack of browser perfection is no reason to avoid standards. Millions of people currently use Internet Explorer 5 or 5.5 for Windows. From a standards point of view, those browsers are inferior to IE6/Windows, Netscape 6+, and so on. Does that mean if your audience includes IE5/Windows users you should forget about web standards? Does it mean you should tell IE5/Windows users to upgrade or get lost? We think not. Standards-oriented design and development need not and should not mean, "designing for the latest browsers only."

posted on 2006-01-15 15:23  佛西亚  阅读(328)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报