

C# Programming Language学习笔记(三)

第二章 词法结构
The lexical grammar defines how Unicode characters are combined to form line terminators, white space, comments, tokens, and preprocessing directives. The syntactic grammar defines how the tokens resulting from the lexical grammar are combined to form C# programs.
第三章 基础概念
1.An application domain enables application isolation by acting as a container for application state. An application domain acts as a container and boundary for the types defined in the application and the class libraries it uses. Types loaded into one application domain are distinct from the same type loaded into another application domain, and instances of objects are not directly shared between application domains. For instance, each application domain has its own copy of static variables for these types, and a static constructor for a type runs at most once per application domain. Implementations are free to provide implementation-specific policy or mechanisms for creating and destroying application domains.
2.Because C# supports method overloading, a class or struct can contain multiple definitions of some method, provided each has a different signature. However, within a single program, no class or struct can contain more than one method called Main whose definition qualifies it to be used as an application entry point. Other overloaded versions of Main are permitted, however, provided they have more than one parameter or their only parameter is other than type string[].
3. Specifically, the execution environment can access the application's entry point regardless of its declared accessibility and regardless of the declared accessibility of its enclosing type declarations.
4.Prior to an application's termination, destructors for all of its objects that have not yet been garbage collected are called, unless such cleanup has been suppressed (by a call to the library method GC.SuppressFinalize, for example).

posted on 2005-10-19 17:25  佛西亚  阅读(249)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报