

C# Programming Language 学习笔记(一)

C Programming Language 和C++ Programming Language 成为了不朽的经典著作,于是当企盼已久的天才Anders Hejlsberg写了C# Programming Language的时候,便迫不及待地想买一本瞧瞧,不过看了评论,这本书让很多人失望,说是MSDN的照抄,没有思想上的升华.于是也就没买.
事情搁置了很久,突然想系统地学习一下C#,MSDN的照抄也好,没有思想的升华也罢,系统学习C#的语法,C# Programming Language是不二之选,毕竟,还有谁会比Anders更了解C#那?

我看的是C# Programming Language的电子英文版,太对不起我的偶像Anders同学了,但是没办法,谁让你照抄MSDN的.
第一章 简介
1.Note that C# itself does not have a separate runtime library. Instead, the .NET Framework is the runtime library of C#.
C#本身没有单独的运行库,.Net Framework就是C#的运行库.
2.Assemblies contain executable code in the form of Intermediate Language (IL) instructions, and symbolic information in the form of metadata. Before it is executed, the IL code in an assembly is automatically converted to processor-specific code by the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler of .NET Common Language Runtime.
Assemblies(一般翻译为装配件,我觉得这些单词根本就不用翻译,怎么没人把C翻译汉语?)包含IL指令形式的可执行代码,并且以metadata的形式存放符号信息.在在执行前,assembly的IL代码会被.Net CLR的JIT自动转换成针对具体处理器的代码.
3.Because an assembly is a self-describing unit of functionality containing both code and metadata, there is no need for #include directives and header files in C#. The public types and members contained in a particular assembly are made available in a C# program simply by referencing that assembly when compiling the program.
4.Forward declarations are never needed in C# because, with very few exceptions, declaration order is insignificant. C# does not limit a source file to declaring only one public type nor does it require the name of the source file to match a type declared in the source file.
在C#中永远不会需要事先声明,因为除极少数的异常外,申明的顺序是无关紧要的.C#不限制一个源文件只能声明一个public type,也不需要源文件的名字匹配在源文件中声明的type.
5.There are two kinds of types in C#: value types and reference types.
C#'s value types are further divided into simple types, enum types, and struct types, and C#'s reference types are further divided into class types, interface types, array types, and delegate types.
C#有两种types,value typesreference types
value type进一步分为simple types, enum types, and struct types,reference type进一步分为class types, interface types, array types, and delegate types.

6.Five of C#'s categories of types are user-definable: class types, struct types, interface types, enum types, and delegate types.
C#有五种自定义types, class types, struct types, interface types, enum types, and delegate types.
7.A delegate type represents references to methods with a particular parameter list and return type. Delegates make it possible to treat methods as entities that can be assigned to variables and passed as parameters. Delegates are similar to the concept of function pointers found in some other languages, but unlike function pointers, delegates are object-oriented and type-safe.
delegate type 表现为具有特定参数列表和返回类型的方法的引用.Delegates是把methods看成entities成为可能,这样方法可以赋值给变量和作为参数传递.Delegates跟一些其它语言里的函数指针类似,不过不同的是,Delegates是OO的和类型安全的.
8.int[] is a single-dimensional array of int, int[,] is a two-dimensional array of int, and int[][] is a single-dimensional array of single-dimensional arrays of int.
9.The checked and unchecked statements are used to control the overflow checking context for integral-type arithmetic operations and conversions.

static void Main() {

int i = int.MaxValue;

checked {

+ 1);// Exception


unchecked {

+ 1);// Overflow



10.The lock statement is used to obtain the mutual-exclusion lock for a given object, execute a statement, and then release the lock.
lock statement用来给一个给定对象的获取排他锁,执行一个statement,然后释放锁.

class Account


decimal balance;

public void Withdraw(decimal amount) {

lock (this{

if (amount > balance) {

throw new Exception("Insufficient funds");


-= amount;




11.The using statement is used to obtain a resource, execute a statement, and then dispose of that resource.
using statement 用来获取一个资源,执行statement,然后释放资源.

static void Main() {

using (TextWriter w = File.CreateText("test.txt")) {

"Line one");

"Line two");

"Line three");



12.Assignment to a readonly field can only occur as part of the field's declaration or in an instance constructor or static constructor in the same class.
给readonly field的赋值只能发生在如下情况:作为字段声明的一部分,实例的构造函数或者同一个class的静态构造函数.
13.A parameter array permits a variable number of arguments to be passed to a method. A parameter array is declared with the params modifier. Only the last parameter of a method can be a parameter array, and the type of a parameter array must be a single-dimensional array type.
14.An abstract method is a virtual method with no implementation. An abstract method is declared with the abstract modifier and is permitted only in a class that is also declared abstract. An abstract method must be overridden in every nonabstract derived class.
15.An indexer is a member that enables objects to be indexed in the same way as an array. An indexer is declared like a property except that the name of the member is this followed by a parameter list written between the delimiters [ and ]. The parameters are available in the accessor(s) of the indexer. Similar to properties, indexers can be read-write, read-only, and write-only, and the accessor(s) of an indexer can be virtual.

public object this[int index] {

get {

return items[index];


set {

= value;




16.An event is a member that enables a class or object to provide notifications. An event is declared like a field except that the declaration includes an event keyword and the type must be a delegate type.
Within a class that declares an event member, the event behaves just like a field of a delegate type (provided the event is not abstract and does not declare accessors). The field stores a reference to a delegate that represents the event handlers that have been added to the event. If no event handlers are present, the field is null.

17.The notion of raising an event is precisely equivalent to invoking the delegate represented by the event—thus, there are no special language constructs for raising events.
Clients react to events through event handlers. Event handlers are attached using the += operator and removed using the -= operator.
调用程序通过events handlers与事件关联.Event handlers用+=添加,用-=移除.

18.An operator is a member that defines the meaning of applying a particular expression operator to instances of a class. Three kinds of operators can be defined: unary operators, binary operators, and conversion operators. All operators must be declared as public and static.
operator 是一个成员,它重定义了类实例的一些应用于特定表单式运算符的意义(译注:真是别扭,意思是说运算符重载)三种类型的运算符可以定义:一元运算符,二元运算符和转化符.所有的操作符必须定义为public和static.
19.Destructors cannot have parameters, they cannot have accessibility modifiers, and they cannot be invoked explicitly. The destructor for an instance is invoked automatically during garbage collection.
The garbage collector is allowed wide latitude in deciding when to collect objects and run destructors. Specifically, the timing of destructor invocations is not deterministic, and destructors may be executed on any thread. For these and other reasons, classes should implement destructors only when no other solutions are feasible.

posted on 2005-10-18 18:26  佛西亚  阅读(770)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报