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useing X++ code calculate normal tables of sub Dictionary space size.remark by Jimmy July 14th 2010 Read More
posted @ 2010-07-14 11:53 Fandy Xie Views(328) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
AX 4.0 or 2009 must be running on the server side,otherwise system will pop-up permissions request failed error message!remark by Jimmy July 13th 2010 Read More
posted @ 2010-07-13 15:54 Fandy Xie Views(295) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Useing x++ code Calculate period the on hand stockRemark by Jimmy July 13th 2010 Read More
posted @ 2010-07-13 15:07 Fandy Xie Views(1695) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
1)Update Intercompany infomationvoid updateNewDimension(){/**Add by Jimmy 2010-07-12update New dimension*/ SalesLine UpInterSOCN,UpInterSOHK; PurchLine _purchLine; // SalesLine _salesLine; ; if(salesLine.isInterCompanyOrder()) { changecompany(salesLine.salesTable().InterCompanyCompanyId) { select fi Read More
posted @ 2010-07-12 11:33 Fandy Xie Views(832) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
static boolean isEnglishChar(str strName) { /* Determine whether the string contains the English characters? remark by Jimmy July 7th 2010 */ set set = new set(types::String); int ... Read More
posted @ 2010-07-07 15:58 Fandy Xie Views(315) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
(转自网络)Do you have someone special in your heart? - 你心中有这样的一个人吗在我们每个人的心中也许都有这样的一个人,你们也许是朋友也许曾经是朋友,也许是刚刚认识的人,但是这个人肯定是你曾经偷偷爱过的人,你也许因为害怕和他表白后连朋友也没得做而一直和他保持着普通朋友的关系,但是我们都没有办法否认我们曾经爱过这样的一个人,而且是那样深刻的爱着。Each of us may all have such a person in his heart. Maybe you are friends, or were once friends, or maybe Read More
posted @ 2010-07-05 20:47 Fandy Xie Views(467) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
add one display images control of Bitmap,but must be write display method oh.remark by Jimmy July 2th 2010show ItemPicture methodItemImage method used to dispaly current the Images.display bitMap Item... Read More
posted @ 2010-07-02 16:16 Fandy Xie Views(366) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
ActiveX control view HTML format files in X++remark by Jimmy July 2th 2010LoadHtmlFile methodsaveTempFile methodcompleteFilename method Read More
posted @ 2010-07-02 09:12 Fandy Xie Views(692) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
--A)建立和撤销自动增长列--(在现有表结构中新增字段)/*撤消主键*/alter table [Student] drop primary key (S_id)/*增加主键*/alter table [Student] add primary key (S_id) goalter table xyf_成品出口耗用保税料件明细 add Pkey int primary key identity(... Read More
posted @ 2010-06-20 11:16 Fandy Xie Views(275) Comments(1) Diggs(0) Edit
Code as below:Remark by Jimmy Jun 20th 2010代码 Read More
posted @ 2010-06-20 09:04 Fandy Xie Views(193) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
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