Suppose we want create number sequence forTestfield on form in Generalledger moduleConsideration: EDT-Test, Table-TestTable and Form- TestTableStep1.Create new EDT with name TestStep 2.Modify load module() method onNumberSeqModuleLedger class{datatype.parmDatatypeId(extendedTypeNum(Test));datatype.p Read More
posted @ 2013-06-18 09:20 Fandy Xie Views(554) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
setp 1. First create New Edit.setp 2.Create New TableFirst Table Name is NParentRelthen drag and drop the newly created Edt in NParentRel Tablesetp 3.Create Index for new created EDT in NParentRel Tablethe properties on index is AllowDuplicates to Noand Alternativekey to Yessetp 4.then select the NP Read More
posted @ 2013-06-18 09:00 Fandy Xie Views(371) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit