This code is used to create a simple form with overview and general tab when table name is passed to it. Before creating the form make sure the table contains overview, identification and description field group as per the best practice. Also check that label of Table is given which help in creating Read More
posted @ 2011-07-25 14:08 Fandy Xie Views(583) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
As in Dynamics AX 2009, XML is widely used , so I got a code which will help to create XML file.staticvoidJimmy_CreateXMLFile(Args_args){//AsinDynamicsAX2009,XMLiswidelyused,soIgotacodewhichwillhelptocreateXMLfile.XmlDocumentdoc;XmlElementnodeXml;XmlElementnodeTable;XmlElementnodeAccount;XmlElementn Read More
posted @ 2011-07-25 13:54 Fandy Xie Views(2115) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit