static void Jimmy_FindFileType(Args _args){ #File #WinAPI Dialog dlg = new Dialog("Please selected Path and file Extension"); DialogField dlgFile = dlg.addField(typeid(filePath)); DialogField dlgType = dlg.addField(typeid(filenameType)); filePath filePath; int ... Read More
posted @ 2010-04-07 17:31 Fandy Xie Views(280) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Sometimes, we need Morthx X++ code to run batch reports to PDF Printer, so I wrote the following code as a backup for future workstatic void Jimmy_ReportPrintToPDF(Args _args){ Args args; ReportRun rr; str reportName = "Your Report Name"; FilePath ... Read More
posted @ 2010-04-07 10:30 Fandy Xie Views(187) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit