.net/c# memcached 获取指定前缀缓存键(keys)
.net 类库 memcacheddotnet_clientlib_2.0
public Hashtable Stats(ArrayList servers, string command) { // get SockIOPool instance SockIOPool pool = SockIOPool.GetInstance(_poolName); // return false if unable to get SockIO obj if (pool == null) { //if(log.IsErrorEnabled) //{ // log.Error(GetLocalizedString("unable to get socket pool")); //} return null; } // get all servers and iterate over them if (servers == null) servers = pool.Servers; // if no servers, then return early if (servers == null || servers.Count <= 0) { //if(log.IsErrorEnabled) //{ // log.Error(GetLocalizedString("stats no servers")); //} return null; } // array of stats Hashtables Hashtable statsMaps = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < servers.Count; i++) { SockIO sock = pool.GetConnection((string)servers[i]); if (sock == null) { //if(log.IsErrorEnabled) //{ // log.Error(GetLocalizedString("unable to connect").Replace("$$Server$$", servers[i].ToString())); //} continue; } // build command if (command == null || command.Length == 0) { command = "stats\r\n"; } else { command = command + "\r\n"; } try { sock.Write(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(command)); sock.Flush(); // map to hold key value pairs Hashtable stats = new Hashtable(); // loop over results while (true) { string line = sock.ReadLine(); //if(log.IsDebugEnabled) //{ // log.Debug(GetLocalizedString("stats line").Replace("$$Line$$", line)); //} if (line.StartsWith(STATS)) { string[] info = line.Split(' '); string key = info[1]; string val = info[2]; //if(log.IsDebugEnabled) //{ // log.Debug(GetLocalizedString("stats success").Replace("$$Key$$", key).Replace("$$Value$$", val)); //} stats[key] = val; } else if (line.StartsWith("ITEM")) { string[] info = line.Split('['); string key = info[0].Split(' ')[1]; string val = "[" + info[1]; stats[key] = val; } else if (END == line) { // finish when we get end from server //if(log.IsDebugEnabled) //{ // log.Debug(GetLocalizedString("stats finished")); //} break; } statsMaps[servers[i]] = stats; } } catch//(IOException e) { //if(log.IsErrorEnabled) //{ // log.Error(GetLocalizedString("stats IOException"), e); //} try { sock.TrueClose(); } catch//(IOException) { //if(log.IsErrorEnabled) //{ // log.Error(GetLocalizedString("failed to close some socket").Replace("$$Socket$$", sock.ToString())); //} } sock = null; } if (sock != null) sock.Close(); } return statsMaps; }
2.增加MemCached 配置信息类 MemCachedConfigInfo.cs
public class MemCachedConfigInfo { private bool _applyMemCached; /// <summary> /// 是否应用MemCached /// </summary> public bool ApplyMemCached { get { return _applyMemCached; } set { _applyMemCached = value; } } private string _serverList; /// <summary> /// 链接地址 /// </summary> public string ServerList { get { return _serverList; } set { _serverList = value; } } private string _poolName; /// <summary> /// 链接池名称 /// </summary> public string PoolName { get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(_poolName) ? "ShoeSafeCycle_MemCached" : _poolName; } set { _poolName = value; } } private int _intConnections; /// <summary> /// 初始化链接数 /// </summary> public int IntConnections { get { return _intConnections > 0 ? _intConnections : 3; } set { _intConnections = value; } } private int _minConnections; /// <summary> /// 最少链接数 /// </summary> public int MinConnections { get { return _minConnections > 0 ? _minConnections : 3; } set { _minConnections = value; } } private int _maxConnections; /// <summary> /// 最大连接数 /// </summary> public int MaxConnections { get { return _maxConnections > 0 ? _maxConnections : 5; } set { _maxConnections = value; } } private int _socketConnectTimeout; /// <summary> /// Socket链接超时时间 /// </summary> public int SocketConnectTimeout { get { return _socketConnectTimeout > 1000 ? _socketConnectTimeout : 1000; } set { _socketConnectTimeout = value; } } private int _socketTimeout; /// <summary> /// socket超时时间 /// </summary> public int SocketTimeout { get { return _socketTimeout > 1000 ? _maintenanceSleep : 3000; } set { _socketTimeout = value; } } private int _maintenanceSleep; /// <summary> /// 维护线程休息时间 /// </summary> public int MaintenanceSleep { get { return _maintenanceSleep > 0 ? _maintenanceSleep : 30; } set { _maintenanceSleep = value; } } private bool _failOver; /// <summary> /// 链接失败后是否重启,详情参见http://baike.baidu.com/view/1084309.htm /// </summary> public bool FailOver { get { return _failOver; } set { _failOver = value; } } private bool _nagle; /// <summary> /// 是否用nagle算法启动socket /// </summary> public bool Nagle { get { return _nagle; } set { _nagle = value; } } }
3.增加MemCached 管理基类
public sealed class MemCachedManager { #region 静态方法和属性 private static MemcachedClient mc = null; private static SockIOPool pool = null; private static MemCachedConfigInfo memCachedConfigInfo = new MemCachedConfigInfo(); private static string[] serverList = { System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Base_URL_Memcached"].ToString() }; #endregion static MemCachedManager() { CreateManager(); } private static void CreateManager() { pool = SockIOPool.GetInstance(memCachedConfigInfo.PoolName); pool.SetServers(serverList); pool.InitConnections = memCachedConfigInfo.IntConnections;//初始化链接数 pool.MinConnections = memCachedConfigInfo.MinConnections;//最少链接数 pool.MaxConnections = memCachedConfigInfo.MaxConnections;//最大连接数 pool.SocketConnectTimeout = memCachedConfigInfo.SocketConnectTimeout;//Socket链接超时时间 pool.SocketTimeout = memCachedConfigInfo.SocketTimeout;// Socket超时时间 pool.MaintenanceSleep = memCachedConfigInfo.MaintenanceSleep;//维护线程休息时间 pool.Failover = memCachedConfigInfo.FailOver; //失效转移(一种备份操作模式) pool.Nagle = memCachedConfigInfo.Nagle;//是否用nagle算法启动socket pool.HashingAlgorithm = HashingAlgorithm.NewCompatibleHash; pool.Initialize(); mc = new MemcachedClient(); mc.PoolName = memCachedConfigInfo.PoolName; mc.EnableCompression = false; } /// <summary> /// 缓存服务器地址列表 /// </summary> public static string[] ServerList { set { if (value != null) serverList = value; } get { return serverList; } } /// <summary> /// 客户端缓存操作对象 /// </summary> public static MemcachedClient CacheClient { get { if (mc == null) CreateManager(); return mc; } } public static void Dispose() { if (pool != null) pool.Shutdown(); } /// <summary> /// 获取服务器端缓存的数据信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="serverArrayList">要访问的服务列表</param> /// <param name="statsCommand">此参数的功能暂时无效</param> /// <param name="param">此参数的功能暂时无效</param> /// <returns>返回信息</returns> public static IList<string> GetStats(string[] serverArrayList, MemcachedStats statsCommand, string param) { IList<string> statsArray = new List<string>(); if (param == null) param = ""; else { param = param.Trim().ToLower(); } string commandstr = "stats"; //转换stats命令参数 switch (statsCommand) { case MemcachedStats.Reset: { commandstr = "stats reset"; break; } case MemcachedStats.Malloc: { commandstr = "stats malloc"; break; } case MemcachedStats.Maps: { commandstr = "stats maps"; break; } case MemcachedStats.Sizes: { commandstr = "stats sizes"; break; } case MemcachedStats.Slabs: { commandstr = "stats slabs"; break; } case MemcachedStats.Items: { commandstr = "stats items"; break; }//此处原先是返回stats case MemcachedStats.CachedDump: { string[] statsparams = param.Split(' '); if (statsparams.Length == 2) commandstr = "stats cachedump " + param; break; } case MemcachedStats.Detail: { if (string.Equals(param, "on") || string.Equals(param, "off") || string.Equals(param, "dump")) commandstr = "stats detail " + param.Trim(); break; } default: { commandstr = "stats"; break; } } ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(serverArrayList); Hashtable stats = CacheClient.Stats(arr, commandstr); foreach (string key in stats.Keys) { statsArray.Add("server:__:" + key);//此处也改了 Hashtable values = (Hashtable)stats[key]; foreach (string key2 in values.Keys) { statsArray.Add(key2 + ":" + values[key2]); } } return statsArray; } /// <summary> /// Stats命令行参数 /// </summary> public enum MemcachedStats { /// <summary> /// stats : 显示服务器信息, 统计数据等 /// </summary> Default = 0, /// <summary> /// stats reset : 清空统计数据 /// </summary> Reset = 1, /// <summary> /// stats malloc : 显示内存分配数据 /// </summary> Malloc = 2, /// <summary> /// stats maps : 显示"/proc/self/maps"数据 /// </summary> Maps = 3, /// <summary> /// stats sizes /// </summary> Sizes = 4, /// <summary> /// stats slabs : 显示各个slab的信息,包括chunk的大小,数目,使用情况等 /// </summary> Slabs = 5, /// <summary> /// stats items : 显示各个slab中item的数目和最老item的年龄(最后一次访问距离现在的秒数) /// </summary> Items = 6, /// <summary> /// stats cachedump slab_id limit_num : 显示某个slab中的前 limit_num 个 key 列表 /// </summary> CachedDump = 7, /// <summary> /// stats detail [on|off|dump] : 设置或者显示详细操作记录 on:打开详细操作记录 off:关闭详细操作记录 dump: 显示详细操作记录(每一个键值get,set,hit,del的次数) /// </summary> Detail = 8 } /// <summary> /// 获取所有缓存键 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List<string> GetAllKeys(string prefix_key) { IList<int> idList = new List<int>(); IList<string> list = GetStats(serverList, MemcachedStats.Items, null); foreach (var item in list) { string[] tmpArr = item.Split(':'); if (tmpArr.Length > 1) { int itemID = 0; if (tmpArr[1] == "__") continue; int.TryParse(tmpArr[1], out itemID); if (itemID <= 0) continue; bool find = false; foreach (int item1 in idList) { if (item1 == itemID) { find = true; break; } } if (!find) { idList.Add(itemID); } } } List<string> keys = new List<string>(); foreach (int item in idList) { IList<string> cachearr = GetStats(serverList, MemcachedStats.CachedDump, item + " 0"); foreach (string itemCache in cachearr) { string[] tmpArr = itemCache.Split(':'); if (tmpArr.Length > 1) { if (tmpArr[1] == "__") { continue; } if (tmpArr[0].Contains(prefix_key)) keys.Add(tmpArr[0]); } } } return keys; } }
List<string> list = MemCachedManager.GetAllKeys("ShoeSafeCycle_");
PS. 参考文章地址: