【关节电机专栏】ESP32 TWAI CAN Arduino库驱动大然电机(PDA-04)


大然电机官方提供了 STM32、Arduino 等函数库,但是没有提供ESP32的函数库





本项目用到了ESP32-TWAI-CAN底层CAN库,需要提前调用好 Platform 的库。不会的话参考文章:【关节电机专栏】ESP32 TWAI CAN Arduino库驱动小米电机(CyberGear微电机)




分别为数据转换(如 float 与 int 之间的转换)、帧结构(标准帧还是扩展帧?遥控帧还是数据帧?帧ID的具体含义?)以及上层的协议命令。

1. 首先,在main.c中包含以下头文件

#include "twai_can_dr_motor_frame.h"
#include "twai_can_dr_motor_protocol.h"

2. 然后,在setup() 函数中初始化电机CAN总线 (设置比特率、队列等等) Motor_CAN_Init();
3. 最后,在loop()函数中,或在中断中,调用电机控制类函数(比如控制角度、速度、自适应等等)
比如:  set_angle(id_num, angle, speed, param, mode); // 控制 7 号关节转到 0°

具体思路之1—— 如何进行CAN初始化?


bool begin(TwaiSpeed twaiSpeed = TWAI_SPEED_500KBPS, 
                int8_t txPin = -1, int8_t rxPin = -1,
                uint16_t txQueue = 0xFFFF, uint16_t rxQueue = 0xFFFF,
                twai_filter_config_t*  fConfig = nullptr,
                twai_general_config_t* gConfig = nullptr,
                twai_timing_config_t*  tConfig = nullptr);


  • CAN的引脚
  • 电机驱动板对应的比特率

如何实现发送 CAN 消息?——第一步:明确帧格式



  电机通信为 CAN 2.0 通信接口,波特率 1Mbps,采用扩展帧格式,如下所示:
  数据域          29 位 ID            8Byte 数据区
  大小 Bit28~bit24 bit23~8 bit7~0     Byte0~Byte7
  描述 通信类型 数据区 2 目标地址     数据区 1


typedef struct {
  uint32_t id:8;      //8位CAN ID
  uint32_t data:16;   //16位数据
  uint32_t mode:5;    //5位模式
  uint32_t res:3;     //3位保留
  uint8_t tx_data[8];


static void CAN_Send_Frame(can_frame_t* frame)
    CanFrame obdFrame = { 0 };
    uint32_t id_val,data_val,mode_val;
    uint32_t combined_val;

    obdFrame.extd = 1;              //0-标准帧; 1-扩展帧 小米电机采用扩展帧
    obdFrame.rtr = 0;               //0-数据帧; 1-远程帧
    obdFrame.ss = 0;                //0-错误重发; 1-单次发送(仲裁或丢失时消息不会被重发),对接收消息无效
    obdFrame.self = 0;              //0-不接收自己发送的消息,1-接收自己发送的消息,对接收消息无效
    obdFrame.dlc_non_comp = 0;      //0-数据长度不大于8(ISO 11898-1); 1-数据长度大于8(非标); 数据长度为标准长度
    id_val = frame->id;
    data_val = frame->data;
    mode_val = frame->mode;
    combined_val |= (mode_val << 24);
    combined_val |= (data_val << 8);
    combined_val |= id_val;

    obdFrame.identifier = combined_val; //普通帧直接写id,扩展帧需要计算。11/29位ID
    obdFrame.data_length_code = 8;      //要发送的字节数

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        obdFrame.data[i] = frame->tx_data[i];




// CAN发送函数
void send_command(uint8_t id_num, char cmd, unsigned char *data,uint8_t rt)
    //short id_list = (id_num << 5) + cmd;
    /* Can_Send_Msg(id_list, 8, data);
    uint8_t Can_Send_Msg(uint32_t id,uint8_t len,uint8_t *data) {
        uint32_t i=0;
        static  uint32_t  TxMailbox;
        CAN_TxHeaderTypeDef  CAN_TxHeader;
        HAL_StatusTypeDef  HAL_RetVal;
        CAN_TxHeader.IDE = CAN_ID_STD;
        CAN_TxHeader.StdId = id;
        CAN_TxHeader.DLC = len;
        CAN_TxHeader.RTR = CAN_RTR_DATA;
        CAN_TxHeader.TransmitGlobalTime = DISABLE;

        while(HAL_CAN_GetTxMailboxesFreeLevel(&SERVO_CAN) == 0)
                return 1;
        HAL_RetVal = HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage(&SERVO_CAN,&CAN_TxHeader,data,&TxMailbox);
        if(HAL_RetVal != HAL_OK)
            return  1;
     return  0;

    CanFrame obdFrame = { 0 };
    uint16_t combined_val;

    obdFrame.extd = 0;              //0-标准帧; 1-扩展帧 小米电机采用扩展帧;大然电机采用标准帧
    obdFrame.rtr = 0;               //0-数据帧; 1-远程帧
    obdFrame.ss = 0;                //0-错误重发; 1-单次发送(仲裁或丢失时消息不会被重发),对接收消息无效
    obdFrame.self = 0;              //0-不接收自己发送的消息,1-接收自己发送的消息,对接收消息无效
    obdFrame.dlc_non_comp = 0;      //0-数据长度不大于8(ISO 11898-1); 1-数据长度大于8(非标); 数据长度为标准长度

    combined_val |= (id_num << 5);
    combined_val |= cmd;

    obdFrame.identifier = combined_val; //普通帧直接写id,扩展帧需要计算。11/29位ID  (这里很重要)(这里感觉有问题??????)
    obdFrame.data_length_code = 8;      //要发送的字节数

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        obdFrame.data[i] = data[i];


以下是大然电机协议说明书:(完整的命令由 帧ID中的CMD_ID + 数据帧中的 order_num (4个字节) + order_flag(2个字节)共同定义) 




 * @brief 单个关节速度控制函数。
 * 控制指定关节编号的关节按照指定的速度连续整周转动。
 * @param id_num 需要设置的关节ID编号,如果不知道当前关节ID,可以用0广播,如果总线上有多个关节,则多个关节都会执行该操作。
 * @param speed 目标速度(r/min)
 * @param param mode=1, 前馈扭矩(Nm); mode!=1,或目标加速度((r/min)/s)
 * @param mode 控制模式选择
 *             mode=1, 速度前馈控制模式,关节将目标速度直接设为speed
 *             mode!=1,速度爬升控制模式,关节将按照目标加速度axis0.controller.config_.vel_ramp_rate变化到speed。
 * @note 在速度爬升模式下,如果目标加速度设置为0,则关节速度将保持当前值不变。
void set_speed(uint8_t id_num, float speed, float param, int mode)
    float factor = 0.01;
    float f_speed = speed;
    if (mode == 0)
        int s16_torque = (int)((param) / factor);
        if( f_speed == 0)
            s16_torque = 0;
        unsigned short u16_input_mode = 1;

        float value_data[3]= {f_speed,s16_torque,u16_input_mode};
        int type_data[3]= {0,2,1};
        int s16_ramp_rate = (int)((param) / factor);
        unsigned short u16_input_mode = 2;

        float value_data[3]= {f_speed,s16_ramp_rate,u16_input_mode};
        int type_data[3]= {0,2,1};




ESP32 driver library for TWAI / CAN for Adruino using ESP-IDF drivers.
Tested on ESP32 and ESP32-S3.


Library has everything inside it's header, just include that and then use `ESP32Can` object to send or receive `CanFrame`.
Here is simple example how to query and receive OBD2 PID frames:
#include <ESP32-TWAI-CAN.hpp>

// Default for ESP32
#define CAN_TX 5
#define CAN_RX 4

CanFrame rxFrame;

void sendObdFrame(uint8_t obdId) {
        CanFrame obdFrame = { 0 };
        obdFrame.identifier = 0x7DF; // Default OBD2 address;
        obdFrame.extd = 0;
        obdFrame.data_length_code = 8;
        obdFrame.data[0] = 2;
        obdFrame.data[1] = 1;
        obdFrame.data[2] = obdId;
        obdFrame.data[3] = 0xAA;    // Best to use 0xAA (0b10101010) instead of 0
        obdFrame.data[4] = 0xAA;    // CAN works better this way as it needs
        obdFrame.data[5] = 0xAA;    // to avoid bit-stuffing
        obdFrame.data[6] = 0xAA;
        obdFrame.data[7] = 0xAA;
    // Accepts both pointers and references 
    ESP32Can.writeFrame(obdFrame);  // timeout defaults to 1 ms

void setup() {
    // Setup serial for debbuging.

    // Set pins
ESP32Can.setPins(CAN_TX, CAN_RX);

    // You can set custom size for the queues - those are default

    // .setSpeed() and .begin() functions require to use TwaiSpeed enum,
    // but you can easily convert it from numerical value using .convertSpeed()

    // You can also just use .begin()..
    if(ESP32Can.begin()) {
        Serial.println("CAN bus started!");
    } else {
        Serial.println("CAN bus failed!");

    // or override everything in one command;
    // It is also safe to use .begin() without .end() as it calls it internally
    if(ESP32Can.begin(ESP32Can.convertSpeed(500), CAN_TX, CAN_RX, 10, 10)) {
        Serial.println("CAN bus started!");
    } else {
        Serial.println("CAN bus failed!");

void loop() {
    static uint32_t lastStamp = 0;
    uint32_t currentStamp = millis();
    if(currentStamp - lastStamp > 1000) {   // sends OBD2 request every second
        lastStamp = currentStamp;
        sendObdFrame(5); // For coolant temperature

    // You can set custom timeout, default is 1000
    if(ESP32Can.readFrame(rxFrame, 1000)) {
        // Comment out if too many requests 
        Serial.printf("Received frame: %03X \r\n", rxFrame.identifier);
        if(rxFrame.identifier == 0x7E8) {   // Standard OBD2 frame responce ID
            Serial.printf("Collant temp: %3d°C \r\n", rxFrame.data[3] - 40); // Convert to °C


You can also setup your own masks and configurations:
// Everything is defaulted so you can just call .begin() or .begin(TwaiSpeed)
// Calling begin() to change speed works, it will disable current driver first
bool begin(TwaiSpeed twaiSpeed = TWAI_SPEED_500KBPS, 
                int8_t txPin = -1, int8_t rxPin = -1,
                uint16_t txQueue = 0xFFFF, uint16_t rxQueue = 0xFFFF,
                twai_filter_config_t*  fConfig = nullptr,
                twai_general_config_t* gConfig = nullptr,
                twai_timing_config_t*  tConfig = nullptr);
Follow `soc/twai_types.h` for more info:

typedef struct {
    union {
        struct {
            //The order of these bits must match deprecated message flags for compatibility reasons
            uint32_t extd: 1;           /**< Extended Frame Format (29bit ID) */
            uint32_t rtr: 1;            /**< Message is a Remote Frame */
            uint32_t ss: 1;             /**< Transmit as a Single Shot Transmission. Unused for received. */
            uint32_t self: 1;           /**< Transmit as a Self Reception Request. Unused for received. */
            uint32_t dlc_non_comp: 1;   /**< Message's Data length code is larger than 8. This will break compliance with ISO 11898-1 */
            uint32_t reserved: 27;      /**< Reserved bits */
        //Todo: Deprecate flags
        uint32_t flags;                 /**< Deprecated: Alternate way to set bits using message flags */
    uint32_t identifier;                /**< 11 or 29 bit identifier */
    uint8_t data_length_code;           /**< Data length code */
    uint8_t data[TWAI_FRAME_MAX_DLC];    /**< Data bytes (not relevant in RTR frame) */
} twai_message_t;

 * @brief   Structure for bit timing configuration of the TWAI driver
 * @note    Macro initializers are available for this structure
typedef struct {
    uint32_t brp;                   /**< Baudrate prescaler (i.e., APB clock divider). Any even number from 2 to 128 for ESP32, 2 to 32768 for ESP32S2.
                                         For ESP32 Rev 2 or later, multiples of 4 from 132 to 256 are also supported */
    uint8_t tseg_1;                 /**< Timing segment 1 (Number of time quanta, between 1 to 16) */
    uint8_t tseg_2;                 /**< Timing segment 2 (Number of time quanta, 1 to 8) */
    uint8_t sjw;                    /**< Synchronization Jump Width (Max time quanta jump for synchronize from 1 to 4) */
    bool triple_sampling;           /**< Enables triple sampling when the TWAI controller samples a bit */
} twai_timing_config_t;

 * @brief   Structure for acceptance filter configuration of the TWAI driver (see documentation)
 * @note    Macro initializers are available for this structure
typedef struct {
    uint32_t acceptance_code;       /**< 32-bit acceptance code */
    uint32_t acceptance_mask;       /**< 32-bit acceptance mask */
    bool single_filter;             /**< Use Single Filter Mode (see documentation) */
} twai_filter_config_t;


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