1. 简介: 模拟不同的两个队伍进行排球的模拟比赛。
2. 模拟原理: 通过输入各自的能力值(Ⅰ),模拟比赛的进行( P ),最后输出模拟的结果( O )。
P 简介:通过产生随机数得到每局比赛的难度,若小于能力值则表示赢得本局比赛,反之输掉本局比赛。
3. 规则简介:
① 每场比赛采用 5局3胜制。
② 前四局采用25分制,每个队只有在赢得至少25分,且同时超过对方2分时才胜一局。
③ 决胜局(第五局)采用15分制,先获得15分,且同时超过对方2分为胜。
4. 准备就绪,就差代码来实现了
printInfo() | 打印程序的介绍信息 |
getInputs() | 获得用户输入的参数 |
simNGames(n, probA, probB) | 模拟n场比赛 |
simOneGame(probA, probB) | 模拟一场比赛,包括五局,采取五局三胜制 |
simAGame(N, probA, probB) | 模拟一局比赛 |
GameOver(N, scoreA, scoreB) | 定义一局比赛的结束条件 |
printResult(n, winsA, winsB) | 输出模拟比赛的结果 |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun May 12 23:15:03 2019 @author: guo'yu'yi """ import random import os def printInfo(): print("gyy的这个程序模拟两个选手A和B的某种竞技比赛 : ") print("需要A和B的能力值(以0到1之间的小数表示):") def getInputs(): proA=eval(input("请输入选手A的能力值(0-1):")) proB=eval(input("请输入选手B的能力值(0-1):")) n=eval(input("模拟比赛的场次:")) return proA,proB,n def simNGames(proA, proB, n): countA,countB=0,0 for i in range(n): if SimOneGame(proA, proB)==1: countA+=1 else: countB+=1 return countA, countB def SimOneGame(proA, proB): temp=0.5 while temp==0.5: temp=random.random() if temp<0.5: serve="A" else: serve="B" setA,setB=0,0 while not gameOver(setA,setB): scoreA,scoreB=0, 0 while not setOver(scoreA, scoreB,setA+setB+1): if serve=="A": if random.random()<proA: scoreA+=1 else: scoreB+=1 serve="B" else: if random.random()<proB: scoreB+=1 else: scoreA+=1 serve="A" if scoreA>scoreB: setA+=1 else: setB+=1 return (1 if (setA > setB) else 0) def setOver(scoreA, scoreB,sets): if sets==5: if scoreA>=15 or scoreB>=15: if(abs(scoreA-scoreB)>=2): return True else: return False else: return False else: if scoreA>=25 or scoreB>=25: if(abs(scoreA-scoreB)>=2): return True else: return False else: return False def gameOver(setA,setB): if setA==3 or setB==3: return True else: return False def printSummary(countA, countB): print("选手A获胜{0}场比赛,占比{1:.2f}%".format(countA, countA/(countA + countB)*100)) print("选手B获胜{0}场比赛,占比{1:.2f}%".format(countB, countB/(countA + countB)*100)) if __name__ == "__main__": printInfo() proA, proB, n = getInputs() print("竞技分析开始,共模拟{}场比赛".format(n)) countA, countB = simNGames(proA, proB, n) printSummary(countA, countB)
from random import random def printIntro(): print("36号程序员的程序模拟两个选手A和B的排球比赛") print("程序需要A和B的能力值(以0到1之间的小数表示)") def getInputs(): a=eval(input("请输入选手A的能力值(0—1):")) b=eval(input("请输入选手B的能力值(0—1):")) n=eval(input("模拟比赛的场次:")) return a,b,n def simNGames(n,probA,probB): winsA,winsB=0,0 for i in range(n): scoreA,scoreB=simOneGame(probA,probB) if scoreA>scoreB: winsA+=1 else: winsB+=1 return winsA,winsB def gameOver1(a,b): return (a>=25 and a-b>2) or (b>=25 and b-a>2) def gameOver2(a,b): return (a>=15 and a-b>2) or (b>=15 and b-a>2) def simOneGame(probA,probB): for i in range (5): winsA,winsB=0,0 scoreA,scoreB=0,0 serving="A" while not gameOver1(scoreA,scoreB): if serving=="A": if random()<probA: scoreA+=1 else: scoreB+=1 serving="B" else: if random()<probB: scoreB+=1 else: serving="A" scoreA+=1 if scoreA>scoreB: winsA+=1 else: winsB+=1 if winsA==3 or winsB==3: break if winsA==2 and winsB==2: simtowGame(probA,probB) return winsA,winsB def simtowGame(probA,probB): for i in range (1): scoreA,scoreB=0,0 serving="A" while not gameOver2(scoreA,scoreB): if serving=="A": if random()<probA: scoreA+=1 else: scoreB+=1 serving="B" else: if random()<probB: scoreB+=1 else: serving="A" scoreA+=1 return scoreA,scoreB def printSummary(winsA,winsB): n=winsA+winsB print("竞技分析开始,共模拟{}场比赛".format(n)) print("选手A获胜{}场比赛,占比{:0.1%}".format(winsA,winsA/n)) print("选手B获胜{}场比赛,占比{:0.1%}".format(winsB,winsB/n)) def main(): printIntro() probA,probB,n=getInputs() winsA,winsB=simNGames(n,probA,probB) printSummary(winsA,winsB) main()
• 打包后的exe文件
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue May 14 19:45:17 2019 @author: guo'yu'yi """ from random import * def printIntro(): print("这个程序模拟两个队伍A和B的篮球比赛") print("这个程序需要A和B的能力值(0-1)") def getInputs(): a=eval(input('A的能力值为:')) b=eval(input("B的能力值为:")) n=eval(input("比赛的场次为:")) return a,b,n def gameover(i,k): if i>k: return True return False def one(a,b): scorea,scoreb=0,0 x='A' i=1 k=randint(10,40) while not gameover(i,k): if x=='A': if random()<a: scorea+=2 else: x='B' else: if random()<b: scoreb+=2 else: x='A' i+=1 return scorea,scoreb def ones(probA,probB): wa,wb=0,0 for j in range(4): xa,xb=one(probA,probB) wa+=xa wb+=xb while wa==wb: xa,xb=jiashisai(probA,probB) wa+=xa wb+=xb return wa,wb def jiashisai(a,b): scorea,scoreb=0,0 i=1 x='A' while not gameover(i,randint(1,5)): if x=='A': if random()<a: scorea+=2 else: x='B' else: if random()<b: scoreb+=2 else: x='A' i+=1 return scorea,scoreb def simNGames(n,probA,probB): a,b=0,0 for i in range(n): x,y=ones(probA,probB) if x>y: a+=1 else: b+=1 return a,b def printSummary(a,b,n): print("A赢了{}场 B赢了{}场 共{}".format(a,b,n)) print("A赢的概率为{:0.1%} B赢的概率为{:0.1%}".format(a/n,b/n)) def main(): printIntro() probA,probB,n=getInputs() winsA,winsB=simNGames(n,probA,probB) printSummary(winsA,winsB,n) main()