0. 在openEuler(推荐)或Ubuntu或Windows(不推荐)中完成下面任务
- 利大整数库(GMP或者OpenSSL),参考《密码工程》p113伪代码实现GenerateLargePrime 函数(10‘)
- 在测试代码中产生一个在范围l = 2^255至u = 2^256-1内的素数。(5‘)
- 用OpenSSL验证你产生的素数是不是正确(5’)
- 提交代码和运行结果截图
利用大整数库(GMP或者OpenSSL),实现 GenerateLargePrime 函数,输入:l(素数所在范围的下界)、u(素数所在范围的上界),输出:p(一个在l,…,u区间内的随机素数
#include <gmp.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> // Generate a random large prime number between lower and upper bounds void GenerateLargePrime(mpz_t p, mpz_t l, mpz_t u) { mpz_t temp; mpz_init(temp); gmp_randstate_t state; gmp_randinit_default(state); gmp_randseed_ui(state, time(NULL)); do { mpz_urandomm(temp, state, u); // Generate a random number between 0 and u mpz_add(temp, temp, l); // Add l to the random number to get a number between l and u mpz_nextprime(p, temp); // Find the next prime number after temp } while (mpz_cmp(p, u) > 0); // Repeat until the prime number is within the range [l, u] mpz_clear(temp); gmp_randclear(state); } int main() { mpz_t l, u, p; mpz_init(l); mpz_init(u); mpz_init(p); mpz_set_str(l, "57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968", 10); // Set lower bound 2^255 mpz_set_str(u, "115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935", 10); // Set upper bound 2^256-1 GenerateLargePrime(p, l, u); gmp_printf("Large prime: %Zd\n", p); mpz_clear(l); mpz_clear(u); mpz_clear(p); return 0; }