Problem 12067 - 08 - P. Bracken (USA).
其中γn=Hn−lnn, Hn=n∑j=11j为第n个调和数(Harmonic number),且γ为Euler常数.证明:对所有n,均有βn+1>βn.
Problem 12066 - 08 - Xiang-Qian Chang (USA).
设n和k是大于1的正整数, A是n×n正定Hermite矩阵.证明
Problem 12064 - 08 - C. A. Hernandez Melo (Brazil).
Problem 12063 - 08 - H. Ohtsuka (Japan).
Problem 12060 - 07 - O. Furdui and A. Sintamarian (Romania).
其中Hn=n∑j=11j为第n个调和数(Harmonic number).
Problem 12057 - 07 - P. Korus (Hungary).
Problem 12054 - 06 - C. I. Valean (Romania).
Problem 12051 - 06 - P. Ribeiro (Portugal).
Problem 12049 - 06 - Z. K. Silagadze (Russia).
prove that this integral
for this integral,I can't find it.and I don't know how deal this such strange integral.
and this problem is from china QQ (someone ask it)
before I ask this question:
If we set
we have:
but since
is one of the Euler's partitions identities, and:
we have:
and the claim follows from the Jacobi triple product identity:
Find this integral
How about using the residue theorem? We have
where the sum ranges over all the poles of the integrand f(x)=1(1+x2)[1+(x+y)2] in the upper half-plane. These poles are situated at x∗=i,i−y (assuming y to be real).
As the poles are simple poles, we obtain the residues by
Thus, we have
So, we obtain
as the final result.
In a letter to Hardy, Ramanujan described a simple identity valid for 0<a<b+12:
> ∞∫01+x2(b+1)21+x2a21+x2(b+2)21+x2(a+1)21+x2(b+3)21+x2(a+2)2⋯dx=√π2Γ(a+12)Γ(b+1)Γ(b−a+1)Γ(a)Γ(b+12)Γ(b−a+12)
Which I find remarkable.
1. Has anyone discovered a way to prove (1)? If so, how do you prove it?
2. Where did Ramanujan learn all of his integrational-calculus material (It doesn't appear in the *Synopsis book*)?
3. Does anyone know a pdf or book where I can start learning advanced integration?
I'm wondering how you would prove (1) and if there are similar identities that can be made. Wikipedia doesn't have any information.
>**Proposition 1 :**∞∑k=1(−1)k−1kζH(k,a)xk=ln(Γ(a)Γ(a+x))
**Proof :**
Now integrating,
>**Proposition 2 :**∞∏n=0(1+x2(n+a)2)=Γ2(a)Γ(a+ix)Γ(a−ix)
**Proof :**
It is sufficient to evaluate the series,
>Proposition 3 : If F(s)=∞∫0xs−1f(x)dx then ∞∫−∞|F(ix)|2dx=2π∞∫0|f(x)|2xdx
**Proof :**
Set x=ey ,
Now by properties of Fourier Transform,
Now by setting ex=t we get our result,
>**Main Problem:** ∞∫01+x2(b+1)21+x2a21+x2(b+2)21+x2(a+1)21+x2(b+3)21+x2(a+2)2⋯dx=√π2Γ(a+12)Γ(b+1)Γ(b−a+1)Γ(a)Γ(b+12)Γ(b−a+12)
**Proof :** If we denote the integral by I then using (2) it can be rewritten as,
Now by defining h(x)=xa(1−x)b−aΓ(b−a+1) for x∈[0,1] and 0 for ∀x∉[0,1] (Just like done in the link in the comment) we can conclude that F(s)=M[h(x)]=Γ(s+a)Γ(s+b+1) and from (3) it follows that,
where last line follows from the Duplication formula , and we are done !
The wikipedia page on [Srinivasa Ramanujan][1] gives a very strange formula:
> **Ramanujan:** If 0<a<b+12 then, ∞∫01+x2/(b+1)21+x2/a2×1+x2/(b+2)21+x2/(a+1)2×⋯ dx=√π2Γ(a+12)⋅Γ(b+1)Γ(b−a+12)Γ(a)⋅Γ(b+12)⋅Γ(b−a+1)
- Question I would like to pose to this community is: What could be the Intuition behind discovering this formula.
- Next, I see that Ramanujan has discovered a lot of formulas for expressing π as series. May I know what is the advantage of having a same number expressed as a series in a different way. Is it useful at all?
- From what I know Ramanujan basically worked on *Infinite series, Continued fractions,* ⋯ etc. I have never seen applications of *continued fractions*, in the real world. I would also like to know if continued fractions has any applications.
Hope I haven't asked too many questions. As I was posting this question the last question on *application of continued fractions* popped up and I thought it would be a good idea to pose it here, instead of posing it as a new question.
[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srinivasa_Ramanujan
This is one of those precious cases when Ramanujan himself provided (a sketch of) a proof. The identity was published in his paper ["Some definite integrals"][1] (*Mess. Math.* 44 (1915), pp. 10-18) together with several related formulae.
It might be instructive to look first at the simpler identity (i.e. the limiting case when b→∞; the identity mentioned in the original question can be obtained by a similar approach):
Ramanujan derives (1) by using a partial fraction decomposition of the product ∏nk=011+x2/(a+k)2, integrating term-wise, and passing to the limit n→∞. He also indicates that alternatively (1) is implied by the factorization
which follows readily from Euler's product formula for the gamma function. Thus (1) is equivalent to the formula
There is a nice paper ["Wallis-Ramanujan-Schur-Feynman"][2] by Amdeberhan et al (*American Mathematical Monthly* 117 (2010), pp. 618-632) that discusses interesting combinatorial aspects of formula (1) and its generalizations.
[1]: http://www.imsc.res.in/~rao/ramanujan/CamUnivCpapers/Cpaper11/page1.htm
[2]: http://arminstraub.com/files/publications/ws.pdf
Wikipedia [informs][1] me that
I tried considering f(x,n)=e−xn2 so that its Mellin transform becomes Mx(f)=n−2zΓ(z) so inverting and summing
However, this last integral (whose integrand has poles at z=0,12 with respective residues of −12 and 12) is hard to evaluate due to the behavior of the function as ℜ(z)→±∞ which makes a classic infinite contour over the entire left/right plane impossible.
How does one go about evaluating this sum?
[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theta_function#Explicit_values
This one is a direct evaluation of elliptic integrals. Jacobi's theta function ϑ3(q) is defined via the equation ϑ3(q)=∞∑n=−∞qn2 Let 0<k<1 and k′=√1−k2 and we define elliptic integrals K,K′ via K(k)=∫π/20dx√1−k2sin2x,K=K(k),K′=K(k′) Then it is [almost a miracle][1] that we can get k in terms of K,K′ via the variable q=e−πK′/K using equations k=ϑ22(q)ϑ23(q) where ϑ2(q) is another theta function of Jacobi defined by ϑ2(q)=∞∑n=−∞q(n+(1/2))2 Also the function ϑ3(q) is directly related to K via ϑ3(q)=√2Kπ The proofs of (3) and (5) are given in the linked post on my blog.
The sum in the question is ϑ3(e−π) so that we have q=e−π. This implies that K′/K=1 so that k=k′ and from k2+k′2=1 we get k2=1/2. And then ϑ3(q)=√2Kπ=√2π⋅Γ2(1/4)4√π=Γ(1/4)π3/4√2 Now using Γ(1/4)Γ(3/4)=π/sin(π/4)=π√2 we get ∞∑n=−∞e−πn2=ϑ3(e−π)=4√πΓ(3/4) The value of K=K(1/√2) in terms of Γ(1/4) is evaluated in [this answer][2].
[1]: http://paramanands.blogspot.com/2010/10/the-magic-of-theta-functions.html
[2]: https://math.stackexchange.com/a/1793756/72031
I found an interesting series
- Does anybody know how to approach this series using Jacobi Theta Function?
- Also, can any one suggest any good papers/books on Jacobi theta functions and Jacobi Elliptic functions?
Thank you very much!
We have ϑ4(q)=∞∏n=1(1−q2n)(1−q2n−1)2 It is easily seen that the above product can be written as ∞∏n=1(1−q2n)⋅(1−qn)2(1−q2n)2=∞∏n=1(1−qn)21−q2n=∞∏n=11−qn1+qn Putting q=e−π and noting that tanh(nπ/2)=enπ/2−enπ/2enπ/2+enπ/2=1−e−nπ1+e−nπ=1−qn1+qn we have via virtue of equations (1),(2),(3) ϑ4(e−π)=∞∏n=1tanh(nπ2) so that the first equality is proved.
Now to calculate the value of ϑ4(q) for q=e−π note that ϑ4(q)=ϑ4(q)ϑ3(q)⋅ϑ3(q)=√k′√2Kπ For q=e−π we have k=k′=1/√2 and K=∫π/20dx√1−(1/2)sin2x=14√πΓ2(14) and hence ϑ4(e−π)=2−3/4π−3/4Γ(1/4) and noting that Γ(1/4)Γ(3/4)=πsin(π/4)=√2π we get ϑ4(e−π)=π1/421/4Γ(3/4) so that the second equality of the question is also proved.
The integral in (5) is easily evaluated via the use of beta and gamma functions. Thus
K=K(1/√2)=∫π/20dx√1−(1/2)sin2x=√2∫π/20dx√2−sin2x=√2∫π/20dx√1+cos2x=√2∫10dt√1−t4 (by putting t=cosx)=√24∫10x−3/4(1−x)−1/2dx (by putting t4=x)=√24B(14,12)=√24⋅Γ(14)Γ(12)Γ(34)=√2π4⋅Γ(14)Γ(34)=√2π4⋅Γ2(14)Γ(14)Γ(34)=√2π4⋅Γ2(14)πsin(π/4)=14√πΓ2(14)
**Update**: Apparently I forgot to shed some light on the second question asked by OP namely any references/books on the theory of Jacobi Elliptic and Theta functions. This I deal with now.
The theory of Elliptic functions and theta functions is a very fascinating one. My own sources of study in this field are the following books (order of the books listed is not important here):
- *A Course of Modern Analysis* by Whittaker and Watson: A definitive resource for many many topics apart from theta functions. The focus here is on using the methods of complex analysis to develop a theory of elliptic and theta functions.
- *An Elementary Treatise on Elliptic Functions* by Cayley: This book develops the theory of elliptic functions in a very elementary fashion and I learnt most of the topic from this book. The presentation is easy to follow and does not require any deep skills apart from a good knowledge of calculus.
- *Elliptic Functions* by Armitage and Eberlein: This is another good book from Cambridge University Press which I read. It uses both elementary techniques as well as complex analysis to develop the theory of elliptic functions.
- *Pi and the AGM* by Borwein and Borwein: This is a truly singular book which connects elliptic integrals with Arithmetic Geometric Mean and is an interesting but somewhat difficult read.
- *Ramanujan Notebooks Vol 3* by Berndt: Ramanujan developed his own theory of theta functions independently of Jacobi and went far ahead, but his techniques are mostly unknown and Berndt has tried to discern his methods (to some extent) and establish most of his formulas in the theory of theta functions.
- *Collected Papers of Ramanujan* : There are some papers dealing with some applications of theory of theta functions. The value of this book is to get an insight into some of the techniques Ramanujan used. In particular one must read his monumental paper "Modular Equations and Approximations to π".
- *Fundamenta Nova* by Jacobi: This is a very good book but unfortunately written in Latin. I did manage to study some parts with the help of google translate and you can give it a try if you are willing to put extra effort of translation.
All the above books combined together cover most of the elementary and some advanced topics related to elliptic and theta functions *except its link with the algebraic number theory* (mainly the link with imaginary quadratic extensions of Q). This is perhaps the most important and deep topic which is now famous by the name of *modular forms*. Unfortunately I don't have much knowledge on this topic.
The references listed above can be found online for free (if you search enough). I have tried to extract material from these references and present a coherent theory of elliptic integrals/functions and theta functions in [my blog posts][1] (in fact I started blogging only to document whatever I had learnt about these mysterious theta functions). The blog also contains the Ramanujan's theory of theta functions and the Borwein's approach via Arithmetic Geometric Mean. The advantage of the blog posts is that they are concise and are written in a particular order such that pre-requisites for proving a result are discussed before presenting the result.
[1]: https://paramanands.blogspot.in/p/archives.html
>**Prove That :**
>**where** S=∞∑n=−∞e−πn2
In [this answer](https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/434933/proving-sum-n-infty-infty-e-pi-n2-frac-sqrt4-pi-gamma-left) by the user [@Sangchul Lee](https://math.stackexchange.com/users/9340/sangchul-lee), the above identity is claimed. Can we prove it without calculating the two sums separately?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Let we set
as the arithmetic function that counts the number of representation as a sum of two integer squares. By Cauchy convolution we clearly have (by setting x=e−π)
while the other series mentioned in the question is a [Lambert series][1]. By setting
the question boils down to proving that
where χ is the non-principal [Dirichlet character][2] (mod4).<br>
By [Lagrange's identity][3], the set of numbers equal to a sum of two integer squares is a semigroup. r2(n) depends on the number of ways for writing n as z⋅ˉz, with z=a+ib. Z[i] is a Euclidean domain and so a UFD, and every integer prime p splits in Z[i] as z⋅ˉz iff p=2 or p≡1(mod4) (that can be proved by Fermat's descent, for instance). It follows that r2(n) is a constant times a multiplicative function, given by the convolution between χ and 1, and the previous constant is exactly the number of invertible elements in Z[i], namely 4 (1,−1,i,−i).<br>
This is not the only way for proving the claim. Another chance is given by [Jacobi triple product][4] and differentiation. See, for instance, [Varouchas, *Démonstration Élémentaire d'une Identité de Lorenz*][5].
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_series
[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirichlet_character
[3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange%27s_identity
[4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacobi_triple_product
[5]: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1009732927027
This is a standard property of theta functions. Let ϑ3(q) denote one of the Jacobi theta functions defined by ϑ3(q)=∞∑n=−∞qn2 Then it is possible to show that ϑ23(q)=1+4∞∑n=1qn1+q2n and the sum on right can be written as a double sum ∞∑n=1qn1+q2n=∞∑n=1qn∞∑m=0(−1)mq2mn and interchanging order of summation we get ∞∑n=1∞∑m=0(−1)mq(2m+1)n=∞∑m=0(−1)m∞∑n=1q(2m+1)n=∞∑m=0(−1)mq2m+11−q2m+1 and hence from (2) and (3) we get ϑ23(q)=1+4∞∑n=0(−1)nq2n+11−q2n+1 Using (1) and putting q=e−π we get (∞∑n=−∞e−πn2)2=1+4∞∑n=0(−1)ne(2n+1)π−1 So we are left with proving the fundamental identity (2). This is easily proved by using the [Fourier series for elliptic function dn(u,k)][1] given by dn(u,k)=π2K+2πK∞∑n=1qncos(nπu/K)1+q2n and putting u=0 and noting that dn(u,k)=1 and 2K/π=ϑ23(q). The identity (4) i.e. (∞∑n=−∞qn2)2=1+4∞∑n=0(−1)nq2n+11−q2n+1 can also be [proved directly by using Jacobi's Triple Product][2].
The answer by Jack D'Aurizio proves the number theoretic interpretation of identity (4) and thereby establishes (4). Also note that Ramanujan was able to square the identity (4) by direct algebraical manipulation to prove that (∞∑n=−∞qn2)4=1+8∞∑n=1nqn(1+(−q)n) (put θ=π/2 in equation (16) of [this post][3]). This identity also has number theoretic interpretation that r4(n)=8∑d∣nd if n is odd and r4(n)=24∑d odd d∣nd when n is even where r4(n) is the number of ways in which a positive integer n can be expressed as the sum of squares of 4 integers (counting order as well as sign of integers). A simple corollary is that every positive integer n can be expressed as a sum of four squares.
[1]: http://paramanands.blogspot.com/2011/02/elliptic-functions-fourier-series.html
[2]: https://math.stackexchange.com/a/737894/72031
[3]: http://paramanands.blogspot.com/2013/05/certain-lambert-series-identities-and-their-proof-via-trigonometry-part-1.html
How to prove the following identity
I am totally clueless in this one. Would you help me, please? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
This is the now famous Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula, see
Here is a summary of the proof given by Bailey, Borwein, Borwein, and Plouffe in [The Quest for Pi](http://crd-legacy.lbl.gov/~dhbailey/dhbpapers/pi-quest.pdf) in only a few lines of integration.
To begin they note the following definite integrals as summations, n=1,…,7:
If the fractional factor of the summation in the Question is expanded by partial fractions:
then the integrals above can be applied to give:
At this point the authors claim a substitution of y=x√2, making:
Finally the last integral may be expanded by partial fractions to give:
By way of explanation the authors point out that this rigorous proof was sought only after the discovery of the apparent [integer relations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer_relation_algorithm) among summations and π via the [PSLQ algorithm](http://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1999-68-225/S0025-5718-99-00995-3/S0025-5718-99-00995-3.pdf).
How to calculate this relation?
Where G is the Catalan's constant, and β(x)=∞∑k=1(−1)k−1(2k−1)x is the Dirichlet's beta function.
Integrate by parts u=(arctanx)2ln(1+x2) v=arctanx
We have 3I=π364ln2−2∫10x(arctanx)3dx1+x2
But how to calculate the latter integral?Could anybody please help by offering useful hints or solutions?Ithing very difficult to prove.
Take arctan(x)=u,dx1+x2=du. Then I=∫10(arctan(x))21+x2log(1+x2)dx=∫π/40u2log(1+tan2(u))du =−2∫π/40u2log(cos(u))du and now using the Fourier series log(cos(u))=−log(2)−∑k≥1(−1)kcos(2ku)k,0≤x<π2 we have I=log(2)π396+2∑k≥1(−1)kk∫π/40u2cos(2ku)du and the last integral is trivial to estimate ∫π/40u2cos(2ku)du=π2sin(πk2)32k−sin(πk2)4k3+πcos(πk2)8k2 so we have I=log(2)π396+π2∑k≥1(−1)ksin(πk2)16k2−∑k≥1(−1)ksin(πk2)2k4+π∑k≥1(−1)kcos(πk2)4k3 and now observing that cos(πk2)={−1,k≡2mod41,k≡0mod40,otherwise and sin(πk2)={−1,k≡3mod41,k≡1mod40,otherwise we have I=log(2)π396−π216K+β(4)2−3πζ(3)128≈0.064824 where the last sum is obtained using the relation between [Dirichlet eta function][1] and Riemann zeta function.
This is a nice problem. I am trying to use nice methods to solve this integral, But I failed.
where arctanx=tan−1x
mark: this integral is my favorite one. Thanks to whoever has nice methods.
I have proved the following:
where Cnm=m(m−n)!n!,Hn=1+12+13+⋯+1n
I also have got a few by-products
where I1=∫10ln(1−x2)1+x2ln(1+x22)dx=π4ln22+π332−2K×ln2
and same methods,I have follow integral
where K denotes Catalan's Constant.
Here is a solution that only uses complex analysis:
Let ϵ > 0 and consider the truncated integral
By using the formula
it follows that
Now let ω=eiπ/4 and make the change of variable z=1+ix√2 to obtain
where Lϵ is the line segment joining from ˉωϵ:=ˉω+iϵ√2 to ω. Now we tweak this contour of integration according to the following picture:
![enter image description here][1]
That is, we first draw a clockwise circular arc γϵ centered at ˉω joining from ˉωϵ to some points on the unit circle, and draw a counter-clockwise circular arc Γϵ joining from the endpoint of γϵ to ω. Then
It is easy to check that as ϵ→0+, the central angle of γϵ converges to π/4. Since γϵ winds ˉω clockwise, we have
Also, by applying the change of variable z=eiθ,
Thus taking ϵ→0+, we have
Combining these results, we have
The same technique shows that
[1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/Omsqm.png
I'm very curious about the ways I may compute the following integral. I'd be very glad to know your approaching ways for this integral:
According to W|A, I1=π, I2=2π, I3=3π, and one may be tempted to think that it's about an arithmetical progression here, but things change (unfortunately) from I4 that is 9π2. This problem
came to my mind when I was working on a different problem.
First note that
by the [Dirichlet integral](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirichlet_integral). Also, by mathematical induction we can easily prove that
where the summation runs over the set S={−1,1}n. Thus we have
For example, if n=3, we have |±1±2±3|=0,0,2,2,4,4,6,6 and hence
Let the summation part as
The first 10 terms of (An) are given by
and thus the corresponding (In) are given by
So far, I was unable to find a simple formula for (An), and I guess that it is not easy to find such one.
p.s. The probability distribution of Sn=e1+⋯+enn is bell-shaped, and fits quite well with the corresponding normal distribution Xn∼N(0,V(Sn)). Thus it is not bad to conjecture that
and hence
Indeed, numerical experiment shows that
![Numerical Experiment][1]
I was able to prove a much weaker statement:
First, we observe that for |x|≤1 we have
Thus in particular,
Now let
For Kn, we have
For Jn, the substitution √nx↦y gives
This completes the proof.
[1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/P28na.png
I thought it would be worth mentioning that ∫∞−∞1−∏nk=1cos(akx)x2=πan if the ak's are positive parameters and an≥∑n−1k=1ak.
This integral is somewhat similar to the [Borwein integral][1].
We can show (1) by integrating the function f(z)=1−eianz∏n−1k=1cos(akz)z2 around an indented contour that consists of the real axis and the semicircle above it.
If an≥∑n−1k=1ak, then 1−eianzn−1∏k=1cos(akz)=1−eianxn−1∏k=1eiakz−e−iakz2 is bounded in the upper half-plane. (If you expand, all of the exponentials are of the form eibz, where b≥0.)
So integrating around the contour, we get PV∫∞−∞f(x)dx−iπRes[f(z),0]=0, where Res[f(z),0]=limz→01−eianz∏n−1k=1cos(akz)z=limz→0(−ianeianzn−1∏k=1cos(akz)+eianzn−1∑k=1aksin(akz)n−1∏j=1j≠kcos(ajz))=−ian.
The result follows by equating the real parts on both sides of the equation.
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borwein_integral
In(x) is defined as the following.
We know
Now, prove
for x≥2.
Let's define sinc(x)={sin(x)x,x≠01,x=0 we have the following :
>**Theorem:** Suppose that {an} is a sequence of positive numbers. Let sn=∑nk=1ak and τn=∫∞0n∏k=0sinc(akt)dt then 0<τn≤πa0n and the equality holds if n=0 or a0≥sn when n≥1.
(See [here][1] for the proof) So if we define ak=1(k+1)x with x≥2 we note that a0=1≥∞∑k=11(k+1)x=ζ(x)−1 and so we have In(x)=∫∞0n∏k=1sin(t/kx)t/kxdt=∫∞0n∏k=0sin(t/(k+1)x)t/(k+1)xdt=π2. **Note:** I think your product must start from 1 since sin(a/x)a/xx→0→0 and so all product becomes 0.
How can we prove the following trigonometric identity?
This is a famous problem!
A proof, which I got from just googling, appears as a solution Problem 218 in the College Mathematics Journal.
![alt text][1]
[1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/PYq30.png
You should be able to find a couple of different proofs more and references here: http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0709/0709.3755v1.pdf
Another way to solve it using the following theorem found [here][1] (author B.Sury):
> Let p be an odd prime, p≡−1(mod4) and let Q be the set of squares in Z∗p. Then, ∑a∈Qsin(2aπp)=√p2
[1]: http://www.isibang.ac.in/~sury/luckyoct10.pdf
You may also need to use 2sin(x)cos(y)=sin(x+y)+sin(x−y).
Since tan3π11+4sin2π11>0, it's enough to prove that
(sin3π11+4sin2π11cos3π11)2=11cos23π11 or
(sin3π11+2sin5π11−2sinπ11)2=11cos23π11 or
−4cos2π11+4cos4π11−8cos4π11+8cos6π11=11+11cos6π11 or
5∑k=1cos2kπ11=−12 or
5∑k=12sinπ11cos2kπ11=−sinπ11 or
5∑k=1(sin(2k+1)π11−sin(2k−1)π11)=−sinπ11 or
Similar to the proof from the College Mathematics Journal, but structured slightly differently.
Let ω=eiπ/11. Then we get sinkπ11=ω2k−12iωk and tankπ11=ω2k−1i(ω2k+1)
Substitution followed by some algebraic manipulations should lead to 10∑i=0ω2i=0, which is certainly true.
A slightly more general one is
(tan3x+4sin2x)2=11−cos8x(tan8x+tan3x)sinxcos3x. The proof is similar, see e.g. on Mathlinks [here][1] or the attached file [on the bottom of this post][2].
[1]: http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?p=494824#p494824
[2]: http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?p=90737#p90737
**Nice Question:**
show that: The follow nice trigonometry
This problem I have ugly solution, maybe someone have nice methods? Thank you
My ugly solution:
>let A=tan2π13+4sin6π13,B=tan4π13+4sinπ13
where n is odd,and w=2kπn
Have other nice metods?
and I know this is simlar 1982 AMM problem: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/11246/how-to-prove-that-tan3-pi-11-4-sin2-pi-11-sqrt11
But My problem is hard then AMM problem。Thank you very much!
Here's an approach using some number theory. I'm no cleaner than yours, but it does apply standard techniques that might be good to know (and pretty much always work, even when there's no short solution).
Let ζ=exp(2πi13). Then ζ solves the 12th-order equation p(ζ)=ζ12+ζ11+⋯+ζ+1=0, and no polynomial with rational coefficients of lower degree. Note that tan2π13=−iζ−ζ−1ζ+ζ−1, and sin6π13=−iζ3−ζ−32. Thus the problem is equivalent to showing that
solves the equation ξ2=−13−2√13.
Note that this is almost equivalent to the equation
The difference is the choice of ±√13 above, which can in principal be fixed with some estimations.
This latter equation must follow purely from the algebraic equation p(ζ)=0; in particular, it must hold for all other roots of p. This suggests that the ideas of Galois theory could help.
So, let's take some time to document the Galois theory of the algebraic integer ζ, and of the field Q[ζ]. We begin by calculating its Galois group. The roots of p are ζ,ζ2,…,ζ12; and so the Galois group G=Aut(Q[ζ]) has order 12. Each element f∈G is of the form fm:ζ↦ζm; noting that fmfn(ζ)=fm(ζn)=(ζm)n=ζmn, we see that the Galois group is abelian. Noting that 33≡1(mod13), we see that f3 is an automorphism of order 3. Finally, 24≡3(mod13), so (f2)4=f3, from which it follows that f2 is an element in G of order 12. In particular, G≅Z/(12) is cyclic, generated by (for example) f2.
This means the following. An element of Q[ζ] — i.e. a polynomial in ζ — is rational iff it it invariant under f2. Every element of Q[ζ] solves a 12th-order polynomial. Since f3 and its inverse (f3)−1=(f3)2=f9 are the only elements of G of order 3, an element of Q[ζ] solves a 4th-order polynomial iff it is invariant under f3. Note that f4 generates the subgroup of order 6, which has index 2 in Z/6; therefore an element solves a quadratic equation iff it is invariant under f4. And so on: the subgroup of order 2 is generated by f12:ζ↦ζ12=ζ−1, and so elements invariant under f12, like ζ+ζ−1, solve 6th-degree polynomials.
Returning to the ξ at hand, let's suppose we don't know what polynomial it's supposed to solve, and try to find it. Before continuing, let's factor a copy of 1+z2 out of p(z)−1, to clear denominators in ξ:
Note that the orbits under f3 are {ζ,ζ3,ζ4}, {ζ2,ζ6,ζ18=ζ5}, and two more formed from these by ζ↦ζ−1. Inspection then shows that ξ is in fact invariant under f3, hence solves a 4th-order equation. The four roots are necessarily given by ξ,f2(ξ),f4(ξ),f8(ξ). Thus the equation is (z−ξ)(z−f2ξ)(z−f4ξ)(z−f8ξ).
Rather than multiplying this out, let's note that f4(ξ)=−ξ, and f8(ξ)=−f2(ξ). This is because ξ transforms by a factor of −1 under the action of f12=(f4)3. (Put another way, ξ is pure imaginary.) Thus we're looking for the polynomial
since it will the minimal polynomial with rational coefficients solved by ξ.
Let us write α=ζ+ζ3+ζ9, so that ξ=α+f2(α)−f4(α)−f8(α), and f2(ξ)=−α+f2(α)+f4(α)−f8(α). Note also that the defining equation is α+f2(α)+f4(α)+f8(α)+1=0. We are reduced to calculating two numbers: b=ξ2+f2(ξ)2 and c=ξ2f2(ξ)2; then q(z)=z4−bz2+c. We note that
α f4(α)=(ζ+ζ3+ζ−4)(ζ4+ζ−1+ζ−3)=3+ζ5+ζ−2+ζ−6+ζ2+ζ−5+ζ6=3+f2(α)+f8(α)
Writing β=α−f4(α), we have:
β2=α2+f4(α)2−2α f4(α)=f2(α)+2f4(α)+f8(α)+2α−2(3+f2(α)+f8(α))=−6+2α−f2(α)+2f4(α)−f8(α)
Therefore b=−26. Let γ=α+f4α, so that γ+f2(γ)=−1, and
γ f2(γ)=(ζ+ζ3+ζ4+ζ−4+ζ−3+ζ−2)(ζ2+ζ5+ζ6+ζ−6+ζ−5+ζ−2)=ζ+ζ2+ζ3+ζ5+2ζ6+ζ−6+2ζ−5+3ζ−4+2ζ−3+2ζ−2+2ζ−1+(ζ↔ζ−1)=3(ζ+⋯+ζ−1)=−3
The last thing to calculate is:
c=9(γ−f2(γ))2=9((γ+f2γ)2−4γ f2γ)=9(1−4(−3))=9×13
Thus q(z)=z4+26z2+9×13=(z2+13)2−4×13, completing the proof.
The following argument is more or less a duplicate in this [paper](https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/11246/how-to-prove-that-tan3-pi-11-4-sin2-pi-11-sqrt11?rq=1):
Let x=e2πi/13. Then itan2π/13=x2−1x2+1=x2−x26x2+1
(recall that x13=1)
So itan2π/13+4isin6π/13=(x+x2+x3+x5+x6+x9−x4−x7−x8−x10−x11−x12)
Recall that 1+x+x2+⋯+x12=0.
After some tedious computation, we arrive at
The key step in the deduction is the [famous exponential sum of Gauss](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadratic_Gauss_sum), which gives,
Hence (x+x2+x3+x5+x6+x9)(x4+x7+x8+x10+x11+x12)=(7+√13)/2
Recall our formula 1+x+x2+⋯+x12=0 again, and
Hence itan2π/13+4isin6π/13=±i√13+2√13
and it is obvious that tan2π/13+4sin6π/13=√13+2√13, Q.E.D.
**P.S.** I have a strong feeling that a generalization of such an identity to all primes is possible, but I cannot work them out right now.
let λ is a any complex numbers,and τ∈[0,1]
show that
my idea:
follow I can't solve it,Thank you
For any real numbers x,y≠0,show that
I found this problem when I dealt with [this problem][1]. But I can't prove it. Maybe the constant 2 on the right hand side can be replaced by the better constant √2?
Thank you.
[1]: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/522163/how-prove-this-analysis-function-a-le-frac12
We'll first assume that 0≤x<y.
I need three kinds of estimates here.
1. |xsin1x−ysin1y|≤x+y
2. |xsin1x−ysin1y|≤2
3. |xsin1x−ysin1y|≤yx−1
Estimates 1 and 2 are trivial: |xsin1x|≤min(x,1)
Estimate 3 is proved as follows.
- First we show that |(xsin1x)′|≤1x. Indeed, (xsin1x)′′=−1x3sin1x, so local maxima and minima of (xsin1x)′ are located at 1πn,n∈N, and its values there are (−1)nπn, so that supz≥x|(zsin1z)′|≤1πn≤1x, where 1πn is the smallest one in [x,+∞).
- Now |xsin1x−ysin1y|≤∫yx1zdz=logyx≤yx−1
Now let's find the three regions corresponding to:
1. x+y≤C√y−x
2. 2≤C√y−x
3. yx−1≤C√y−x
and choose the constant C in such a way that these regions cover {0<x<y}. Clearly, 2 is bounded by a line, 1 and 3 are bounded by parabolas. Miraculously, C=2 is the unique value when the three boundaries intersect at a single point, namely (x,y)=(1/2,3/2)...
Anyway, let's rewrite our regions for C=2:
1. y−x≥14(x+y)2
2. y−x≥1
3. y−x≤4x2
So to cover the whole space we have to prove y−x≥14(x+y)2 on {4x2≤y−x≤1}, for which it is sufficient to consider just the two boundary cases, namely y−x=1 and y−x=4x2, since a quadratic polynomial with positive leading term attains maximum on the boundary of a segment. And these cases are easy to verify. Indeed, the inequality in terms of x and z:=y−x looks like x2+xz+14z2≤z; for z=1 it's equivalent to (x+12)2≤1, which is true, since 4x2≤1; for z=4x2 it's equivalent to 3x2≥4x3+4x4, which follows once again from 4x2≤1 (since x2≥2x3 and x2≥4x4).
Now the case x<0<y is even simpler. We only need analogs of estimates 1 and 2:
1. |xsin1x−ysin1y|≤|x|+|y|≤C√|x|+|y| whenever |x|+|y|≤C2=4
2. |xsin1x−ysin1y|≤2≤C√|x|+|y| whenever |x|+|y|≥(2C)2=1.
This is a partial alternative solution for the case |1x−1y|≤1.
We can clearly assume that both x and y are positive, then, through the substitutions x→1/x,y→1/y, prove that:
The LHS can be written as:
that, by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, satisfies:
and the RHS is less than 4x2(y−x)2, since sinx is a 1-Lipschitz function.
By exchanging x and y, we have:
so the inequality is clearly true if |y−x|≤1.
show that
I can prove (1) it exsit it.and also it is well kown that
But I can't prove (1),Thank you
Notice for any continuous function f(x) on [0,π2], we have:
Apply this to 1sinx−1x, we get
So it suffices to figure out the asymptotic behavior of following integral:
We can rewrite the rightmost integral as
where ψ(x)=Γ′(x)Γ(x) is the
[digamma function](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digamma_function).
Using following asymptotic expansion of ψ(x) for large x:
It is easy to verify
Substitute (∗3) into (∗2) and combine it with (∗1), we get
To compute the rightmost integral of (∗4), we first integrate it by part:
We then apply following result[1]
> **Kummer (1847)** Fourier series for logΓ(x) for x∈(0,1)
> logΓ(x)=12logπsin(πx)+(γ+log(2π))(12−x)+1π∞∑k=2logkksin(2πkx)
1. ∫10cos(πx)logπsin(πx)dx=0 because of symmtry.
2. ∫10cos(πx)(12−x)dx=2π2
3. ∫10cos(πx)sin(2πkx)dx=4k(4k2−1)π
We can evaluate RHS of (∗4) as
[1] For more infos about Kummer's Fourier series, please see
following [paper](http://arxiv.org/abs/0903.4323) by Donal F. Connon.
AMM Problem 11777, Vol.121, May 2014
令n≥3, x1,…,xn为实数使得∏nk=1xk=1.证明
令wk=ck∈R+, 令zk=ckyk且yk∈C,由上述不等式可知
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