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<h3 style="text-align: center">Qualifying Exams</h3>
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The following is a collection of past qualifying exam questions at UC Berkeley, to serve as practices for graduate students preparing their exams.
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<h4 class="sectionTitle">Algebra</h4>
<div class="area">
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<h5 class="sectionTitle">General Algebra</h5>
<ol class="subject">
<li class="question">
How does one make a subposet into a poset? (Bergman)
<li class="question">
State and prove the Fundamental Theorem of Finite Distributive Lattices. (Klass)
<li class="question">
Define and state things about posets. (Klass)
<li class="question">
Draw a non-lattice with 5 elements. Draw a lattice with 5 elements. Draw a Boolean lattice on 3 elements. (Lam)
<li class="question">
Give a ring R and a free module M that has a basis of n elements for every integer n1. Can R be choesen commutative unital?
<li class="question">
State the fundamental theorem of Galois theory.
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<img src="img/doublearrow-down.png" class="arrow doublearrow" />
<h5 class="sectionTitle">Combinatorics</h5>
<ol class="subject">
<li class="question">
State and prove Ramsey's Theorem, Hall's Theorem, Speiner's Theorem, Erd&oumls-Ko-Rado Theorem, and the Erd&oumls lower bound on Ramsey. (Karp)
<li class="question">
State Lovas local theorem and Alan's Theorem. (Karp)
What is R1(n)? (Karp)
<li class="question">
When is the Speiner bound tight? (Karp)
<li class="question">
What is the net work flow problem? (Sinclair)
<li class="question">
What is an algorithm to solve the problem? How do we know it terminates and what is a bound on the running time? (Sinclair)
<li class="question">
What is an algorithm with a better bound? (Sinclair)
<li class="question">
How can we use the algorithm to find a minimum cut? (Sinclair)
<li class="question">
What is a randomized algorithm for finding a minimal cut? (Sinclair)
<li class="question">
What is a bound on the error probability? (Sinclair)
<li class="question">
What does this tell us about how many minimal cuts there can be in a 1-graph? (Sinclair)
<li class="question">
What is an Eulerian poset? What is graded? What is a rank funciton? What is the length of a chain? What is μ of an interval? Why is it called Eulerian? (Sinclair)
<li class="question">
Consider monotonic paths from (0,0) to (n,n) consisting of unit steps either +(1,0) or +(0,1). αγ if α is never below γ. Define a hill to be a +(0,1) step followed by a +(1,0) step. Define a valley to be a +(1,0) step followed by a +(0,1) step. Given αβ, define hills of α and valleys of β as good points. Define valleys of α and hills of β as bad points. Show the number of good points is always greater than the number of bad points. (Sinclair)
<li class="question">
Talk about the Incidence Algebra on a poset. (Klass)
<li class="question">
If we are to implement the Mobius inversion on the poset, do we need the functions in the Incidence Algebra to take values in a field? Does a ring suffice? (Bergman)
<li class="question">
When is a function in the Incidence Algebra invertible? Prove it. (Bergman)
<li class="question">
Talk about the Mobius function for the product of two posets. Use it to describe the Mobius function on B_n, the Boolean poset of size n. (Klass)
<li class="question">
Prove that a finite meet-semilattice with 1 is a lattice. (Bergman)
<li class="question">
Is an infinite meet-semilattice with 1 necessarily a lattice? If not, find a counterexample. (Bergman)
<li class="question">
Prove that in a finite poset with a unique maximal element, that element is 1; find a counterexample in the infinite case. (Bergman)
<li class="question">
Consider the matroid of the hyperplane arrangement of the root system Bn. Draw this for n=2, and compute the characteristic polynomial. Is this a graphical matroid? Derive the characteristic polynomial for general n. How many regions does the hyperplane arrangement have? (Ardila (SFSU))
<li class="question">
State the finite field method for the characteristic polynomial of a hyperplane arrangement. Sketch a proof. (Ardila)
<li class="question">
Define Cohen-Macaulay posets. Show that the lattice of flats of a matroid is Cohen-Macaulay. What is the relationship between Cohen-Macaulay posets and Cohen-Macaulay rings? (Sturmfels)
<li class="question">
What is the Lagrange inversion formula? (Serganova)
<li class="question">
How do you use this formula? (Serganova)
<li class="question">
What is the proof? (Sturmfels)
<li class="question">
What is a Schur polynomial? (Serganova)
<li class="question">
How do you show that it is symmetric? (Serganova)
<li class="question">
What is the definition of the Schur polynomial using determinants? (Serganova)
<li class="question">
Why is the Schur polynomial important? (Serganova)
<span class="hintButton" onclick="toggleSibling(this)">[Hint]</span>
<div class="hint">
Inner products.
<li class="question">
Can you use Schur polynomials in computational biology? (Sturmfels)
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<h5 class="sectionTitle">Commutative Algebra</h5>
<ol class="subject">
<li class="question">
What is Spec C[[x]]?
<span class="hintButton" onclick="toggleSibling(this)">[Hint]</span>
<div class="hint">
C[[x]] is a DVR.
<li class="question">
State the Noether normalization theorem.
<li class="question"> Let A be a commutative ring, M a finitely generated A-module, and x1,,xn elements of M which generate M/mM for every maximal ideal m of A. Show that they
generate M. (Vojta)
<li class="question"> What is Zq1?
<li class="question"> Give an example of a commutative ring with unity which has
prime ideals which are not maximal.
<li class="question"> Give two examples of UFD's which are not PID's.
<li class="question"> Suppose p(x)F[x] where F is a field. Let p(a)=0
for aE, an extension of F. Show that p(x)=(xa)q(x) for
some q(x)F[x].
<li class="question"> Show that an element a is irreducible if and only if
(a) is maximal, where aR and R is a PID.
<li class="question"> Let R be a finite commutative ring free of zero
divisors. Show that R has a unit, show that each non-zero element
has an inverse. Is the result still true if R is infinite?
<li class="question"> Is there a general class of rings in which maximal ideals
and prime ideals are the same?
<li class="question"> Let P be a prime ideal in R such that R/P is a finite
ring. Show that P is maximal if R is a commutative ring with
<li class="question"> Show that in a commutative ring with unit every maximal
ideal must be prime.
<li class="question"> Describe the ring of endomorphisms of the integers.
<li class="question"> If R is a UFD, prove that R[X] is a UFD.
<li class="question"> Let R be a commutative ring with unity 10, and let
S be a multiplicative subset of R not containing 0. Consider the
set of all ideals A which do not intersetct S. Show that a maximal
element in this set must be a prime ideal.
<li class="question"> Let R be the ring of real quaternions. Does R[X]
satisfy the division algorithm property?
<li class="question"> Distinguish algebraically between GL(3,R) and
GL(2,R), not using topology.
<li class="question"> What is a Dedekind ring?
<li class="question"> Prove that k[X,Y] is not Dedekind.
<li class="question"> Let ΩC be a domain, and O(Ω), OF(Ω) the ring of homomorphic functions
and the subring of functions with finitely many zeroes. Is O(Ω) or OF(Ω) a UFD? What are the primes in
these rings?
<li class="question"> Can you give an example of a ring R which is not
Cohen-Macauley? (Ogus)
<li class="question"> Can you give an example of a ring R which is
Cohen-Macauley but not Gorenstein? (Ogus)
<li class="question"> For a dimension zero Gorensteins ring, what can you say about
the R-module Homk(R,k)? HomR(k,Homk(R,k))?
<li class="question"> Given R a domain, Noetherian, dimension 1, what can we
say about R~, its integral closure? (Lenstra)
<li class="question"> Let's prove that in the above case, R~ is
Noetherian. (Lenstra)
<li class="question"> Define "Hilbert function". (Sturmfels)
<li class="question"> What conditions on a graded ring S=d=0Sd will assure the agreement of the Hilbert function with a
polynomiial? (Sturmfels)
<li class="question"> What sorts of invariants appear in the Hilbert polynomial?
<li class="question"> Given an ideal I, how would one compute its Hilbert
function? (Sturmfels)
<li class="question"> Define Gr&ouml;bner basis, term order and initial
ideal. (Sturmfels)
<li class="question"> How would you calculate lt(I) where lt(I)=lt(f)|fI and lt(f) is the sum
of terms of highest degree of f? (Sturmfels)
<li class="question"> Give an example of a tegrm order that refines the partial
order by degree. (Casson)
<li class="question"> Given an example of an ideal I=f1,,ft such that lt(I)lt(f1),,lt(ft). (Sturmfels)
<li class="question"> Find the ideal I(X) for X the twisted cubic in
A3. Show that two generators suffice. Find a term order such that these two generators are
not a Gr&ouml;bner basis for I(X) but all three are.
<li class="question">
Show that x2yw,xzy2,xyzw
generate the ideal of X¯, the closure of X in P3.
Compute the Hilbert polynomial of X.
<li class="question"> Tell me about integral extensions. (Hartshorne)
<li class="question"> What is a Dedekind domain? An example of a domain which is noetherian, integrally
closed, and not one-dimensional.
An example of a domain which is integrally closed,
one-dimensional, and not noetherian. (Hartshorne)
<li class="question"> Suppose that IJ are ideals of A, B/A is an
extension of rings such that IB=JB; does it follow that I=J? If
not, can you give a counterexample? Is there some hypothesis that makes it work? (Hartshorne)
<li class="question"> Can you give an example of a surjective morphism of rings
which is not finite? (Hartshorne)
</li><li class="question"> State Nakayama's Lemma. Give an example of a ring and a nonzero ideal that
satisfy the hypothesis. (Bergman)
</li><li class="question"> Prove, possibly using Nakayama's Lemma, that if M is an
n×n matrix over a local ring, with coefficients in the maximal
ideal I, then I+M is invertible.
<li class="question"> Show that a PID has dimension 0 or 1.
<li class="question"> Let A be a noetherian valuation ring which is not a
field. Show that A is a DVR.
<li class="question"> Let I1,,Ir be ideals of a
commutative ring A such that Ii+Ij=(1) for all
ij. Show that i=1rIi=i=1rIi.
<li class="question"> Let M be an A-module, SA a multiplicative
subset of A. Do we have S1Ann(M)=AnnS1(M)?
If not, give a counterexample, and if yes prove it. What if M is
finitely generated?
<li class="question"> Let M be an A-module, m a maximal ideal
of A. Prove that M/mMMm/mMm.
<li class="question"> Let M be a finitely generated A-module. If M=mM
for every maximal ideal m of A show that M=0.
<li class="question"> Let M be a finitely generated A-module. Suppose that
x1,,xn generate Mm for every maximal ideal m of A. Show they generate M.
<li class="question">Let BA be commutative rings, with B integral
over A. Let xA, xB. Show that xA.
<li class="question"> Prove that any ideal in a Dedekind ring is generated by at
most two elements.
<li class="question"> Show that Zp is a DVR.
<li class="question"> Show that an Artinian ring has only finitely many maximal
<li class="question"> Let AB be rings with B integral over A. Let
Q be a prime ideal of B, and let P=QA. Show that Q is maximal in B if an only if P is
maximal in A.
<li class="question"> Show that if f:AA is a surjective endomorphism
of a noetherian ring A, then f is an automorphism.
<li class="question"> Give an example of an ideal in k[x,y,z] whose associated
primes are (x,y) and (x,y,z). (Eisenbud)
<li class="question"> Give an example of a surface that has only one singular
point but is not normal. (Eisenbud)
<li class="question"> In the example k[x,y]/(y2x3)=R,
prove that it's not integrally closed. State Serre's Criterion.
Write down all the primes of R. Can you see them in the picture of
R? What parts of Serre's criterion does R satisfy? What parts
does it not satisfy? Prove that R(x,y) is not a DVR. (Eisenbud)
<li class="question"> How do you decide if a given polynomial belongs to an
ideal I? (Sturmfels)
<li class="question"> State the main theorem of Elimination Theory. Why is it
called this? (Sturmfels)
<li class="question"> Let's talk about Noether normalization and flatness. Let f be a homogeneous polynomial in R=k[x,y,z] where k is an infinite field. Show that there exists homogeneous linear forms s and t in R such that R/(f) is finite and flat as a k[s,t]-module. (Eisenbud) What if k is finite? (Olsson)
<li class="question"> Give an example of an injective ring homomorphism which is not flat. (Eisenbud)
<li class="question">
Consider the product of two generic linear forms: (ax+b)(cx+d)=acx2+(ad+bc)x+bd. Let I=(ac,ad+bc+bd) be the ideal generated by the coefficients of this product. Compute a primary decomposition of I. (Sturmfels)
<li class="question">
Try computing a Gr&ouml;bner basis for I (as above) and finding a primary decomposition of the initial ideal I. What does this primary decomposition of I mean? What are the associated primes? What is the Krull dimension? Geometrically, what does this variety look like? (Strumfel)
<li class="question">
Given a rank k submodule of Zn, when is its image in Fpn a rank k subspace? Characterize the situation in terms of flatness condition on an appropriate family. (Eisenbud)
<li class="question"> State as many forms of Hensel's lemma as you know. Give an example demonstrating that the completeness hypothesis can't be dropped. Give an example of a ring which is Henselian but not complete. How would one go about making Hensel's lemma constructive? (Eisenbud)
<li class="question"> Compute a primary decomposition of (x+y,xy) over Z[x,y]. (Sturmfels)
<li class="question"> State the Nullstellensatz. (Sturmfels)</li>
<li class="question"> Do you know a ring which isn't Jacobsen? (Sturmfels)</li>
<li class="question"> Prove that the more geometric versions of the Nullstellensatz follow from the general one. (Sturmfels)
<li class="question"> If fR, what familiar ring is R[y]/(fy1)? (Eisenbud)
<li class="question"> Let I=(x2y2,x3y3) . Find a primary decomposition of I, compute a Gr&ouml;bner basis, compute the Hilbert function. Is this ideal Cohen Macaulay? (Sturmfels)
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<h5 class="sectionTitle">Algebraic Geometry</h5>
<ol class="subject">
<li class="question"> State and prove the Riemann-Hurwitz formula.
<span class="hintButton" onclick="toggleSibling(this)">[Hint]</span>
<div class="hint">
Consider the conormal sequence.
<li class="question">
What are the involutions of an elliptic curve over C? What quotient arises from this involution? What are the fixed points of this involution? Show this quotient is C^. (McMullen)
<li class="question">
State and prove Riemann-Hurwitz. Given a nonconstant map between curves over k, is there an associated map on differentials? A resulting exact sequence? Is the right exact sequence short exact in this case? (Ogus)
<li class="question">
Calculate the Picard group of k[t2,t3]k[t]. (Ogus)
<li class="question">
Give an example of a projective curve that is not rational.
<li class="question">
Prove that P1×P1 is a projective variety. Find the explicit equation of the image of the Segre embedding of P1×P1P3.
<li class="question">
How do you use Hurwitz's formula to calculate the geneus of a give curve? (Coleman)
<li class="question">
What can you say about curves over perfect fields? (Coleman)
<li class="question">
Define the degree of a projective variety. Show that a hypersurface of degree d in Pn ofhas degree d. What does the constant term of the Hilbert polynomial represent? (Sturmfels)
<li class="question">
What does the degree of a hypersurface have to do with the line bundles on P1? (Ogus)
<li class="question">
Let X be the twisted cubic in P3, is X a set-theoretical intersection of two surfaces in P3? (Ogus)
<li class="question">
Define separated morphisms. Give an example of a non-seperated morphism. What about qusi-seperated morphisms? What are the good properties of separated morphisms? (Ogus)
<li class="question">
Let g,h:ZX be two morphisms of schemes over Y, via f:XY. If g and h agree on a dense open subset of Z, what can be said if f is separated? What if Z is reduced?
<li class="question">
Define differentials. Are differentials quasicoherent? (Ogus)
<li class="question">
What does the going up theorem mean in algebraic geometry? (Hartshorne)
<li class="question">
What can you say about the dimension of the image of a map from Pn to Pm? (Hartshorne)
<li class="question">
What is the genus of a curve? Does the genus of a curve depend on the embedding? (Hartshorne)
<li class="question">
When is a canonical divisor very ample? (Wodzicki)
<li class="question">
State Riemann-Roch. (Wodzicki)
<li class="question">
Compute the dimension of the space of holomorphic differentials on a Riemann surface of genus g. (Wodzicki)
<li class="question">
State Abel's theorem. (Wodzicki)
<li class="question">
What is the significance of the Jacobian? What kind of map is the Abel-Jacobi map? What is it in the case of genus 1? (Wodzicki)
<li class="question">
What is the connection between H1 and line bundles? (Wodzicki)
<li class="question">
What is a scheme?
How can you tell if a scheme is affine?
Can you weaken the Noetherian hypothesis in Serre's criterion for affineness? Prove that if X is a Noetherian scheme such that H1(X,I)=0 for all coherent sheaves of ideals I then X is affine. Can you give an example where the theorem is false if we drop the quasi-compactness assumption?(Ogus)
<li class="question">
What can you say about curves of genus 0? Prove that such a curve can always be embedded as a line or a quadric in P2. If the base field is finite, can the latter occur?(Ogus)
<li class="question">
Calculate H0(P1,ΩP1). (Poonen)
<li class="question">
If f(x,y) and g(x,y) are two polynomials such that the curves they define have inifinitely many points in common, is it true that they have a common factor?
<li class="question">
Give two criteria for a curve to be nonsingular (over an algebraically closed field.) (Ogus)
<li class="question">
What is a normal domain? How is this related to regular local rings? (Ogus)
<li class="question">
Find the singularities of the curve in P2 defined by the equation X3+y3+z3=3cxyz. (Ogus)
<li class="question">
Describe Weil divisors and Cartier divisors on curves. How do you get a Weil divisor from an element fK(X) in the canonical isomorphism?(Ogus)
<li class="question">
What is the degree of a divisor? (Ogus)
<li class="question">
Does there exist a variety V with Pic(V)=Z/3? (Poonen)
<li class="question">
Is the complement of a hypersurface in P2 affine? (Poonen)
<li class="question">
Define the geometric genus. (Poonen)
<li class="question">
What might be the geometric genus of a singular curve? (Poonen)
<li class="question">
Find the arithmetic genus of y3=x2z. (Frenkel)
<li class="question">
Define sheaf cohomology. What's a right derived functor? (Olsson)
<li class="question">
Let E be the curve in P2 defined by y2=x31. Compute the cohomology of the structure sheaf OE. (Olsson)
<li class="question">
Define projective morphisms and what are they good for? What's a morphism that is not projective? (Eisenbud)
<li class="question">
Define Cartier and Weil divisor and relate them to each other. Do you know a Weil divisor which is not Cartier? Compute the Picard group and the class group of the cone over a conic. (Eisenbud)
<li class="question">
What can you say about curves of degree 4 in P3? What if they are contained in a plane? What if they are singular? (Eisenbud)
<li class="question">
Let X be a quartic surface in P3. Does X contain a curve with negative self intersection, i.e. can the normal bundle to the curve have negative degree? (Eisenbud)
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<h5 class="sectionTitle">Representation Theory</h5>
<ol class="subject">
<li class="question">
Prove Engel's theorem. (Serganova)
<li class="question">
Prove Lie's theorem. What would happen if the hypothesis was not that g is solvable but that g[g,g]? (Serganova)
<li class="question">
Why is g=[g,g] for g semisimple? (Weinstein)
<li class="question">
What is the exponential map, and what is it good for? (Serganova)
<li class="question">
Classify the real connected abelian Lie groups. (Serganova)
<li class="question">
Prove that a Lie group homomorphism ϕ:HG for H connected is determined by the derivative at the identity. (Serganova)
<li class="question">
Give an example of a Lie group G where the exponential map is not surjective. (Weinstein)
<li class="question">
Given the standard representation of sln(C) identify the simple roots and explain the correlation between the height of the root and the corresponding "location" in the matrix. (Frenkel)
<li class="question">
Decompose Symn(V)Symm(V) where V is the 2-dimensional irreducible representation of sl2(C). (Frenkel)
<li class="question">
Do the calculation above using a character formula. (Reshetikhin)
<li class="question">
State and explain the Harish-Chandra isomorphism. (Wodzicki)
<li class="question">
Explain how to write down the Weyl group of SLn using generators and relations. (Frenkel)
<li class="question">
What is a Verma module? (Reshetikhin)
<li class="question">
When is a Verma module finite-dimensional? (Wodzicki)
<li class="question">
What is the exponential map for sl2(C)? What is it a map from and to? Is it a homomorphism, is it surjective?
What proofs of the Weyl character formula do you know? (Reshetikhin)
<li class="question">
What is Weyl's Integration formula? How do you use it to prove Weyl character formula? (Reshetikhin)
<li class="question">
What is the dimension of E8? (Borcherds)
<li class="question">
Decompose E8 as a representation of E7. (Borcherds)
<li class="question">
Given a point in a semisimple Lie-algebra, how can we tell whether it lies in a Cartan subalgebra? (Knutsen)
<li class="question">
What is the relation between the Lie groups SU(2) and SO(3,R)? Prove that the center of SU(2) is Z/2Z using Schur's lemma. (Weinstein)
<li class="question">
Under what condition on G is every discrete normal subgroup of a Lie group G contained in the center of G? Prove this. (Reshetikhin)
<li class="question">
List all the irreducible complex representations of the Lie group SO(3,R). (Knutsen)
<li class="question">
Decompose the square of the adjoint representation of sl(3) into irreducibles. (Hint: Weyl Character Formula.) (Haiman)
<li class="question">
State a theorem that explains the basic relationship between Lie algebras and Lie groups. Say some words about the proof. (Haiman)
<li class="question">
What is the relationship between Lie groups and Lie algebras? How do you show the existence of a Lie group with a given finite dimensional Lie algebra? (Reshetikhin)
<li class="question">
How many Lie groups are there with Lie algebra sln? (Serganova)
<li class="question">
What can you tell me about Bruhat decomposition and Bruhat cells? (Reshetikhin)
<li class="question">
What does the Borel-Weil theorem say? How does G act on sections of the relevant line bundle? How do vectors in the dual of the irreducible representation with highest weight lambda give sections of this bundle? (Serganova)
<li class="question">
Suppose a finite group G has only 1-dimensional representations. Is G necessarily abelian (over C, over R)? (Serganova)
<li class="question">
What can you say about the multiplicities of irreducibles in an induced representation? (Reshetikhin)
<li class="question">
How does the representation of S4 induced from the trivial representation on S2×S2 decompose into irreducibles, without using characters? (Serganova)

<!-- Analysis -->
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<h4 class="sectionTitle">Mathematical Analysis</h4>
<div class="area">
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<h5 class="sectionTitle">Banach spaces and Spectral Theory</h5>
<ol class="subject">
<li class="question"> What is a nuclear operator? (Coleman)
</li><li class="question"> Give an example of an integral operator which is
nuclear. (Coleman)
</li><li class="question"> What can you say about the specturm of a nuclear operator?
Could it be the empty set? (Arveson)
</li><li class="question"> Give an example of an operator on a real Banach space with
no specturm. (Arveson)
</li><li class="question"> Does the sum of the elements of the spectrum of a nuclear
operator converge? (Coleman)
</li><li class="question"> What is a trace class operator? (Coleman)
</li><li class="question"> What is a Hilbert-Schmidt operator? Can you give an
example over L2 of the unit interval? (Coleman)
</li><li class="question"> Can [0,1] be the spectrum of a compact operator? (
</li><li class="question"> What is the spectrum of Me2πit? How could you
know that it is invertible? What is the inverse? (Arveson)
</li><li class="question"> If T is an operator on a Banach space, what is cos2T+sin2T? (Arveson)
</li><li class="question"> What is cosT (Arveson)
</li><li class="question"> If f is an entire function, what is fT? (
</li><li class="question"> List the properties of the functional calculus. (
</li><li class="question"> Consider C([0,1],R). Is there a
natural topology on this space? (Arveson)
</li><li class="question"> Let S={fC[0,1]||f(x)f(y)||xy|}. What properties does it have (e.g. closed, complete,
bounded compact)? (Arveson)
</li><li class="question"> Let S0={fS|f(0)=0}. What properties does it
have (e.g. closed, complete, bounded, compact) ? (Arveson)
</li><li class="question"> What is the Riesz theory of compact operators?
</li><li class="question"> What is a Fredholm operator? Can any Fredholm operator be
written as the sum of an invertible operator with a compact operator?
What is the Fredholm index? What are its properties? How can you obtain
an isomorphism between the abstract index group and the integers?
</li><li class="question"> Suppose you have an operator x on a Hilbert space such that
xx2 is compact. What can you tell me about it?
</li><li class="question"> In the previous question, you had a projection in the Calkin
algebra, and you showed that it can be lifted to B(H). Can you do
the same for a unitary?
</li><li class="question"> What is the polar decomposition? What can you say about it?
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<h5 class="sectionTitle">C and Von Neumann Algebras</h5>
<ol class="subject">
<li class="question"> What are Fredholm operators?
</li><li class="question"> What do they have to do with K-theory for operator
</li><li class="question"> Could you give some examples of interesting C-algebras
with nontrivial K-theory?
</li><li class="question"> How does one recognize a compact operator? Give examples.
</li><li class="question"> Prove that the Hilbert-Schmidt integral operators are
</li><li class="question"> One usually calls a C-algebra separable if it is
represented on a separable Hilbert space. What are the C-algebras
that are in fact separable as topological spaces?
</li><li class="question"> State Kaplansky's Density Theorem. ( Jones)
</li><li class="question"> What is it good for? (e.g. in L(S1)) ( Jones)
</li><li class="question"> Are the von Neumann algebras l(Z) and
l(S1) isomorphic? Can they be embedded in a II1 factor?
( Jones)
</li><li class="question"> Define the index of a subfactor. ( Jones)
</li><li class="question"> What are all the hyperfinite subfactors of index <4?
( Jones)
</li><li class="question"> Let S be the unilateral shift. What is the commutant of
</li><li class="question"> Do the Hilbert-Schmidt and trace class operators constitute
C algebras under the Hilbert-Schmidt and trace norms, respectively?
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<h5 class="sectionTitle">Complex Analysis</h5>
<ol class="subject">
<li class="question">
Given a function continuous in a disk and analytic everwhere but at the center, prove that the function is analytic in the entire disk.
<li class="question">
Give a proof of Picard's theorem using, for example, the fact that the j invariant of a modular curve uniformizes the 2,3, hyperbolic triangle as the upper half-plane.
<li class="question">
Show that the mapping group of the torus is SL(2,Z).
<li class="question">
Let Ω=C{xRx<14}. Is there a conformal isomorphism f:ΔΩ, where Δ is the open unit disk? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
Is there one with f(0)=0? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
How can we arrange for a unique f with f(0)=0? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
What can you say about the coefficients ai of the power series expansion f=ajzj? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
For f with f(0)R, f(0)0, what ring do the ai lie in? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
So to show that the ai lie in this ring, can we write down another function in terms of f and --'s which maps Δ to Ω? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
Calculate ai. Now what ring do the ai lie in? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
How would you write down the power series for tanz? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
What is its radius of convergence? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
Can you prove what the zeroes of cosz are? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
Why does the radius of convergence correspond this way? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
What is the area of a spherical triangle? Can you prove it? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
Same for hyperbolic triangle. (McMullen)
<li class="question">
Define a complex torus. (McMullen)
<li class="question">
What is the automorphism group of a complex torus? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
Show that if all the zeroes of a polynomial lie in a half-plane, then all zeroes of the derivative lie in the same half plane.
<li class="question">
What is the area of a spherical triangle?
<li class="question">
What is the automorphism group of a complex torus?
<li class="question">
If fn is a family of holomorphic functions such that fnF uniformly on compact subsets of some domain Ω, what can you say about fn?
<li class="question">
Give an example of a sequence fnf where every fn is holomorphic and injective, and f is not. Is this the most general such example?
<li class="question">
Why is there no conformal automorphism from the punctured disk to an annulus?
<li class="question">
Show that for a doubly periodic function f the number of zeroes of f and the number of poles of f (counting with multiplicities) is equal.
<li class="question">
Suppose fi are harmonic functions on the unit disk D. Show that no linear combination of the fi can be negative on D and positive at some point in the interior of D.
<li class="question">
Find the poles and residues of 1/sin(z).
<li class="question">
Give the formula for a conformal map from the unit disk to the inside of a polygon with angles 2πβiπ.
<li class="question">
Show that a continuous real-valued function u on some region Ω which has the mean-value property is harmonic.
<li class="question">
Suppose f is an analytic map from the punctured disk to C. Can you write a power series expansion for f? What general form does it have? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
What can you say about the growth of the an's?
<li class="question">
Relate this to radii of convergence.
<li class="question">
If f is bounded, what additional things can you say?
<li class="question">
How would you compute the integral 0x121+x2dx?(McMullen)
<li class="question">
Is the top half of a disk conformally isomorphic to the whole disk? What is the isomoprhism? (McMullen)
<li class="question">
What is the argument principle? (Sarason)
<li class="question">
Why is it called the argument principle? (Sarason)
<li class="question">
Generalize the argument principle to a statement about an arbitrary continuous function f from a domain to C. You can assume f has isolated zeroes. (Sarason)
<li class="question">
You don't want to calculate any integrals do you? (Sarason)
<li class="question">
How do you prove the uniqueness part of the Riemann Mapping Theorem? (Sarason)
<li class="question">
What are the conformal automorphisms of the disk? (Sarason)
<li class="question">
What are the conformal automorphisms of the upper half plane? (Sarason)
<li class="question">
What is the modular group? (Sarason)
<li class="question">
Let f be holomorphic in Δ, the punctured unit disk, and suppose that |f(z)|1|z|. Show that the singularity at 0 is removable. (McMullen)
<li class="question">
What is the Riemann zeta function? (Poonen)
<li class="question">
State the Riemann hypothesis. (Poonen)
<li class="question">
What is analytic continuation? Why is it unique?
<li class="question">
Does every complex analytic function have a power series?
<li class="question">
What is a a holomorphic function? What have properties do they have? (Sarason)
<li class="question">
How can you prove they have a Taylor series expansion? (Sarason)
<li class="question">
What connection does complex analysis have to algebraic geometry? (Sarason)

<!-- Geometry and Topology -->
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<h4 class="sectionTitle">Geometry and Topology</h4>
<div class="area">
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<img src="img/doublearrow-down.png" class="arrow doublearrow" />
<h5 class="sectionTitle">Algebraic Topology</h5>
<ol class="subject">
<li class="question"> Compute the homotopy group π3(S2).
<li class="question"> Which homotopy classes α:P2P2 are there which is the identity on π1(P2), the fundamental group?
<li class="question"> What can you say about the homotopy type of the "dunce
<li class="question"> Tell us about the Van Kampen theorem. (Stallings)
<li class="question"> Can you use the Van Kampen theorem to compute the
fundamental group of the Hawaiian earring? (Kirby)
<li class="question"> Is the fundamental group of the Hawaiian earring finite?
Free? Countable or Uncountable? (Kirby)
<li class="question"> Why do you have the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra under
algebraic topology in your syllabus? (Stallings)
<li class="question"> How do you know the fundamental group of S1 is Z?
<li class="question"> Find all 2-fold coverings of the figure 8.
<li class="question"> Find an example of:
Hp(X)=Hp(Y) for all p, but X and Y not
πp(X)=πp(Y) for all p, but
<li class="question"> The example to (2) above seems to contradict Whitehead's
Theorem. Do you know why it doesn't contradict it?
<li class="question"> Compute H(PCn) and H(PCn).
<li class="question"> Define Chern classes and compute them for some examples
like PCn.
<li class="question"> Does "Euler Class" classify all disk bundles over S2?
<li class="question"> Does C1, the first Chern class, classify all complex
line bundles over T2?
<li class="question"> Compute the intersection form from the framed link which
represents the 4-manifold.
<li class="question"> What is π2(S2S2)?
<li class="question"> Give an example of two spaces which are not homotopy
equivalent, but have the same homology.
<li class="question"> What is π2 of S2S1?
<li class="question"> Calculate π1(X) where X is the three manifold
obtained from T2×I by identifying the opposite faces by the
glueing map (1,0)(2,1), (0,1)(1,1).
<li class="question"> Show that the free group on two generators contains the
free group on n generators with finite index.
<li class="question"> Show that every subgroup of a free group is free.
<li class="question"> Given an example of a pair (X,A) such that
πi(X,A)πi(X/A) for some i.
<li class="question"> Give an example of two spaces with the same cohomology
groups but with a different ring structure.
<li class="question"> Show that a compact surface with sectional curvature
positive everywhere is homeomorphic to S2.
<li class="question"> Calculate the homology with coefficients in Z of the
Lens space L(a,b).
<li class="question"> Prove that for any orientable compact 3-manifold M
with boundary M that half the first rational homology of
M is killed by inclusion into M.
<li class="question"> Show that an element of Hn1 for an orientable
n-manifold is represented by a smoothly embedded n1-manifold.
<li class="question"> If a simply-connected CW complex Σ satisfies
and Hi(Σ)=0 for all i2, then show that Σ
is homotopy equivalent to S2S2.
<li class="question"> Show that if G is a finitely generated finitely
presented group, then G is the fundamental group of some compact
<li class="question"> Show that a simply connected differentiable manifold is
<li class="question"> Classify S3 bundles over S5.
<li class="question"> Show that any two embeddings of a connected closed set
X in S2 has homeomorphic complements C1, C2.
<li class="question"> Show that PC2 does not cover any manifold other than
<li class="question"> Compute the homology of Pn. (Stallings)
<li class="question"> Compute the homology of Pn with Z/2. (Stallings)
<li class="question"> Compute the cohomology of Pn. (Stallings)
<li class="question"> Use intersection theory to compute the cup structure of
the cohomology of Pn with Z/2 coefficients where n is odd.
<li class="question"> What are all of the n-fold covers of the genus 2
<li class="question"> What is an H-space? What special property does π1
of an H-space have? Prove it. (Casson)
<li class="question"> Why can't S2 be an H-space? (Stallings)
<li class="question"> What is the homology of S2×S2? Cohomology? How
is the cohomology related to the homology? What is the cup product
structure? (Casson)
<li class="question"> Suppose that X and Y are simply-connected CW complexes
which have the same homology groups. Do they necessarily have the
same homotopy groups? Are they necessarily homotopy equivalent?
<li class="question"> Why does Hurwitz's theorem fail for non-simply connected
spaces? Give an example of a space X where the action of π1(X)
on the higher homotopy groups is not trivial. (Weinstein)
<li class="question"> What is the Thom class? Let E be the universal bundle
over BU(n) and consider F=P(EC). What is the Thom
class of the normal bundle to the zero section in F? (Givental)
<li class="question">
What is the homology of R4S1? (Hutchings)
<li class="question">
How does Poincare duality show up in Morse theory? (Hutchings)
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<h5 class="sectionTitle">Differential Topology</h5>
<ol class="subject">
<li class="question"> What is Sard's Theorem?
</li><li class="question"> Give an application of Sard's Theorem.
</li><li class="question"> Give a smooth map from S3 to S3. Can "most" points
have an infinite number of preimages?
</li><li class="question"> Define the Lie bracket of two vector fields on a
C manifold. (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> What does it mean to compose two vector fields? i.e.
what does XYYX mean? (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> Define vector field in terms of the ring F of
C functions MR. What does it mean to compose two
vector fields? (Casson)
Is XY necessarily a vector field?
Why is [X,Y] a vector field?
</li><li class="question"> When does a vector field determine a flow? (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> What does it mean for a vector field to have compact
support? (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> Define flow. (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> In what sense do the diffeomorphisms in a flow vay "in a
C fashion"? (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> Does a flow determine a vector field? (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> Give conditions on M so that every vector field on M
determines a flow. (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> Relate "tangent vector to a curve at a point" to "point
derivation". (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> Give an example of a vector field on a manifold that does
not determine an everywhere-defined flow. (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> A knot is a C embedding S1R3. Consider the following two statements about two knots f,g:S1R3:
1) There is an isotopy between f and g.
2) There is a diffeomorphism of R3 inducing a
diffeomorphism f(S1)g(S1).
Relate these conditions. (Casson)
Can you use any of this information to say something
about classifying diffeomorphisms R3R3?
<span class="hintButton" onclick="toggleSibling(this)">[Hint]</span>
<div class="hint">
The trefoil knot cannot be deformed into its mirror image.
</li><li class="question"> How many components does Diff(R3,R3) have, and
what is meant by this? (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> State a Lemma about a diffeomorphism f:R3R3
if f(0)=0; in particular, how may f be rewritten? (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> Write down a path from f to Diff|0, where
f(0)=0 and f:R3R3 is a diffeomorphism. (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> Define a Morse function. Define index. (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> What is
h1(a,b) if (a,b) does not contain any critical values? What
if it contains exactly one critical value? (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> If a morse function on a manifold M has exactly two
critical points, what can you say about M? (Casson)
</li><li class="question"> What is the Frobenius Integrability Theorem? (Serganova)
</li><li class="question"> What is an integral submanifold? (Serganova)
</li><li class="question"> What is [x,y]? (Serganova)
</li><li class="question"> Can you give an example of a distribution which is not integrable? (Serganova)
</li><li class="question"> Explain how the characteristic classes of a vector bundle arise. What are all the characteristic classes of a vector bundle?
</li><li class="question"> What is the Thom isomorphism? (Wodzicki)
</li><li class="question"> What is the Thom class? What is it an obstruction to?
</li><li class="question"> Construct the Thom class explicitly for a trivial bundle.
</li><li class="question"> Prove that the cohomology of a compact Lie group is that of its Lie algebra. (Wodzicki)
</li><li class="question"> How does one use Sard's theorem to prove the Whitney embedding theorem? (Harrision)

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