EaselJS SpriteSheet与Sprite翻译


SpriteSheet Class

Encapsulates the properties and methods associated with a sprite sheet. A sprite sheet is a series of images (usually animation frames) combined into a larger image (or images). For example, an animation consisting of eight 100x100 images could be combined into a single 400x200 sprite sheet (4 frames across by 2 high).

The data passed to the SpriteSheet constructor defines three critical pieces of information:

  1. The image or images to use.
  2. The positions of individual image frames. This data can be represented in one of two ways: As a regular grid of sequential, equal-sized frames, or as individually defined, variable sized frames arranged in an irregular (non-sequential) fashion.
  3. Likewise, animations can be represented in two ways: As a series of sequential frames, defined by a start and end frame [0,3], or as a list of frames [0,1,2,3].






SpriteSheet Format

data = { 
// 定义帧率: 
// 指定频率被设定在SpriteSheet上. 详情见帧率 
framerate: 20, 
// 定义图像:
 // 使用图像列表或路径
images: [image1, "path/to/image2.png"], 
frames: {width:64, height:64, count:20, regX: 32, regY:64}, 
// 复杂的方式:为帧定义单个矩形,第五个值为images列表中的下表索引 
frames: [ 
// x, y, width, height, imageIndex, regX, regY
 [0,0,64,64,0,32,64], [64,0,96,64,0] 
// 定义动画: 
// 简单动画定义:
animations: { 
// start, end, next, speed 
run: [0,8], jump: [9,12,"run",2] 
// 复杂的方法是通过索引来指定帧
 animations: { 
run: { 
frames: [1,2,3,3,2,1] 
jump: { 
frames: [1,4,5,6,1], next: "run", speed: 2 
stand: { frames: [7] } 
// 上述两种方法可以结合起来,可以使用一个单一的帧定义: 
definition: animations: {
 run: [0,8,true,2], 
jump: { 
frames: [8,9,10,9,8], next: "run", speed: 2 }, stand: 7 

speed frequency Example实例

To define a simple sprite sheet, with a single image "sprites.jpg" arranged in a regular 50x50 grid with two animations, "run" looping from frame 0-4 inclusive, and "jump" playing from frame 5-8 and sequencing back to run:



var data = { images: ["sprites.jpg"], frames: {width:50, height:50}, animations: {run:[0,4], jump:[5,8,"run"]} }; var spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet(data); var animation = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet, "run");

Sprite Class

Displays a frame or sequence of frames (ie. an animation) from a SpriteSheet instance. A sprite sheet is a series of images (usually animation frames) combined into a single image. For example, an animation consisting of 8 100x100 images could be combined into a 400x200 sprite sheet (4 frames across by 2 high). You can display individual frames, play frames as an animation, and even sequence animations together.


See the SpriteSheet class for more information on setting up frames and animations.


posted @ 2014-11-17 11:55  Eudora_Do  阅读(507)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报