配置ssh免密钥登陆多台从机 在布置集群时常常需要通过ssh来登陆多台从机,如果用手动配置的办法去配置多台主机就会比较费时费力,本文通过简单的脚本来配置ssh登陆多台主机 主节点kube1的配置 配置主机名 在/etc/hosts 文件中输入各个机子的ip与主机名,随后将这份文件复制到各个主机的/e 阅读全文
"developer guide" Nifi install nifi config At a minimum, we recommend editing the nifi.properties file and entering a password for the nifi.sensitive. 阅读全文
Configure Access to Multiple Clusters Install and Set Up kubectl Configure Access to Multiple Clusters Create a directory named config exercise. In yo 阅读全文
kubernetes集群搭建(kubeadm,kubelet) Installing kubeadm on your hosts "Install and Set Up kubectl" To add kubectl autocompletion to your current shell, run 阅读全文
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web appication server install apache install Apache using your package manager with the following command : use your browser to visiting http://localh 阅读全文
"Designing Scalable, Portable Docker Container Networks" [toc] Docker host Network Driver Docker Bridge Network Driver 1. bridge is the name of the Do 阅读全文
create a swarm 创建一个新的集群 Run docker info to view the current state of the swarm: run the following command on a manager node to retrieve the join comma 阅读全文