输入指令Install-Package mongocsharpdriver -Version 1.9.2,下载添加驱动
内容 |
描述 |
mongodb:// |
是连接字串必须的前缀字串 |
username:password@ |
可选项,连接到数据库后会尝试验证登陆 |
host1 |
必须的指定至少一个host |
:portX |
可选项,默认连接到27017 |
/database |
如果指定username:password@,连接并验证登陆指定数据库。若不指定,默认打开admin数据库。 |
?options |
是连接选项。如果不使用/database,则前面需要加上/。所有连接选项都是键值对name=value,键值对之间通过&或;(分号)隔开 |
方法 |
描述 |
InsertBatch |
批量插入 |
Insert |
单条插入 |
FindOneById |
按Id查询 |
Save |
保存,如果库中有记录则更新,否则做插入,按Id匹配 |
Remove |
删除指定文档 |
AsQueryable |
返回IQueryable<T>对象 |
Update |
更新一个或多个文档 |
RemoveAll |
删除所有记录 |
… |
其它 |
public abstract class EntityWithTypedId<TId> { public TId Id { get; set; } } public abstract class Entity : EntityWithTypedId<ObjectId> { }
public class DbContext { private readonly MongoDatabase _db; public DbContext() { var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017"); var server = client.GetServer(); _db = server.GetDatabase("Temp"); } public MongoCollection<T> Collection<T>() where T : Entity { var collectionName = InferCollectionNameFrom<T>(); return _db.GetCollection<T>(collectionName); } private static string InferCollectionNameFrom<T>() { var type = typeof(T); return type.Name; } }
1. 通过连接字符串与数据库建立连接。
2. 获取需要操作的Database,这里是Temp。
3. 类名与Collection名一致,作为映射的约束。如果库中没有这个Collection,则创建该Collection,如果有,则操作该Collection。
public class Stock : Entity { public string Symbol { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public double Price { get; set; } public List<Follower> Followers { get; set; } } public class Follower { public string Name { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } }
static void Main() { SetConvention(); var db = new DbContext(); var collection = db.Collection<Stock>(); var stocks = new List<Stock> { new Stock { Symbol = "000001", Name = "股票1", Price = 100, Followers = new List<Follower> { new Follower{ Name = "张三", Age = 20 }, new Follower{ Name = "李四", Age = 22 }, new Follower{ Name = "王五", Age = 23 } } }, new Stock { Symbol = "000002", Name = "股票2", Price = 200, Followers = new List<Follower> { new Follower{ Name = "张三", Age = 20 }, new Follower{ Name = "李四", Age = 22 } } }, new Stock { Symbol = "000003", Name = "股票3", Price = 300, Followers = new List<Follower> { new Follower{ Name = "张三", Age = 20 } } }, new Stock { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(), //这里可以自己设定Id,也可以不设,不设的话操作后会自动分配Id Symbol = "000004", Name = "股票4", Price = 400 } }; Console.WriteLine("批量插入"); var results = collection.InsertBatch(stocks); Console.WriteLine(results.Count()); //这里返回的是1,挺奇怪的。 Console.WriteLine(); var stock = new Stock { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(), //这里可以自己设定Id,也可以不设,不设的话操作后会自动分配Id Symbol = "000005", Name = "股票5", Price = 500 }; Console.WriteLine("单条插入"); var result = collection.Insert(stock); Console.WriteLine("插入是否成功:{0}", result.Ok); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("通过Id检索"); var findedStock = collection.FindOneById(BsonValue.Create(stock.Id)); Console.WriteLine("Symbol:{0}, Name:{1}, Price:{2}", findedStock.Symbol, findedStock.Name, findedStock.Price); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("保存操作,库里有数据"); stock.Symbol = "000006"; result = collection.Save(stock); Console.WriteLine("保存是否成功:{0}", result.Ok); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("删除"); result = collection.Remove(Query<Stock>.EQ(n => n.Id, stock.Id)); Console.WriteLine("删除是否成功:{0}", result.Ok); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("保存操作,库里没数据"); result = collection.Save(stock); Console.WriteLine("保存是否成功:{0}", result.Ok); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("简单查询"); var list = collection.AsQueryable().Where(n => n.Price >= 300).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("查询结果条数:{0}", list.Count); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("复杂类型查询"); list = collection.AsQueryable().Where(n => n.Followers.Any(f => f.Name == "王五")).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("查询结果条数:{0}", list.Count); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("批量更新"); var query = Query<Stock>.Where(n => n.Price >= 300); var update = Update<Stock>.Set(n => n.Name, "股票300") .Set(n => n.Price, 299); result = collection.Update(query, update, UpdateFlags.Multi); Console.WriteLine("批量更新是否成功:{0}", result.Ok); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("批量删除"); result = collection.Remove(Query<Stock>.Where(n => n.Price >= 299)); Console.WriteLine("批量删除更新是否成功:{0}", result.Ok); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("删除所有记录"); result = collection.RemoveAll(); Console.WriteLine("删除所有记录是否成功:{0}", result.Ok); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadKey(); }
private static void SetConvention() { var pack = new ConventionPack {new IgnoreExtraElementsConvention(true), new IgnoreIfNullConvention(true)}; ConventionRegistry.Register("IgnoreExtraElements&IgnoreIfNull", pack, type => true); }
1. IgnoreExtraElementsConvention:忽略库中有但是类中没有定义的字段。这个一般用于敏感字段处理,例如密码字段,它会存在用户Collection中,但是这个字段只是登录校验的时候会用到(这时可以用js来查询),其他用户查询(linq查询)基本都不需要用到密码字段。
2. IgnoreIfNullConvention:如果字段null,则不存这个字段,简单来说就是省空间,假设一个类中有A,B两个字段,其中A字段为空,如果指定该设置,存为:{B:'B'},否则,存为{A:null, B:'B'}。
来到这里,应该有很多人会问,为什么还要用Repository?特别是接触过Entity Framework,因为Entity Framework表明已包含了Unit of Work和Repository,或者是看过《博客园的大牛们,被你们害惨了,Entity Framework从来都不需要去写Repository设计模式》这类文章的童鞋。
那么为什么要用Repository呢?因为我要写单元测试,我需要通过Mock的方式抛开数据库访问的依赖,要Mock的话,要通过接口或虚方法(virtual)。现在的EF 6确实包含了Repository的思想,但是直接用dbContext的话,还是无法Mock(如果可Mock,请告之),因此需要用Repository来包装一下。就好像当你需要测试一个internal的类的时候,你需要定义一个public的类包一下这个内部类。
public interface IRepositoryWithTypedId<T, in TId> where T : EntityWithTypedId<TId> { IEnumerable<bool> InsertBatch(IEnumerable<T> entities); bool Insert(T entity); T Get(TId id); bool Save(T entity); bool Delete(TId id); IQueryable<T> AsQueryable(); bool RemoveAll(); } public interface IRepository<T> : IRepositoryWithTypedId<T, ObjectId> where T : Entity { }
public class MongoRepositoryWithTypedId<T, TId> : IRepositoryWithTypedId<T, TId> where T : EntityWithTypedId<TId> { private readonly MongoCollection<T> _collection; public MongoRepositoryWithTypedId() { var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017"); var server = client.GetServer(); var db = server.GetDatabase("Temp"); var collectionName = InferCollectionNameFrom(); _collection = db.GetCollection<T>(collectionName); } private string InferCollectionNameFrom() { var type = typeof(T); return type.Name; } protected internal MongoCollection<T> Collection { get { return _collection; } } public IEnumerable<bool> InsertBatch(IEnumerable<T> entities) { var result = Collection.InsertBatch(entities); return result.Select(n => n.Ok); } public bool Insert(T entity) { var result = Collection.Insert(entity); return result.Ok; } public T Get(TId id) { return Collection.FindOneById(BsonValue.Create(id)); } public bool Save(T entity) { var result = Collection.Save(entity); return result.Ok; } public bool Delete(TId id) { var result = Collection.Remove(Query<T>.EQ(t => t.Id, id)); return result.Ok; } public IQueryable<T> AsQueryable() { return Collection.AsQueryable(); } public bool RemoveAll() { var result = Collection.RemoveAll(); return result.Ok; } } public class MongoRepository<T> : MongoRepositoryWithTypedId<T, ObjectId>, IRepository<T> where T : Entity { }
public interface IStockRepository : IRepository<Stock> { bool UpdateBatch(double minPrice, string name, double price); bool DeleteBatch(double minPrice); }
注:如果通用方法足够用的话,可不需要自定义接口,直接使用IRepository<T>。 如IRepository<Stock> repository = new MongoRepository<Stock>();
public class StockRepository : MongoRepository<Stock>, IStockRepository { public bool UpdateBatch(double minPrice, string name, double price) { var query = Query<Stock>.Where(n => n.Price >= minPrice); var update = Update<Stock>.Set(n => n.Name, name) .Set(n => n.Price, price); var result = Collection.Update(query, update, UpdateFlags.Multi); return result.Ok; } public bool DeleteBatch(double minPrice) { var result = Collection.Remove(Query<Stock>.Where(n => n.Price >= minPrice)); return result.Ok; } }
static void Main() { SetConvention(); var repository = new StockRepository(); var stocks = new List<Stock> { new Stock { Symbol = "000001", Name = "股票1", Price = 100, Followers = new List<Follower> { new Follower{ Name = "张三", Age = 20 }, new Follower{ Name = "李四", Age = 22 }, new Follower{ Name = "王五", Age = 23 } } }, new Stock { Symbol = "000002", Name = "股票2", Price = 200, Followers = new List<Follower> { new Follower{ Name = "张三", Age = 20 }, new Follower{ Name = "李四", Age = 22 } } }, new Stock { Symbol = "000003", Name = "股票3", Price = 300, Followers = new List<Follower> { new Follower{ Name = "张三", Age = 20 } } }, new Stock { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(), //这里可以自己设定Id,也可以不设,不设的话操作后会自动分配Id Symbol = "000004", Name = "股票4", Price = 400 } }; Console.WriteLine("批量插入"); var results = repository.InsertBatch(stocks); Console.WriteLine(results.Count()); Console.WriteLine(); var stock = new Stock { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(), //这里可以自己设定Id,也可以不设,不设的话操作后会自动分配Id Symbol = "000005", Name = "股票5", Price = 500 }; Console.WriteLine("单条插入"); var result = repository.Insert(stock); Console.WriteLine("插入是否成功:{0}", result); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("通过Id检索"); var findedStock = repository.Get(stock.Id); Console.WriteLine("Symbol:{0}, Name:{1}, Price:{2}", findedStock.Symbol, findedStock.Name, findedStock.Price); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("保存操作,库里有数据"); stock.Symbol = "000006"; result = repository.Save(stock); Console.WriteLine("保存是否成功:{0}", result); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("删除"); result = repository.Delete(stock.Id); Console.WriteLine("删除是否成功:{0}", result); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("保存操作,库里没数据"); result = repository.Save(stock); Console.WriteLine("保存是否成功:{0}", result); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("简单查询"); var list = repository.AsQueryable().Where(n => n.Price >= 300).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("查询结果条数:{0}", list.Count); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("复杂类型查询"); list = repository.AsQueryable().Where(n => n.Followers.Any(f => f.Name == "王五")).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("查询结果条数:{0}", list.Count); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("批量更新"); result = repository.UpdateBatch(300, "股票300", 299); Console.WriteLine("批量更新是否成功:{0}", result); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("批量删除"); result = repository.DeleteBatch(299); Console.WriteLine("批量删除更新是否成功:{0}", result); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("删除所有记录"); result = repository.RemoveAll(); Console.WriteLine("删除所有记录是否成功:{0}", result); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadKey(); }
注:我这里没有提供Unit of Work的实现,因为我认为MongoDB对连接的处理比关系型好,当然用Unit of Work的话应该会更好。
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