
1.       Client Install software: VS 2008, TFS Explorer(downloads)

2.       Launch VS 2008, Click View menu, select to Team Explorer.

3.       connect to team foundation server

Click Add Existing Team Project-> Click “servers” button in the connect to team foundation server page->Following the Wizard.






  The administrator Create project

Select server name->Mouse left key->Click “new team project”->Following the wizard.





2.       TFS Source control

Select Project name in the Folders windows ->mouse left-key->Click “Get Specific Version”->Following the wizard.



3.       Website: http://IPadress:8090/default.aspx


 Username:  Domain account Password:-----


Project Portal:












posted @ 2009-07-10 16:39  贝壳森林  阅读(2594)  评论(19编辑  收藏  举报