Direct3D Command Buffers (Windows Drivers)

The following figure shows portions of a sample logical command buffer. The driver's D3dDrawPrimitives2 callback receives a pointer to a command buffer in the lpDDCommands member of the D3DHAL_DRAWPRIMITIVES2DATA structure. The command buffer is always processed sequentially.

Diagram illustrating portions of a Direct3D sample logical command buffer

As shown in the preceding figure, a command buffer contains D3DHAL_DP2COMMAND structures, where the bCommand member of each structure identifies a command. The following lists possible commands:

  • D3DDP2OP_RENDERSTATE indicates that there are wStateCountD3DHAL_DP2RENDERSTATE structures that follow in the command buffer. The driver should parse the state from each of these structures and update its private driver state accordingly. The driver should also update the appropriate state in the array to which lpdwRStates points. If the driver does not support the state requested in the command buffer, the driver should override the requested value with one that it supports.

  • D3DDP2OP_TEXTURESTAGESTATE indicates that there are wStateCountD3DHAL_DP2TEXTURESTAGESTATE structures that follow in the command buffer. The driver should parse the state from each of these structures and update the driver's texture state associated with the specified texture stage accordingly. The driver does not report texture stage state back to the Direct3D runtime.

    A driver is required to properly parse up to eight texture coordinate sets regardless of how many coordinate sets it actually uses.

  • D3DDP2OP_VIEWPORTINFO indicates that there is one D3DHAL_DP2VIEWPORTINFO structure that follows in the command buffer. The driver should parse this structure and update the viewport information stored in the driver's internal rendering context.

  • D3DDP2OP_WINFO indicates that there is one D3DHAL_DP2WINFO structure that follows in the command buffer. The driver should parse this structure and update the w-buffer information stored in the driver's internal rendering context.

  • Any of the remaining D3DDP2OP_Xxx commands indicate that there is enough data following in the command buffer to render wPrimitiveCount (a member of the D3DHAL_DP2COMMAND structure) primitives. Depending on the primitive command, the driver should parse D3DHAL_DP2Xxx structures from the command buffer and vertex-associated data from either or both the vertex buffer and command buffer. The driver must attempt to process all valid D3DDP2OP_Xxx commands; that is, the driver cannot choose to ignore certain defined primitive types. For more information, see the individual D3DHAL_DP2Xxx structure reference pages.

Depending on the current command, the following additional information is stored in the command buffer:

  • Index information for all D3DDP2OP_INDEXEDXxx primitive commands.

  • Vertex data for the D3DDP2OP_TRIANGLEFAN_IMM and D3DDP2OP_LINELIST_IMM primitive commands.

  • Additional operations are also defined as D3DDP2OP_Xxx opcodes in the D3DHAL_DP2OPERATION structure. These are equivalent to D3DDP2OP_Xxx commands with the same names.

The command buffer occasionally contains commands that are understood only by Direct3D. If the driver's D3dDrawPrimitives2 callback does not recognize the command, the driver should call Direct3D's D3dParseUnknownCommand callback to attempt to parse it. When D3dParseUnknownCommand returns successfully, the driver should continue parsing and processing the command buffer. If D3dParseUnknownCommand fails by returning D3DERR_COMMAND_UNPARSED, D3dDrawPrimitives2 should set the following members of the D3DHAL_DRAWPRIMITIVES2DATA structure and return:

  • In dwErrorOffset, write the offset of the first unhandled D3DHAL_DP2COMMAND structure that is part of the buffer to which lpDDCommands points.

  • Set ddrval to D3DERR_COMMAND_UNPARSED.

For information about how to initialize the D3dParseUnknownCommand callback, see Direct3D Driver Initialization.

To simplify implementation of D3dDrawPrimitives2, driver writers can copy the parsing code from the Perm3 sample code and write driver-specific rendering and state update code only.

Note   The Microsoft Windows Driver Kit (WDK) does not contain the 3Dlabs Permedia3 sample display driver (Perm3.h). You can get this sample driver from the Windows Server 2003 SP1 Driver Development Kit (DDK), which you can download from the DDK - Windows Driver Development Kit page of the WDHC website.

Direct3D is not always informed of the current render states. For example, execute buffers are not inspected by the runtime before they reach the driver. The driver can keep track of the render state array with the lpdwRStates member of the D3DHAL_DRAWPRIMITIVES2DATA structure. This is a pointer to the internal render states array that the driver keeps up to date as state changes occur.

posted @ 2013-09-18 20:38  EnoroF  阅读(385)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报