上一篇: 宿主工作流设计器(二)
IDesignerHost designerHost = designSurface.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
namespace WorkflowDesignerControl
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.Drawing.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System;
using System.Workflow.Activities;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design;
Class Toolbox#region Class Toolbox
/**//// <summary>
/// Class implementing the toolbox functionality in the sample.
/// Toolbox displays workflow components using which the workflow can be created
/// For more information on toolbox please refer to IToolboxService, ToolboxItem documentation
/// </summary>
public class ToolboxService: Panel, IToolboxService
private IServiceProvider provider;
private Hashtable customCreators;
private Type currentSelection;
private ListBox listBox = new ListBox();
//Create the toolbox and add the toolbox entries
public ToolboxService(IServiceProvider provider)
this.provider = provider;
Text = "Toolbox";
Size = new System.Drawing.Size(224, 350);
listBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
listBox.IntegralHeight = false;
listBox.ItemHeight = 20;
listBox.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;
listBox.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None;
listBox.BackColor = SystemColors.Window;
listBox.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
listBox.MouseMove +=new MouseEventHandler(OnListBoxMouseMove);
listBox.DrawItem += new DrawItemEventHandler(this.OnDrawItem);
listBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(this.OnListKeyPress);
listBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnListBoxClick);
listBox.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(this.OnListBoxDoubleClick);
public void AddCreator(ToolboxItemCreatorCallback creator, string format)
AddCreator(creator, format, null);
public void AddCreator(ToolboxItemCreatorCallback creator, string format, IDesignerHost host)
if (creator == null || format == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(creator == null ? "creator" : "format");
if (customCreators == null)
customCreators = new Hashtable();
string key = format;
if (host != null) key += ", " + host.GetHashCode().ToString();
if (customCreators.ContainsKey(key))
throw new Exception("There is already a creator registered for the format '" + format + "'.");
customCreators[format] = creator;
public void AddLinkedToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem, IDesignerHost host)
public void AddLinkedToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem, string category, IDesignerHost host)
public virtual void AddToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem)
public virtual void AddToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem, IDesignerHost host)
public virtual void AddToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem, string category)
public virtual void AddToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem, string category, IDesignerHost host)
public CategoryNameCollection CategoryNames
return new CategoryNameCollection(new string[] { "Workflow" });
public string SelectedCategory
return "Workflow";
private ToolboxItemCreatorCallback FindToolboxItemCreator(IDataObject dataObj, IDesignerHost host, out string foundFormat)
foundFormat = string.Empty;
ToolboxItemCreatorCallback creator = null;
if (customCreators != null)
IEnumerator keys = customCreators.Keys.GetEnumerator();
while (keys.MoveNext())
string key = (string)keys.Current;
string[] keyParts = key.Split(new char[] { ',' });
string format = keyParts[0];
if (dataObj.GetDataPresent(format))
// Check to see if the host matches.
if (keyParts.Length == 1 || (host != null && host.GetHashCode().ToString().Equals(keyParts[1])))
creator = (ToolboxItemCreatorCallback)customCreators[format];
foundFormat = format;
return creator;
public virtual ToolboxItem GetSelectedToolboxItem()
ToolboxItem toolClass = null;
if (this.currentSelection != null)
toolClass = ToolboxService.GetToolboxItem(this.currentSelection);
catch (TypeLoadException)
return toolClass;
public virtual ToolboxItem GetSelectedToolboxItem(IDesignerHost host)
return GetSelectedToolboxItem();
public object SerializeToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem)
DataObject dataObject = new DataObject();
dataObject.SetData(typeof(ToolboxItem), toolboxItem);
return dataObject;
public ToolboxItem DeserializeToolboxItem(object dataObject)
return DeserializeToolboxItem(dataObject, null);
public ToolboxItem DeserializeToolboxItem(object data, IDesignerHost host)
IDataObject dataObject = data as IDataObject;
if (dataObject == null)
return null;
ToolboxItem t = (ToolboxItem)dataObject.GetData(typeof(ToolboxItem));
if (t == null)
string format;
ToolboxItemCreatorCallback creator = FindToolboxItemCreator(dataObject, host, out format);
if (creator != null)
return creator(dataObject, format);
return t;
public ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems()
return new ToolboxItemCollection(new ToolboxItem[0]);
public ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems(IDesignerHost host)
return new ToolboxItemCollection(new ToolboxItem[0]);
public ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems(string category)
return new ToolboxItemCollection(new ToolboxItem[0]);
public ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems(string category, IDesignerHost host)
return new ToolboxItemCollection(new ToolboxItem[0]);
public bool IsSupported(object data, IDesignerHost host)
return true;
public bool IsSupported(object serializedObject, ICollection filterAttributes)
return true;
public bool IsToolboxItem(object dataObject)
return IsToolboxItem(dataObject, null);
public bool IsToolboxItem(object data, IDesignerHost host)
IDataObject dataObject = data as IDataObject;
if (dataObject == null)
return false;
if (dataObject.GetDataPresent(typeof(ToolboxItem)))
return true;
string format;
ToolboxItemCreatorCallback creator = FindToolboxItemCreator(dataObject, host, out format);
if (creator != null)
return true;
return false;
public new void Refresh()
public void RemoveCreator(string format)
RemoveCreator(format, null);
public void RemoveCreator(string format, IDesignerHost host)
if (format == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("format");
if (customCreators != null)
string key = format;
if (host != null)
key += ", " + host.GetHashCode().ToString();
public virtual void RemoveToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolComponentClass)
public virtual void RemoveToolboxItem(ToolboxItem componentClass, string category)
public virtual bool SetCursor()
if (this.currentSelection != null)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Cross;
return true;
return false;
public virtual void SetSelectedToolboxItem(ToolboxItem selectedToolClass)
if (selectedToolClass == null)
listBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
OnListBoxClick(null, EventArgs.Empty);
public void AddType(Type t)
listBox.Items.Add(new SelfHostToolboxItem(t.AssemblyQualifiedName));
public Attribute[] GetEnabledAttributes()
return null;
public void SetEnabledAttributes(Attribute[] attrs)
public void SelectedToolboxItemUsed()
public static IDataObject SerializeActivitiesToDataObject(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ICollection activities)
// get component serialization service
ComponentSerializationService css = (ComponentSerializationService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ComponentSerializationService));
if (css == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Component Serialization Service is missing.");
// serialize all activities to the store
SerializationStore store = css.CreateStore();
using (store)
foreach (Activity activity in activities)
css.Serialize(store, activity);
// wrap it with clipboard style object
Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(stream, store);
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return new DataObject(CF_DESIGNER, stream);
public static Activity[] DeserializeActivitiesFromDataObject(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IDataObject dataObj, bool addReference)
IDesignerHost designerHost = (IDesignerHost)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));
if (designerHost == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("IDesignerHost is missing.");
if (dataObj == null)
return new Activity[] { };
object data = dataObj.GetData(CF_DESIGNER);
ICollection activities = null;
if (data is Stream)
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
((Stream)data).Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
object serializationData = formatter.Deserialize((Stream)data);
if (serializationData is SerializationStore)
// get component serialization service
ComponentSerializationService css = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ComponentSerializationService)) as ComponentSerializationService;
if (css == null)
throw new Exception("ComponentSerializationService is missing.");
// deserialize data
activities = css.Deserialize((SerializationStore)serializationData);
// Now check for a toolbox item.
IToolboxService ts = (IToolboxService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IToolboxService));
if (ts != null && ts.IsSupported(dataObj, designerHost))
ToolboxItem toolBoxItem = ts.DeserializeToolboxItem(dataObj, designerHost);
if (toolBoxItem != null)
// this will make sure that we add the assembly reference to project
if (addReference && toolBoxItem.AssemblyName != null)
ITypeResolutionService trs = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService)) as ITypeResolutionService;
if (trs != null)
ActivityToolboxItem ActivityToolboxItem = toolBoxItem as ActivityToolboxItem;
if (addReference && ActivityToolboxItem != null)
activities = ActivityToolboxItem.CreateComponentsWithUI(designerHost);
activities = toolBoxItem.CreateComponents(designerHost);
return (activities != null) ? (Activity[])(new ArrayList(activities).ToArray(typeof(Activity))) : new Activity[] { };
//Gets the toolbox item associated with a component type
internal static ToolboxItem GetToolboxItem(Type toolType)
if (toolType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("toolType");
ToolboxItem item = null;
if ((toolType.IsPublic || toolType.IsNestedPublic) && typeof(IComponent).IsAssignableFrom(toolType) && !toolType.IsAbstract)
ToolboxItemAttribute toolboxItemAttribute = (ToolboxItemAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(toolType)[typeof(ToolboxItemAttribute)];
if (toolboxItemAttribute != null && !toolboxItemAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute())
Type itemType = toolboxItemAttribute.ToolboxItemType;
if (itemType != null)
// First, try to find a constructor with Type as a parameter. If that
// fails, try the default constructor.
ConstructorInfo ctor = itemType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Type) });
if (ctor != null)
item = (ToolboxItem)ctor.Invoke(new object[] { toolType });
ctor = itemType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
if (ctor != null)
item = (ToolboxItem)ctor.Invoke(new object[0]);
else if (!toolboxItemAttribute.Equals(ToolboxItemAttribute.None))
item = new ToolboxItem(toolType);
else if (typeof(ToolboxItem).IsAssignableFrom(toolType))
// if the type *is* a toolboxitem, just create it..
item = (ToolboxItem)Activator.CreateInstance(toolType, true);
return item;
//Parse the toolbox.txt file embedded in resource and create the entries in toolbox
private void AddToolboxEntries(ListBox lb)
Stream selfTools = GetType().Module.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(GetType(), "ToolboxItems.txt");
Debug.Assert(selfTools != null, "Unable to load toollist.txt for type '" + GetType().FullName + "'");
int len = (int)selfTools.Length;
byte[] bytes = new byte[len];
selfTools.Read(bytes, 0, len);
string entries = Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes);
int start = 0, end = 0;
string entry;
while (end < entries.Length)
end = entries.IndexOf('\r', start);
if (end == -1)
end = entries.Length;
entry = entries.Substring(start, (end - start));
if (entry.Length != 0 && !entry.StartsWith(";"))
lb.Items.Add(new SelfHostToolboxItem(entry));
start = end + 2;
private void OnDrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
ListBox listBox = (ListBox)sender;
object objItem = listBox.Items[e.Index];
SelfHostToolboxItem item = null;
Bitmap bitmap = null;
string text = null;
if (objItem is string)
bitmap = null;
text = (string)objItem;
item = (SelfHostToolboxItem)objItem;
bitmap = (Bitmap)item.Glyph; // if it's not a bitmap, it's a metafile, and how likely is that?
text = item.Name;
bool selected = false;
bool disabled = false;
if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected)
selected = true;
if ((int)(e.State & (DrawItemState.Disabled | DrawItemState.Grayed | DrawItemState.Inactive)) != 0)
disabled = true;
StringFormat format = new StringFormat();
format.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix.Show;
int x = e.Bounds.X + 4;
x += 20;
if (selected)
Rectangle r = e.Bounds;
r.Width--; r.Height--;
g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.ActiveCaption, r);
g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Menu, e.Bounds);
using(Brush border = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(Math.Min(SystemColors.Menu.R + 15, 255), Math.Min(SystemColors.Menu.G + 15, 255), Math.Min(SystemColors.Menu.B + 15, 255))))
g.FillRectangle(border, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, 20, e.Bounds.Height));
if (bitmap != null)
g.DrawImage(bitmap, e.Bounds.X + 2, e.Bounds.Y + 2, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
Brush textBrush = (disabled) ? new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(120, SystemColors.MenuText)) : SystemBrushes.FromSystemColor(SystemColors.MenuText);
g.DrawString(text, Font, textBrush, x, e.Bounds.Y + 2, format);
if (disabled)
//Start the drag drop when user selects and drags the tool
private void OnListBoxMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && this.listBox.SelectedItem != null)
SelfHostToolboxItem selectedItem = listBox.SelectedItem as SelfHostToolboxItem;
if (selectedItem == null || selectedItem.ComponentClass == null)
ToolboxItem toolboxItem = ToolboxService.GetToolboxItem(selectedItem.ComponentClass);
IDataObject dataObject = this.SerializeToolboxItem(toolboxItem) as IDataObject;
DragDropEffects effects = DoDragDrop(dataObject, DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Move);
private void OnListBoxClick(object sender, EventArgs eevent)
SelfHostToolboxItem toolboxItem = listBox.SelectedItem as SelfHostToolboxItem;
if (toolboxItem != null)
this.currentSelection = toolboxItem.ComponentClass;
else if (this.currentSelection != null)
int index = this.listBox.Items.IndexOf(this.currentSelection);
if (index >= 0)
this.listBox.SelectedIndex = index;
private void OnListKeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyChar == 0xD)
OnListBoxDoubleClick(sender, e);
e.Handled = true;
private void OnListBoxDoubleClick(object sener, EventArgs e)
IToolboxUser docDes = null;
SelfHostToolboxItem selectedItem = listBox.SelectedItem as SelfHostToolboxItem;
if (selectedItem == null)
this.currentSelection = selectedItem.ComponentClass;
IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)provider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));//des.ActiveDesigner;
if (host != null && this.currentSelection != null)
IDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(host.RootComponent);
if (designer is IToolboxUser)
docDes = (IToolboxUser)designer;
if (docDes != null)
ToolboxItem c = ToolboxService.GetToolboxItem(this.currentSelection);
Debug.Assert(c != null, "Class " + this.currentSelection.FullName + " does not exist");
if (c != null && docDes.GetToolSupported(c))
catch (Exception ex)
IUIService uis = (IUIService)provider.GetService(typeof(IUIService));
if (uis != null)
MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.ToString());
object o = Activator.CreateInstance(this.currentSelection);
SequentialWorkflowActivity service = host.RootComponent as SequentialWorkflowActivity;
service.Activities.Add(o as Activity);
host.RootComponent.Site.Container.Add(o as IComponent);
Class SelfHostToolboxItem#region Class SelfHostToolboxItem
internal class SelfHostToolboxItem
private string componentClassName;
private Type componentClass;
private string name = null;
private string className = null;
private Image glyph = null;
public SelfHostToolboxItem(string componentClassName)
this.componentClassName = componentClassName;
public string ClassName
if (className == null)
className = ComponentClass.FullName;
return className;
public Type ComponentClass
if (componentClass == null)
componentClass = Type.GetType(componentClassName);
if (componentClass == null)
int index = componentClassName.IndexOf(",");
if (index >= 0)
componentClassName = componentClassName.Substring(0, index);
foreach (AssemblyName referencedAssemblyName in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetReferencedAssemblies())
Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(referencedAssemblyName);
if (assembly != null)
componentClass = assembly.GetType(componentClassName);
if (componentClass != null)
//Finally check in Activities and ComponentModel dll
componentClass = typeof(SequentialWorkflowActivity).Assembly.GetType(componentClassName);
if (componentClass == null)
componentClass = typeof(CompositeActivity).Assembly.GetType(componentClassName);
return componentClass;
public string Name
if (name == null)
if (ComponentClass != null)
name = ComponentClass.Name;
name = "Unknown Item";
return name;
public virtual Image Glyph
if (glyph == null)
Type t = ComponentClass;
if (t == null)
t = typeof(Component);
ToolboxBitmapAttribute attr = (ToolboxBitmapAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(t)[typeof(ToolboxBitmapAttribute)];
if (attr != null)
glyph = attr.GetImage(t, false);
return glyph;
public override string ToString()
return componentClassName;
namespace WorkflowDesignerControl
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.Drawing.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System;
using System.Workflow.Activities;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design;
Class Toolbox#region Class Toolbox
/**//// <summary>
/// Class implementing the toolbox functionality in the sample.
/// Toolbox displays workflow components using which the workflow can be created
/// For more information on toolbox please refer to IToolboxService, ToolboxItem documentation
/// </summary>
public class ToolboxService: Panel, IToolboxService
private IServiceProvider provider;
private Hashtable customCreators;
private Type currentSelection;
private ListBox listBox = new ListBox();
//Create the toolbox and add the toolbox entries
public ToolboxService(IServiceProvider provider)
this.provider = provider;
Text = "Toolbox";
Size = new System.Drawing.Size(224, 350);
listBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
listBox.IntegralHeight = false;
listBox.ItemHeight = 20;
listBox.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;
listBox.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None;
listBox.BackColor = SystemColors.Window;
listBox.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
listBox.MouseMove +=new MouseEventHandler(OnListBoxMouseMove);
listBox.DrawItem += new DrawItemEventHandler(this.OnDrawItem);
listBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(this.OnListKeyPress);
listBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnListBoxClick);
listBox.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(this.OnListBoxDoubleClick);
public void AddCreator(ToolboxItemCreatorCallback creator, string format)
AddCreator(creator, format, null);
public void AddCreator(ToolboxItemCreatorCallback creator, string format, IDesignerHost host)
if (creator == null || format == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(creator == null ? "creator" : "format");
if (customCreators == null)
customCreators = new Hashtable();
string key = format;
if (host != null) key += ", " + host.GetHashCode().ToString();
if (customCreators.ContainsKey(key))
throw new Exception("There is already a creator registered for the format '" + format + "'.");
customCreators[format] = creator;
public void AddLinkedToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem, IDesignerHost host)
public void AddLinkedToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem, string category, IDesignerHost host)
public virtual void AddToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem)
public virtual void AddToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem, IDesignerHost host)
public virtual void AddToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem, string category)
public virtual void AddToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem, string category, IDesignerHost host)
public CategoryNameCollection CategoryNames
return new CategoryNameCollection(new string[] { "Workflow" });
public string SelectedCategory
return "Workflow";
private ToolboxItemCreatorCallback FindToolboxItemCreator(IDataObject dataObj, IDesignerHost host, out string foundFormat)
foundFormat = string.Empty;
ToolboxItemCreatorCallback creator = null;
if (customCreators != null)
IEnumerator keys = customCreators.Keys.GetEnumerator();
while (keys.MoveNext())
string key = (string)keys.Current;
string[] keyParts = key.Split(new char[] { ',' });
string format = keyParts[0];
if (dataObj.GetDataPresent(format))
// Check to see if the host matches.
if (keyParts.Length == 1 || (host != null && host.GetHashCode().ToString().Equals(keyParts[1])))
creator = (ToolboxItemCreatorCallback)customCreators[format];
foundFormat = format;
return creator;
public virtual ToolboxItem GetSelectedToolboxItem()
ToolboxItem toolClass = null;
if (this.currentSelection != null)
toolClass = ToolboxService.GetToolboxItem(this.currentSelection);
catch (TypeLoadException)
return toolClass;
public virtual ToolboxItem GetSelectedToolboxItem(IDesignerHost host)
return GetSelectedToolboxItem();
public object SerializeToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem)
DataObject dataObject = new DataObject();
dataObject.SetData(typeof(ToolboxItem), toolboxItem);
return dataObject;
public ToolboxItem DeserializeToolboxItem(object dataObject)
return DeserializeToolboxItem(dataObject, null);
public ToolboxItem DeserializeToolboxItem(object data, IDesignerHost host)
IDataObject dataObject = data as IDataObject;
if (dataObject == null)
return null;
ToolboxItem t = (ToolboxItem)dataObject.GetData(typeof(ToolboxItem));
if (t == null)
string format;
ToolboxItemCreatorCallback creator = FindToolboxItemCreator(dataObject, host, out format);
if (creator != null)
return creator(dataObject, format);
return t;
public ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems()
return new ToolboxItemCollection(new ToolboxItem[0]);
public ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems(IDesignerHost host)
return new ToolboxItemCollection(new ToolboxItem[0]);
public ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems(string category)
return new ToolboxItemCollection(new ToolboxItem[0]);
public ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems(string category, IDesignerHost host)
return new ToolboxItemCollection(new ToolboxItem[0]);
public bool IsSupported(object data, IDesignerHost host)
return true;
public bool IsSupported(object serializedObject, ICollection filterAttributes)
return true;
public bool IsToolboxItem(object dataObject)
return IsToolboxItem(dataObject, null);
public bool IsToolboxItem(object data, IDesignerHost host)
IDataObject dataObject = data as IDataObject;
if (dataObject == null)
return false;
if (dataObject.GetDataPresent(typeof(ToolboxItem)))
return true;
string format;
ToolboxItemCreatorCallback creator = FindToolboxItemCreator(dataObject, host, out format);
if (creator != null)
return true;
return false;
public new void Refresh()
public void RemoveCreator(string format)
RemoveCreator(format, null);
public void RemoveCreator(string format, IDesignerHost host)
if (format == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("format");
if (customCreators != null)
string key = format;
if (host != null)
key += ", " + host.GetHashCode().ToString();
public virtual void RemoveToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolComponentClass)
public virtual void RemoveToolboxItem(ToolboxItem componentClass, string category)
public virtual bool SetCursor()
if (this.currentSelection != null)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Cross;
return true;
return false;
public virtual void SetSelectedToolboxItem(ToolboxItem selectedToolClass)
if (selectedToolClass == null)
listBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
OnListBoxClick(null, EventArgs.Empty);
public void AddType(Type t)
listBox.Items.Add(new SelfHostToolboxItem(t.AssemblyQualifiedName));
public Attribute[] GetEnabledAttributes()
return null;
public void SetEnabledAttributes(Attribute[] attrs)
public void SelectedToolboxItemUsed()
public static IDataObject SerializeActivitiesToDataObject(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ICollection activities)
// get component serialization service
ComponentSerializationService css = (ComponentSerializationService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ComponentSerializationService));
if (css == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Component Serialization Service is missing.");
// serialize all activities to the store
SerializationStore store = css.CreateStore();
using (store)
foreach (Activity activity in activities)
css.Serialize(store, activity);
// wrap it with clipboard style object
Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(stream, store);
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return new DataObject(CF_DESIGNER, stream);
public static Activity[] DeserializeActivitiesFromDataObject(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IDataObject dataObj, bool addReference)
IDesignerHost designerHost = (IDesignerHost)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));
if (designerHost == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("IDesignerHost is missing.");
if (dataObj == null)
return new Activity[] { };
object data = dataObj.GetData(CF_DESIGNER);
ICollection activities = null;
if (data is Stream)
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
((Stream)data).Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
object serializationData = formatter.Deserialize((Stream)data);
if (serializationData is SerializationStore)
// get component serialization service
ComponentSerializationService css = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ComponentSerializationService)) as ComponentSerializationService;
if (css == null)
throw new Exception("ComponentSerializationService is missing.");
// deserialize data
activities = css.Deserialize((SerializationStore)serializationData);
// Now check for a toolbox item.
IToolboxService ts = (IToolboxService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IToolboxService));
if (ts != null && ts.IsSupported(dataObj, designerHost))
ToolboxItem toolBoxItem = ts.DeserializeToolboxItem(dataObj, designerHost);
if (toolBoxItem != null)
// this will make sure that we add the assembly reference to project
if (addReference && toolBoxItem.AssemblyName != null)
ITypeResolutionService trs = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService)) as ITypeResolutionService;
if (trs != null)
ActivityToolboxItem ActivityToolboxItem = toolBoxItem as ActivityToolboxItem;
if (addReference && ActivityToolboxItem != null)
activities = ActivityToolboxItem.CreateComponentsWithUI(designerHost);
activities = toolBoxItem.CreateComponents(designerHost);
return (activities != null) ? (Activity[])(new ArrayList(activities).ToArray(typeof(Activity))) : new Activity[] { };
//Gets the toolbox item associated with a component type
internal static ToolboxItem GetToolboxItem(Type toolType)
if (toolType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("toolType");
ToolboxItem item = null;
if ((toolType.IsPublic || toolType.IsNestedPublic) && typeof(IComponent).IsAssignableFrom(toolType) && !toolType.IsAbstract)
ToolboxItemAttribute toolboxItemAttribute = (ToolboxItemAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(toolType)[typeof(ToolboxItemAttribute)];
if (toolboxItemAttribute != null && !toolboxItemAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute())
Type itemType = toolboxItemAttribute.ToolboxItemType;
if (itemType != null)
// First, try to find a constructor with Type as a parameter. If that
// fails, try the default constructor.
ConstructorInfo ctor = itemType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Type) });
if (ctor != null)
item = (ToolboxItem)ctor.Invoke(new object[] { toolType });
ctor = itemType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
if (ctor != null)
item = (ToolboxItem)ctor.Invoke(new object[0]);
else if (!toolboxItemAttribute.Equals(ToolboxItemAttribute.None))
item = new ToolboxItem(toolType);
else if (typeof(ToolboxItem).IsAssignableFrom(toolType))
// if the type *is* a toolboxitem, just create it..
item = (ToolboxItem)Activator.CreateInstance(toolType, true);
return item;
//Parse the toolbox.txt file embedded in resource and create the entries in toolbox
private void AddToolboxEntries(ListBox lb)
Stream selfTools = GetType().Module.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(GetType(), "ToolboxItems.txt");
Debug.Assert(selfTools != null, "Unable to load toollist.txt for type '" + GetType().FullName + "'");
int len = (int)selfTools.Length;
byte[] bytes = new byte[len];
selfTools.Read(bytes, 0, len);
string entries = Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes);
int start = 0, end = 0;
string entry;
while (end < entries.Length)
end = entries.IndexOf('\r', start);
if (end == -1)
end = entries.Length;
entry = entries.Substring(start, (end - start));
if (entry.Length != 0 && !entry.StartsWith(";"))
lb.Items.Add(new SelfHostToolboxItem(entry));
start = end + 2;
private void OnDrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
ListBox listBox = (ListBox)sender;
object objItem = listBox.Items[e.Index];
SelfHostToolboxItem item = null;
Bitmap bitmap = null;
string text = null;
if (objItem is string)
bitmap = null;
text = (string)objItem;
item = (SelfHostToolboxItem)objItem;
bitmap = (Bitmap)item.Glyph; // if it's not a bitmap, it's a metafile, and how likely is that?
text = item.Name;
bool selected = false;
bool disabled = false;
if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected)
selected = true;
if ((int)(e.State & (DrawItemState.Disabled | DrawItemState.Grayed | DrawItemState.Inactive)) != 0)
disabled = true;
StringFormat format = new StringFormat();
format.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix.Show;
int x = e.Bounds.X + 4;
x += 20;
if (selected)
Rectangle r = e.Bounds;
r.Width--; r.Height--;
g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.ActiveCaption, r);
g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Menu, e.Bounds);
using(Brush border = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(Math.Min(SystemColors.Menu.R + 15, 255), Math.Min(SystemColors.Menu.G + 15, 255), Math.Min(SystemColors.Menu.B + 15, 255))))
g.FillRectangle(border, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, 20, e.Bounds.Height));
if (bitmap != null)
g.DrawImage(bitmap, e.Bounds.X + 2, e.Bounds.Y + 2, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
Brush textBrush = (disabled) ? new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(120, SystemColors.MenuText)) : SystemBrushes.FromSystemColor(SystemColors.MenuText);
g.DrawString(text, Font, textBrush, x, e.Bounds.Y + 2, format);
if (disabled)
//Start the drag drop when user selects and drags the tool
private void OnListBoxMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && this.listBox.SelectedItem != null)
SelfHostToolboxItem selectedItem = listBox.SelectedItem as SelfHostToolboxItem;
if (selectedItem == null || selectedItem.ComponentClass == null)
ToolboxItem toolboxItem = ToolboxService.GetToolboxItem(selectedItem.ComponentClass);
IDataObject dataObject = this.SerializeToolboxItem(toolboxItem) as IDataObject;
DragDropEffects effects = DoDragDrop(dataObject, DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Move);
private void OnListBoxClick(object sender, EventArgs eevent)
SelfHostToolboxItem toolboxItem = listBox.SelectedItem as SelfHostToolboxItem;
if (toolboxItem != null)
this.currentSelection = toolboxItem.ComponentClass;
else if (this.currentSelection != null)
int index = this.listBox.Items.IndexOf(this.currentSelection);
if (index >= 0)
this.listBox.SelectedIndex = index;
private void OnListKeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyChar == 0xD)
OnListBoxDoubleClick(sender, e);
e.Handled = true;
private void OnListBoxDoubleClick(object sener, EventArgs e)
IToolboxUser docDes = null;
SelfHostToolboxItem selectedItem = listBox.SelectedItem as SelfHostToolboxItem;
if (selectedItem == null)
this.currentSelection = selectedItem.ComponentClass;
IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)provider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));//des.ActiveDesigner;
if (host != null && this.currentSelection != null)
IDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(host.RootComponent);
if (designer is IToolboxUser)
docDes = (IToolboxUser)designer;
if (docDes != null)
ToolboxItem c = ToolboxService.GetToolboxItem(this.currentSelection);
Debug.Assert(c != null, "Class " + this.currentSelection.FullName + " does not exist");
if (c != null && docDes.GetToolSupported(c))
catch (Exception ex)
IUIService uis = (IUIService)provider.GetService(typeof(IUIService));
if (uis != null)
MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.ToString());
object o = Activator.CreateInstance(this.currentSelection);
SequentialWorkflowActivity service = host.RootComponent as SequentialWorkflowActivity;
service.Activities.Add(o as Activity);
host.RootComponent.Site.Container.Add(o as IComponent);
Class SelfHostToolboxItem#region Class SelfHostToolboxItem
internal class SelfHostToolboxItem
private string componentClassName;
private Type componentClass;
private string name = null;
private string className = null;
private Image glyph = null;
public SelfHostToolboxItem(string componentClassName)
this.componentClassName = componentClassName;
public string ClassName
if (className == null)
className = ComponentClass.FullName;
return className;
public Type ComponentClass
if (componentClass == null)
componentClass = Type.GetType(componentClassName);
if (componentClass == null)
int index = componentClassName.IndexOf(",");
if (index >= 0)
componentClassName = componentClassName.Substring(0, index);
foreach (AssemblyName referencedAssemblyName in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetReferencedAssemblies())
Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(referencedAssemblyName);
if (assembly != null)
componentClass = assembly.GetType(componentClassName);
if (componentClass != null)
//Finally check in Activities and ComponentModel dll
componentClass = typeof(SequentialWorkflowActivity).Assembly.GetType(componentClassName);
if (componentClass == null)
componentClass = typeof(CompositeActivity).Assembly.GetType(componentClassName);
return componentClass;
public string Name
if (name == null)
if (ComponentClass != null)
name = ComponentClass.Name;
name = "Unknown Item";
return name;
public virtual Image Glyph
if (glyph == null)
Type t = ComponentClass;
if (t == null)
t = typeof(Component);
ToolboxBitmapAttribute attr = (ToolboxBitmapAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(t)[typeof(ToolboxBitmapAttribute)];
if (attr != null)
glyph = attr.GetImage(t, false);
return glyph;
public override string ToString()
return componentClassName;
private MenuItem[] GetSelectionMenuItems()
List<MenuItem> menuItems = new List<MenuItem>();
bool addMenuItems = true;
ISelectionService selectionService = GetService(typeof(ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService;
if (selectionService != null)
foreach (object obj in selectionService.GetSelectedComponents())
if (!(obj is Activity))
addMenuItems = false;
if (addMenuItems)
Dictionary<CommandID, string> selectionCommands = new Dictionary<CommandID, string>();
selectionCommands.Add(WorkflowMenuCommands.Cut, "切剪");
selectionCommands.Add(WorkflowMenuCommands.Copy, "拷贝");
selectionCommands.Add(WorkflowMenuCommands.Paste, "粘贴");
selectionCommands.Add(WorkflowMenuCommands.Delete, "删除");
foreach (CommandID id in selectionCommands.Keys)
MenuCommand command = FindCommand(id);
if (command != null)
MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(selectionCommands[id], new EventHandler(OnMenuClicked));
menuItem.Tag = command;
List<MenuItem> menuItems = new List<MenuItem>();
bool addMenuItems = true;
ISelectionService selectionService = GetService(typeof(ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService;
if (selectionService != null)
foreach (object obj in selectionService.GetSelectedComponents())
if (!(obj is Activity))
addMenuItems = false;
if (addMenuItems)
Dictionary<CommandID, string> selectionCommands = new Dictionary<CommandID, string>();
selectionCommands.Add(WorkflowMenuCommands.Cut, "切剪");
selectionCommands.Add(WorkflowMenuCommands.Copy, "拷贝");
selectionCommands.Add(WorkflowMenuCommands.Paste, "粘贴");
selectionCommands.Add(WorkflowMenuCommands.Delete, "删除");
foreach (CommandID id in selectionCommands.Keys)
MenuCommand command = FindCommand(id);
if (command != null)
MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(selectionCommands[id], new EventHandler(OnMenuClicked));
menuItem.Tag = command;
public override void ShowContextMenu(CommandID menuID, int x, int y)
if (menuID == WorkflowMenuCommands.SelectionMenu)
ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
MenuItem[] items = GetSelectionMenuItems();
if (items.Length > 0)
contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-"));
foreach (MenuItem item in items)
WorkflowView workflowView = GetService(typeof(WorkflowView)) as WorkflowView;
if (workflowView != null)
contextMenu.Show(workflowView, workflowView.PointToClient(new Point(x, y)));
if (menuID == WorkflowMenuCommands.SelectionMenu)
ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
MenuItem[] items = GetSelectionMenuItems();
if (items.Length > 0)
contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-"));
foreach (MenuItem item in items)
WorkflowView workflowView = GetService(typeof(WorkflowView)) as WorkflowView;
if (workflowView != null)
contextMenu.Show(workflowView, workflowView.PointToClient(new Point(x, y)));