ASP.NET MVC easyUI-datagrid 分页

本文写的是最简单的 按照API文档来写的分页。就是插件自带的分页效果。


 1  <table id="dg" class="easyui-datagrid" style="width: 100%; height: 400px;" data-options="nowrap:false">
 2                 <thead>
 3                     <tr>
 4                         <th data-options="field:'DeviceId',checkbox:true"></th>       
 5                         <th data-options="field:'DeviceName', width:120,align:'center'" >名称</th>                       
 6                         <th data-options="field:'DeviceUnitName', width:80,align:'center'">单位</th>
 7                         <th data-options="field:'MakePlace', width:120,align:'center'">产地</th>
 8                         <th data-options="field:'BuyTime', width:120,align:'center'">购置日期</th>
10                     </tr>
11                 </thead>              
12             </table>
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二丶JS代码:在js写easyUI-datagrid读取数据时候,要分页就加上 pagination: true,pageSize:10,pageList[10,20,30],表示grid要分页,每页10条,但可选10,20或者30条每页。

 1 $(".easyui-datagrid").datagrid({
 2                 rownumbers: true,
 3                 singleSelect: false,
 4                 fitColumns: false,
 5                 idField: 'DeviceId',
 6                 method: 'post',
 7                 url: '/Admin/Report/DeviceDetialListSearch',
 8                 remoteSort: false,
 9                 multiSort: false,
10                 pagination: true,
11                 pageSize: 10,
12                 pageList: [10,20,30],
13                 queryParams: {
14                     'DeviceIdList':"",
15                 'DeviceName':$("#DeviceName").combobox('getValue'),
17                 },
18                 onLoadSuccess: function () {
19                     //$("#dg").datagrid('clearChecked');//清除复选框
20                     //$("#dg").datagrid('load');
21                 }
22             });
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三丶Controller后台读取数据 DeviceDetialListSearch()函数: Request["rows"]代表当前页面有多少行,Request["page"]代表当前页,这两个是easyUI-datagrid自带的只要用到分页,就会有这两个,不需要顾虑。recordCount代表搜索到的数据总数,这个会在Model里求出。并可在这里调用。

1 public ActionResult DeviceDetialListSearch()
2         {
3             FADeviceInfoModel deviceInfoModel = new FADeviceInfoModel();
4             int pageSize = int.Parse(Request["rows"]);
5             int nowPage = int.Parse(Request["page"]);
6             int recordCount = 0;  //搜索条件下的总记录数量  
7             DataTable  dtDeviceInfo = deviceInfoModel.SearchForDetail(pageSize, nowPage,out recordCount, Request["DeviceName"], Request["startTime"], Request["endTime"]);
8             return Content(MyJson.DataTableToJsonByPage(dtDeviceInfo, recordCount, ""));
9         }
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 1  public DataTable SearchForDetail(int pageSize, int nowPage, out int recordCount,string DeviceName,  string startTime, string endTime)
 2         {
 3             string sqlCondition = " ";      
 4             if (startTime != null && !startTime.Equals(""))
 5                 sqlCondition += " and FADeviceInfo.ReleaseTime >= '" + startTime + " 00:00:01' ";
 6             if (endTime != null && !endTime.Equals(""))
 7                 sqlCondition += " and FADeviceInfo.ReleaseTime <= '" + endTime + " 23:59:59' ";        
 8             if (DeviceName != null && !DeviceName.Equals(""))
 9                 sqlCondition += " and (FADeviceInfo.DeviceName like '%" + DeviceName + "%' or FADeviceInfo.DeviceInputCode like '%" + DeviceName + "%')";
11             string sqlOrder = " order by DeviceId desc ";
12             string sqlResult = " DeviceId,DeviceStatus,DeviceCode,DeviceName,DepartmentName,DeviceSpec,DeviceUnitName,OriginalValue,MakePlace,BuyTime,FinancialCode ";
14             string sqlSon = "(select top " + (nowPage - 1) * pageSize + " DeviceId from FADeviceInfo " + sqlOn + " where 1 = 1 " + sqlCondition + sqlOrder + ")";
15             string sql = " select top " + pageSize + sqlResult + " from FADeviceInfo  " + sqlOn + " where DeviceId not in " + sqlSon + sqlCondition + sqlOrder;
16             string sqlCount = "select count(*) from FADeviceInfo " + sqlOn + " where 1 = 1 " + sqlCondition;
18             DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
19             dataTable = db.MyExecuteQuery(sql);          
20             recordCount =db.GetCount(sqlCount);
21             return dataTable;
22         }
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 1  public static string DataTableToJsonByPage(DataTable dt, int total, string footer)
 2         {
 3             StringBuilder jsonBuilder = new StringBuilder();
 4             //添加表格总行数
 5             jsonBuilder.Append("{\"total\":" + total + ",\"rows\":");
 6             //添加行数据
 7             jsonBuilder.Append("[");
 8             for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
 9             {
10                 jsonBuilder.Append("{");
11                 for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
12                 {
13                     jsonBuilder.Append("\"");
14                     jsonBuilder.Append(dt.Columns[j].ColumnName);
15                     jsonBuilder.Append("\":\"");
16                     jsonBuilder.Append(dt.Rows[i][j].ToString());
17                     jsonBuilder.Append("\",");
18                 }
19                 jsonBuilder.Remove(jsonBuilder.Length - 1, 1);
20                 jsonBuilder.Append("},");
21             }
22             if (dt.Rows.Count != 0)
23             {
24                 jsonBuilder.Remove(jsonBuilder.Length - 1, 1);
25             }
26             jsonBuilder.Append("]");
27             //添加Footer
28             jsonBuilder.Append(",\"footer\":[");
29             jsonBuilder.Append(footer);
30             jsonBuilder.Append("]}");
32             jsonBuilder = jsonBuilder.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "");
33             return jsonBuilder.ToString();
34         }
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posted @ 2017-08-14 14:47  shzhq  阅读(720)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报