Dragon Boat Festival

I went back home early for the Dragon Boat Festival after finishing my classes. It is fantastic for me to make preparations for the Dragon Boat Festival with family. We will wrap zongzi together every year. The sweet zongzi wrapped by my mom and grandma is my favorite, and it's the most delicious than other kinds, in my opinion. Every time my mom and grandma were wrapping zongzi, I would go to help voluntarily. Even if I've learned to wrap zongzi for many times, it's still too hard to wrap it well for me.

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanwu Festival, holds a profound history and cultural significance in China. Originating from ancient rituals honoring the poet and patriot Qu Yuan, this festival has evolved into a meaningful celebration of tradition.

Qu Yuan, a minister in the ancient Chu Kingdom, was famous for his wisdom, patriotism, and literary talents. However, his advice was often disregarded, and he was eventually exiled. In despair, he took his own life by throwing himself into the Miluo River. The people of Chu were deeply saddened by his death. Then they also launched boats into the river to search for his body, and threw the zongzi to prevent fish from eating his body. This tradition of dragon boat racing and eating zongzi have formed through the ages, becoming the central activities during the Dragon Boat Festival.

For me, the Dragon Boat Festival serves as a bridge connecting me to China's rich cultural heritage. As I participate in preparing zongzi with my family, I am reminded of the importance of tradition and community. The legend of Qu Yuan's sacrifice impresses deeply with me, inspiring me to insist the values of integrity, perseverance, and love for my country.

Among the many stories and legends surrounding the Dragon Boat Festival, the tale of Qu Yuan's life and death particularly stands out. His patriotism and self-sacrifice have become a symbol of Chinese culture, inspiring countless generations to strive for justice and righteousness. Through the Dragon Boat Festival, I'm able to appreciate this valuable cultural heritage, carrying it forward into the future.

Dragon Boat race is a tradition in the Dragon Boat Festival. Several days ago, Nanchang held International Dragon Boat Race. The Gaoan Dragon boat team of Yichun City won the champion of the standard dragon boat group in the 500-meter straight track race. I'm so proud of them because I'm from Gaoan.

posted @ 2024-06-12 13:17  玫瑰的邻居朋友  阅读(2)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报