MDSERR310029|The status of the specified batch is not valid (MDS 指定的 Batch状态非法)


Recently i've been working on MDS part, i use SSIS to automate my MDS synchronization, one error occured, which is 'MDSERR310029|The status of the specified batch is not valid'.

最近正在尝试用微软的MDS来组织主数据,在SSIS自动化MDS同步的过程中,报了这样一个错误:'MDSERR310029|The status of the specified batch is not valid',大意就是batch的状态非法。

The reason i had this is because i have several container run with same batch tag together, but once there is a running batch with the same name, you can't schedule another one.


Two solutions are possible to solve this issue:


  • One is run your container one by one, collateral is not allowed一种是顺序执行容器
  • Another one is have different batch tag, but that makes you have to define too much variables or change too many tasks. 而另一种就是标记不同的标签,但是,这样会导致很多的标签变量,需要在两者间平衡最合适的方案

Before we run the new package, we have to detect which batch stops you.


select * from mdm.tblStgBatch where Status_ID=3

and here you can update status of those batches


Update mdm.tblStgBatch set Status_ID=7 where Status_ID=3

after everything is done, your new package can run successfully.



posted @ 2017-12-21 10:47  Elfa_Digger  阅读(472)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报