
    新手一枚,最近研究openfire,看到网上资料其页面布局用的是sitemesh,第一次听说,上网查了好多资料,也看了好多博客介绍,觉得好神奇的技术(高手勿喷)。不过我也很好奇现在和sitemesh类似的相关的主流技术是啥? 求高手指点下……(以前只知道用jsp include)






先复制点简介过来吧,帮助理解sitemesh。尤其是那副配图,很清晰明了的表达了sitemesh的作用。顺便还附带了 下载地址……

对了,官网教程里推荐的ide    STS:SpringSource  Tool  Suite,我也是第一次看到,确实和Myeclipse差不多,都是基于eclipse……之所以用sts,  对于我来说,只是以为可以直接import 一个war包,在sts里形成一个完整的项目。在Myeclipse里导入war包,可以实现,但是像sts这样直接导入形成一个项目,我还不会……  谁会的可以教教我……先谢谢啦……


What is SiteMesh?

SiteMesh is a lightweight and flexible Java web application framework that applies the Gang of Four decorator pattern to allow a clean separation of content from presentation.

Work with the simple content of your website and have the appropriate look and feel applied (decorated) just before delivery to a PC or Mobile device.

At the same time, SiteMesh has many advanced features and works with popular frameworks such as Spring and Struts.

Why Use SiteMesh

Write your content once and present it in many different ways,

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Let's Hear Some More

SiteMesh uses Filters introduced since Java Servlet version 2.3.

  • SiteMesh intercepts requests to any generated HTML page, processes the content and then merges it with one or more decorators to build the final result.
  • SiteMesh can also be used to compose large pages of smaller pages and layouts.
  • SiteMesh can be used in Java based web-applications, or applied to content as an offline job.

For a good overview, see Mike Cannon-Brookes' PowerPoint presented at the Vegas Server Side Symposium.


Download SiteMesh 2.4.2, a stable, rock solid and Production proven release or check out SiteMesh 3 Alpha.

posted @ 2013-08-17 18:37  风静海  阅读(1183)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报