随笔分类 - Coding Test
Twitter OA prepare: Equilibrium index of an array
摘要:Equilibrium index of an array is an index such that the sum of elements at lower indexes is equal to the sum of elements at higher indexes. For exampl...
VMware coding Challenge
摘要:思路:这道题要观察,举个例子,1 2 * * 3 * 4 5 * * 6 7 * 8 * *, 用Stack,先序遍历,遇到数字就入栈,如果遇到 * *,说明栈顶节点是叶子节点,一条根到叶子的路径这时候就存在于栈之中,只要计算栈的size(),就知道当前这条路径的深度,树的height就是这些深度的...