France beat Croatia 4-2 in World Cup final

         France won the World Cup for the second time by beating Croatia 4-2 in a tremendous final in Moscow
        💡tremendous   adj.巨大的,指比分拉锯巨大。
        A breathtaking encounter featured the first World Cup final own goal, two hugely controversial refereeing decisions and a goalkeeping howler
        💡breathtaking  adj.吃惊的。
        encounter   n.意外的遭遇 vt 偶然的遇到,碰到
        feature的 v, 有特色的, adj.被形成的
        own goal 乌龙球
        controversial  adj,引起争议的,有争议的。
        referee n.仲裁人,调解人。
        refer vt.设计,委托。
        howler a stupid mistake 低级错误。
        France's victory  meant Didier Deschamps,Who captained them to glory in 1998, become just the third man to win the competition as a palyer and coach.
         💡competition  n. 比赛,竞争。
         Croatia started brightly but France scored with their first attack as Mario Mandzukic headed Antonine Griezmann's controversially awarded free-kick into his own net.
        【第三段】 克罗地亚开局打得很主动,但马里奥·曼祖基齐将安东尼-格里兹曼的极具争议的任意球顶进了自家球门,使法国首次进攻就收获了一粒进球。
        💡bright adj.明亮的,鲜亮的;聪明的;辉煌的;活泼的;机灵的,主动的。
        free-kick 任意球。
        controversial adj.  引起争议的,有争议的。
        award vt.授予,奖给,判给;
        As in all their previous knockout games , Croatia pulled level, this time through a well-taken goal from lvan Perisic.
        【第四段】  和之前的淘汰赛一样,克罗地亚通过伊万·佩里西奇的毫无争议进球扳平了比分
        💡well-taken  adj.无可争议的。
        privilege  n.特权 
        knockout  淘汰赛
        pull level   拉平比分
        previous adj.先前的;一千的;过早的;时间上稍前的。
        Just 10 minutes later France led again , after Persic was adjudged to have deliberately handled Blaise Matuidi's flick-on-but only after referee Nestor Pitana consulted the video assistant referee.
        💡refree   n.裁判
        adjudge vt.宣判,判决
        consult  v. 商讨,向....请教
        deliberately adv.慎重地,故意的。
        fick-on  头球摆渡
        Griezmann converted the spot-kick, and France took control as Paul Pogba curled in a superb third and Kylian Mbappe stroked home to become the second teenager to score in a World Cup final.
        💡spot-kick 点球
        convert vt.转变,变化,改变信仰。
        stroke home 击中要害
        superb adj.极好的
        A horrendous mistake from goalkeeper Hugo Lloris gave Croatia hope,as his misplaced pass hit Mandzukic and rolled in, bug France held firm.
        💡horrendous  adj.可怕的,令人吃惊的。
        hold firm 固守,坚持。   
        roll in   滚球入界
posted @ 2018-07-17 18:11  渐渐遗忘者  阅读(474)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报