箭头是什么意思呢?箭头记录着某棵Splay对应的链向上由轻边连着哪个节点,可以想象为箭头指向“Splay 的父亲”。但是,Splay的父亲并不记录有这个儿子,即箭头是单向的。同时,每个节点要记录它是否是它所在的Splay的根。这样,Splay构成的森林就建成了。
1 struct node{ 2 int fa,ch[2]; //父亲和左右儿子。 3 bool reverse,is_root; //区间反转标记、是否是所在Splay的根 4 }T[maxn];
1 int getson(int x){ 2 return x==T[T[x].fa].ch[1]; 3 } 4 void pushreverse(int x){ 5 if(!x)return; 6 swap(T[x].ch[0],T[x].ch[1]); 7 T[x].reverse^=1; 8 } 9 void pushdown(int x){ 10 if(T[x].reverse){ 11 pushreverse(T[x].ch[0]); 12 pushreverse(T[x].ch[1]); 13 T[x].reverse=false; 14 } 15 } 16 void rotate(int x){ 17 if(T[x].is_root)return; 18 int k=getson(x),fa=T[x].fa; 19 int fafa=T[fa].fa; 20 pushdown(fa);pushdown(x); //先要下传标记 21 T[fa].ch[k]=T[x].ch[k^1]; 22 if(T[x].ch[k^1])T[T[x].ch[k^1]].fa=fa; 23 T[x].ch[k^1]=fa; 24 T[fa].fa=x; 25 T[x].fa=fafa; 26 if(!T[fa].is_root)T[fafa].ch[fa==T[fafa].ch[1]]=x; 27 else T[x].is_root=true,T[fa].is_root=false; 28 //update(fa);update(x); //如果维护了信息,就要更新节点 29 } 30 void push(int x){ 31 if(!T[x].is_root)push(T[x].fa); 32 pushdown(x); 33 } 34 void Splay(int x){ 35 push(x); //在Splay到根之前,必须先传完反转标记 36 for(int fa;!T[x].is_root;rotate(x)){ 37 if(!T[fa=T[x].fa].is_root){ 38 rotate((getson(x)==getson(fa))?fa:x); 39 } 40 } 41 }
1 void access(int x){ 2 int y=0; 3 do{ 4 Splay(x); 5 T[T[x].ch[1]].is_root=true; 6 T[T[x].ch[1]=y].is_root=false; 7 //update(x); //如果维护了信息记得更新。 8 x=T[y=x].fa; 9 }while(x); 10 }
1 void mroot(int x){ 2 access(x); 3 Splay(x); 4 pushreverse(x); 5 }
void link(int u,int v){ mroot(u); T[u].fa=v; }
1 void cut(int u,int v) 2 mroot(u); //先把u变成根 3 access(v);Splay(v); //连接u、v 4 pushdown(v); //先下传标记 5 T[u].fa=T[v].ch[0]=0; 6 //v的左孩子表示v上方相连的重链 7 //update(v); //记得维护信息 8 }
Time Limit: 851MS | Memory Limit: 1572864KB | 64bit IO Format: %lld & %llu |
You are given a tree (an acyclic undirected connected graph) with N nodes, and edges numbered 1, 2, 3...N-1.
We will ask you to perfrom some instructions of the following form:
- CHANGE i ti : change the cost of the i-th edge to ti
or - QUERY a b : ask for the maximum edge cost on the path from node a to node b
The first line of input contains an integer t, the number of test cases (t <= 20). t test cases follow.
For each test case:
- In the first line there is an integer N (N <= 10000),
- In the next N-1 lines, the i-th line describes the i-th edge: a line with three integers a b c denotes an edge between a, b of cost c (c <= 1000000),
- The next lines contain instructions "CHANGE i ti" or "QUERY a b",
- The end of each test case is signified by the string "DONE".
There is one blank line between successive tests.
For each "QUERY" operation, write one integer representing its result.
Input: 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 2 QUERY 1 2 CHANGE 1 3 QUERY 1 2 DONE Output: 1 3
咦,这道题不是树链剖分的入门题么? 对的,不过,也可以用LCT做(树链剖分只处理静态的树和有关轻重边的动态更新,而LCT就是用来解决动态树问题)
给定一棵树,给定每条边a,b,w (w权值)
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<iostream> 3 #include<cstring> 4 #include<cstdlib> 5 #include<queue> 6 #include<cmath> 7 #include<algorithm> 8 using namespace std; 9 /* 10 LCT的思想类似于轻重链剖分 11 是用偏爱路径划分,用splay维护一条偏爱路径,然后像森林操作一样搞 12 u-v边的权值记录在v点上 13 */ 14 #define maxn 10005 15 int n; 16 int fa[maxn]; 17 struct edge 18 { 19 int v,w; 20 edge *next; 21 edge(int _v,int _w,edge *_next) 22 { 23 v=_v; 24 w=_w; 25 next=_next; 26 } 27 }*head[maxn]; 28 struct node 29 { 30 node *f; 31 node *ch[2]; 32 bool root;//是否是所在辅助树的根节点 33 int cost; 34 int maxcost; 35 36 }tree[maxn],*null,Tnull; 37 void init(node *u) 38 { 39 u->f=u->ch[0]=u->ch[1]=null; 40 u->root=true; 41 u->cost=u->maxcost=0; 42 } 43 void pushup(node *p) 44 { 45 p->maxcost=max(max(p->ch[0]->maxcost,p->ch[1]->maxcost),p->cost); 46 } 47 void rotate(node *u) 48 { 49 node *f=u->f; 50 node *ff=f->f; 51 int d=u==f->ch[1]; 52 53 f->ch[d]=u->ch[d^1]; 54 if(u->ch[d^1]!=null)u->ch[d^1]->f=f; 55 56 u->f=ff; 57 if(ff!=null) 58 { 59 if(ff->ch[0] == f) 60 { 61 ff->ch[0] = u; 62 } 63 else if(ff->ch[1] == f)//一定要用Else If,如果直接用Else会出现错误,因为树本身可能不是二叉树,虽然生成的Splay Tree是 64 { 65 ff->ch[1] = u; 66 } 67 } 68 69 u->ch[d^1]=f; 70 f->f=u; 71 72 pushup(f); 73 pushup(u); 74 if(f->root) 75 { 76 u->root=true; 77 f->root=false; 78 } 79 } 80 void splay(node *u) 81 { 82 if(u==null)return ; 83 while(!u->root) 84 { 85 node *f=u->f; 86 if(f->root) 87 { 88 rotate(u); 89 } 90 else 91 { 92 node *ff=f->f; 93 int d=u==f->ch[1]; 94 int dd=f==ff->ch[1]; 95 if(d==dd)rotate(f); 96 else rotate(u); 97 rotate(u); 98 } 99 } 100 pushup(u); 101 } 102 vector<pair<int,int> >E; 103 char ss[20]; 104 void access(node *u,bool flag) 105 { 106 node *v=null; 107 while(u!=null) 108 { 109 splay(u); 110 if(flag) 111 { 112 if(u->f==null) 113 { 114 printf("%d\n",max(u->ch[1]->maxcost,v->maxcost)); 115 } 116 } 117 u->ch[1]->root=true; 118 u->ch[1]=v; 119 v->root=false; 120 pushup(u); 121 v=u; 122 u=u->f; 123 } 124 } 125 void query(int u,int v) 126 { 127 access(tree+u,0); 128 access(tree+v,1); 129 } 130 void change(int u,int w) 131 { 132 access(tree+u,0); 133 splay(tree+u); 134 tree[u].cost=w; 135 pushup(tree+u); 136 } 137 void bfs() 138 { 139 memset(fa,-1,sizeof(fa)); 140 queue<int >q; 141 q.push(1); 142 fa[1]=0; 143 while(!q.empty()) 144 { 145 int u=q.front(); 146 q.pop(); 147 for(edge *i=head[u];i;i=i->next) 148 { 149 if(fa[i->v]==-1) 150 { 151 fa[i->v]=u; 152 tree[i->v].f=tree+u; 153 tree[i->v].cost=tree[i->v].maxcost=i->w; 154 q.push(i->v); 155 } 156 } 157 } 158 } 159 int main() 160 { 161 int T; 162 scanf("%d",&T); 163 null=&Tnull; 164 init(null); 165 while(T--) 166 { 167 scanf("%d",&n); 168 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) 169 { 170 head[i]=NULL; 171 init(&tree[i]); 172 } 173 E.clear(); 174 for(int i=1;i<n;i++) 175 { 176 int a,b,c; 177 scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); 178 head[a]=new edge(b,c,head[a]); 179 head[b]=new edge(a,c,head[b]); 180 E.push_back(make_pair(a,b)); 181 } 182 bfs(); 183 while(scanf("%s",ss)!=EOF) 184 { 185 if(ss[0]=='D')break; 186 if(ss[0]=='Q') 187 { 188 int u,v; 189 scanf("%d%d",&u,&v); 190 query(u,v); 191 } 192 else if(ss[0]=='C') 193 { 194 int a,w; 195 scanf("%d%d",&a,&w); 196 a--; 197 int u=E[a].first; 198 int v=E[a].second; 199 if(fa[u]==v) 200 { 201 change(u,w); 202 } 203 if(fa[v]==u) 204 { 205 change(v,w); 206 } 207 } 208 } 209 } 210 return 0; 211 }
Query on The Trees
Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65768/65768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 6250 Accepted Submission(s): 2504
There are N nodes, each node will have a unique weight Wi. We will have four kinds of operations on it and you should solve them efficiently. Wish you have fun!
For each case, the first line contains only one integer N.(1 ≤ N ≤ 300000) The next N‐1 lines each contains two integers x, y which means there is an edge between them. It also means we will give you one tree initially.
The next line will contains N integers which means the weight Wi of each node. (0 ≤ Wi ≤ 3000)
The next line will contains an integer Q. (1 ≤ Q ≤ 300000) The next Q lines will start with an integer 1, 2, 3 or 4 means the kind of this operation.
1. Given two integer x, y, you should make a new edge between these two node x and y. So after this operation, two trees will be connected to a new one.
2. Given two integer x, y, you should find the tree in the tree set who contain node x, and you should make the node x be the root of this tree, and then you should cut the edge between node y and its parent. So after this operation, a tree will be separate into two parts.
3. Given three integer w, x, y, for the x, y and all nodes between the path from x to y, you should increase their weight by w.
4. Given two integer x, y, you should check the node weights on the path between x and y, and you should output the maximum weight on it.
You should output a blank line after each test case.
1 2
2 4
2 5
1 3
1 2 3 4 5
4 2 3
2 1 2
4 2 3
1 3 5
3 2 1 4
4 1 4
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<iostream> 3 #include<cstring> 4 #include<cstdlib> 5 #include<algorithm> 6 #include<queue> 7 #include<cmath> 8 using namespace std; 9 const int maxn=300000+20; 10 const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f; 11 struct node 12 { 13 node *f; 14 node *ch[2]; 15 bool rev; 16 int add; 17 int mm; 18 int key; 19 }tree[maxn],*null,*cur; 20 void init() 21 { 22 null=tree; 23 null->f=null->ch[0]=null->ch[1]=null; 24 null->rev=0; 25 null->add=0; 26 null->mm=null->key=-inf; 27 cur=tree+1; 28 } 29 node *newnode(int key) 30 { 31 cur->f=cur->ch[0]=cur->ch[1]=null; 32 cur->mm=cur->key=key; 33 cur->add=0; 34 cur->rev=0; 35 return cur++; 36 } 37 bool isroot(node *x) 38 { 39 return x==null||x->f->ch[0]!=x&&x->f->ch[1]!=x; 40 } 41 void pushup(node *u) 42 { 43 u->mm=max(u->key,max(u->ch[0]->mm,u->ch[1]->mm)); 44 } 45 void pushdown(node *u) 46 { 47 if(u==null)return ; 48 if(u->rev) 49 { 50 swap(u->ch[0],u->ch[1]); 51 if(u->ch[0]!=null)u->ch[0]->rev^=1; 52 if(u->ch[1]!=null)u->ch[1]->rev^=1; 53 u->rev=0; 54 } 55 if(u->add) 56 { 57 if(u->ch[0]!=null) 58 { 59 u->ch[0]->add+=u->add; 60 u->ch[0]->mm+=u->add; 61 u->ch[0]->key+=u->add; 62 } 63 if(u->ch[1]!=null) 64 { 65 u->ch[1]->add+=u->add; 66 u->ch[1]->mm+=u->add; 67 u->ch[1]->key+=u->add; 68 } 69 u->add=0; 70 } 71 } 72 void rotate(node *u) 73 { 74 node *f=u->f; 75 node *ff=f->f; 76 int d=u==f->ch[1]; 77 78 if(u->ch[d^1]!=null)u->ch[d^1]->f=f; 79 f->ch[d]=u->ch[d^1]; 80 81 u->f=ff; 82 if(ff!=null) 83 { 84 if(f==ff->ch[0])ff->ch[0]=u; 85 else if(f==ff->ch[1])ff->ch[1]=u; 86 } 87 88 u->ch[d^1]=f; 89 f->f=u; 90 91 pushup(f); 92 pushup(u); 93 } 94 node *sta[maxn]; 95 int cnt; 96 void splay(node *u) 97 { 98 if(u==null)return ; 99 cnt=1; 100 sta[0]=u; 101 for(node *y=u;!isroot(y);y=y->f) 102 { 103 sta[cnt++]=y->f; 104 } 105 while(cnt)pushdown(sta[--cnt]); 106 while(!isroot(u)) 107 { 108 node *f=u->f; 109 node *ff=f->f; 110 if(isroot(f)) 111 { 112 rotate(u); 113 } 114 else 115 { 116 int d=u==f->ch[1]; 117 int dd=f==ff->ch[1]; 118 if(d==dd)rotate(f); 119 else rotate(u); 120 rotate(u); 121 } 122 } 123 pushup(u); 124 } 125 node *access(node *u) 126 { 127 node *v=null; 128 while(u!=null) 129 { 130 splay(u); 131 v->f=u; 132 u->ch[1]=v; 133 pushup(u); 134 v=u; 135 u=u->f; 136 } 137 return v; 138 } 139 void link(node *u,node *v) 140 { 141 access(u); 142 splay(u); 143 u->rev=1; 144 u->f=v; 145 } 146 bool sam(node *u,node *v) 147 { 148 while(u->f!=null)u=u->f; 149 while(v->f!=null)v=v->f; 150 return u==v; 151 } 152 void changeroot(node *u) 153 { 154 access(u)->rev^=1; 155 } 156 void cut(node *u) 157 { 158 access(u); 159 splay(u);//access+旋转之后左子树的点都比u小,一定会有u的父亲 160 u->ch[0]=u->ch[0]->f=null; 161 pushup(u); 162 } 163 node *getroot(node *u) 164 { 165 access(u); 166 splay(u); 167 while(u->f!=null)u=u->f; 168 splay(u); 169 return u; 170 } 171 int n,m; 172 int det[maxn]; 173 struct edge 174 { 175 int u,v; 176 }E[maxn]; 177 int main() 178 { 179 while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF) 180 { 181 init(); 182 for(int i=1;i<n;i++) 183 { 184 scanf("%d%d",&E[i].u,&E[i].v); 185 } 186 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) 187 { 188 scanf("%d",&det[i]); 189 newnode(det[i]); 190 } 191 for(int i=1;i<n;i++) 192 { 193 link(tree+E[i].u,tree+E[i].v); 194 } 195 scanf("%d",&m); 196 for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) 197 { 198 int k,a,b; 199 scanf("%d",&k); 200 if(k==1) 201 { 202 scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); 203 if(sam(tree+a,tree+b))printf("-1\n"); 204 else 205 { 206 link(tree+a,tree+b); 207 } 208 } 209 else if(k==2) 210 { 211 scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); 212 if(a==b||!sam(tree+a,tree+b))printf("-1\n"); 213 else 214 { 215 changeroot(tree+a); 216 cut(tree+b); 217 } 218 } 219 else if(k==3) 220 { 221 int w; 222 scanf("%d%d%d",&w,&a,&b); 223 if(!sam(tree+a,tree+b))printf("-1\n"); 224 else 225 { 226 changeroot(tree+a); 227 access(tree+b); 228 node *q=getroot(tree+b); 229 q->add+=w; 230 q->mm+=w; 231 q->key+=w; 232 } 233 } 234 else if(k==4) 235 { 236 scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); 237 if(!sam(tree+a,tree+b))printf("-1\n"); 238 else 239 { 240 changeroot(tree+a); 241 access(tree+b); 242 node *q=getroot(tree+b); 243 printf("%d\n",q->mm); 244 } 245 } 246 } 247 printf("\n"); 248 } 249 return 0; 250 }
- BZOJ 2049 SDOI2008洞穴勘探,模板题,只需要link和cut,然后询问连通性。
BZOJ 2002 HNOI2010弹飞绵羊,模板题,需要link和询问某点到根的路径长度。
BZOJ 3669 NOI2014魔法森林,LCT的综合应用。
作 者:Angel_Kitty
出 处:


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