



  1. abandon sth./doing sth.放弃某事/做某事
  2. abandon onself to sth.完全屈从于(某种感情或冲动)
  3. with abandon 放肆地
  4. Why is the ability to get on with people important?与人相处的能力为什么那么重要?
  5. But the most wonderful thing with/about Jack was his musicial ability.但是杰克最棒的是他的音乐才能。
  6. ability for/in some work.做某项工作的能力
  7. ability to do sth.做某事的能力
  8. to the best of one’s ability.尽某人最大努力
  9. 用ability表示干某事的能力,后面只能接不定式,而不能用of doing sth.结构
  10. The young girl shows considerable ability in/for organization.这位年轻的姑娘颇有组织能力。
  11. At an early age,she showed a talent for music.很小的时候她就表现出了音乐天赋。
  12. The concert was performed by a violinist of unquestioned competence but limited imagination.这位演奏协奏曲的小提琴家毫无疑问是有能力的,但缺乏想象力。
  13. be able to do sth.能做某事
  14. By the time he was 14,he was able to play the guitar and piano.14岁的时候,他就能弹吉他和钢琴了。
  15. An able lawyer made an able speech.一位有能力的律师发表了一篇出色的演说。
  16. 在shall,will,have等词后,只用be able to.
  17. Will he be able to speak English in another few months?再过几个月他就会讲英语了吗?
  18. He has not been able to escape yet.他还没能够逃脱。
  19. be able to可与情态动词(can除外)或助动词连用,而can则不能。
  20. Will you be able to come here tomorrow?你明天能来吗?
  21. He must be able to use the foreign language,forgetting all about his own.他必须能够在运用外语的同时,忘掉自己的母语。
  22. be able to接不定式时,只能接肯定的、主动的不定式,不能接被动的不定式。需要时可由can代替。
  23. 表示过去做某桩具体事情的能力时,不可用could,应使用was/were able to.
  24. 用于请求许可时,只用can不用be able to,can意为”可以”,相当于may
  25. Can I open the window?我可以打开窗户吗?
  26. 用于表示给出许可时,只用can不用be able to,can意为”可以”,相当于may(这时不能用could,might)。
  27. Could I use your pen?我可以用你的钢笔吗?
  28. Yes,of course you can.(不说you could)可以,当然可以。
  29. You can play with your friends when you’ve tidied your bedroom.整理好你的卧室你就可以和你的朋友们一起玩耍了。
  30. inability无能,无力/disability缺陷,障碍/enable使……有能力,使……能够
  31. A traffic accident disabled the man,so he is disabled and has disability to live as a normal person,but his strong will enables him to live on.Now though he is unable to walk,he is able to walk in his wheelchair and work ably.一次车祸夺去了那个人的能力,因此他残疾了,没有能力过正常人的生活了,但是坚强的意志使他能够继续生活下去。他现在虽然不能行走,但能坐轮椅走路,并且有能力地工作。
  32. Peple who knew Leonard told the police that there seems to be something abnormal about his personality.认识莱昂纳多的人告诉警方,他看起来性格反常。
  33. He noted that a dish in which he was trying to grow bacteria for experiment looked abnormal---there was blue mould in it.他注意到一个他试图培养实验用的细菌的碟子看起来不正常---里面有蓝色的霉菌。
  34. All aboard!请大家上车/船/飞机!
  35. be about to do sth.正要/即将做某事。表示时间比较紧迫,常与when(这时)连用,由于词组中已有about,句中不能再加上at once,immediately及表示具体时间的状语。be not about to do sth.意为不愿做某事。
  36. What/How about……?......怎么样?
  37. We were about to leave when it started to rain.我们正要离开,突然下起雨来。
  38. I don’t about admit defect.我还不想认输。
  39. be going to do表示根据个人的愿望/打算要做某事,还可表示预见,即根据已有的迹象推断将来或即将发生的某种情况。
  40. I’m afraid I’m going to have a cold.我恐怕要感冒。
  41. It’s going to rain this afternoon.今天下午要下雨。
  42. be to do.表示按计划即将发生的动作。
  43. The road is to be completed next month.这条路将于下月完工。
  44. He is above 15,but he depends on his mother for everything.他都已经15岁多了,但什么事情还是靠他妈妈。
posted @ 2017-07-30 17:19  Angel_Kitty  阅读(1381)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报