LeetCode 271. Encode and Decode Strings
Design an algorithm to encode a list of strings to a string. The encoded string is then sent over the network and is decoded back to the original list of strings.
Machine 1 (sender) has the function:
string encode(vector<string> strs) { // ... your code return encoded_string; }
Machine 2 (receiver) has the function:
vector<string> decode(string s) { //... your code return strs; }
So Machine 1 does:
string encoded_string = encode(strs);
and Machine 2 does:
vector<string> strs2 = decode(encoded_string);
in Machine 2 should be the same as strs
in Machine 1.
Implement the encode
and decode
encode 时维护一个stringbuilder, 对于每一个string, sb append 该string长度 + "/" + string内容.
decode 时开始index = 0, while index < s.length(), 利用indexOf("/", fromIndex)找index 后面第一个 "/"的index, index 与 "/"index 之间是长度,解析后面该长度的string, 更新index到"/"index + 1 + len.
Time Complexity: encode, O(n). decode, O(n). n是strs list的所有string包含所有char的个数.
Space: O(n). StringBuilder sb 大小.
AC Java:
1 public class Codec { 2 3 // Encodes a list of strings to a single string. 4 public String encode(List<String> strs) { 5 if(strs == null || strs.size() == 0){ 6 return ""; 7 } 8 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 9 for(String s : strs){ 10 int len = s.length(); 11 sb.append(len).append("/"); 12 sb.append(s); 13 } 14 return sb.toString(); 15 } 16 17 // Decodes a single string to a list of strings. 18 public List<String> decode(String s) { 19 List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); 20 if(s == null || s.length() == 0){ 21 return res; 22 } 23 int index = 0; 24 while(index < s.length()){ 25 int forwardInd = s.indexOf("/", index); 26 int len = Integer.valueOf(s.substring(index, forwardInd)); 27 res.add(s.substring(forwardInd+1,forwardInd+1+len)); 28 index = forwardInd + 1 + len; 29 } 30 return res; 31 } 32 } 33 34 // Your Codec object will be instantiated and called as such: 35 // Codec codec = new Codec(); 36 // codec.decode(codec.encode(strs));
类似Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree, Serialize and Deserialize N-ary Tree.
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