LeetCode 564. Find the Closest Palindrome



Given an integer n, find the closest integer (not including itself), which is a palindrome.

The 'closest' is defined as absolute difference minimized between two integers.

Example 1:

Input: "123"
Output: "121"


  1. The input n is a positive integer represented by string, whose length will not exceed 18.
  2. If there is a tie, return the smaller one as answer.


First find all the candidates, add "9999..999", "10000..0001". say n = "10", its closet palindrome is "9".

Add first half, + reverse of (first half). 

e.g. 12567, its first half is 125, the candiates couldbe 12521, 12421, 12621.

Then check all the candidates and find the closest one.

Time Complexity: O(mn). m = is candidates list size. n is candiate length.

Space: O(mn).

AC Java:

 1 class Solution {
 2     public String nearestPalindromic(String n) {
 3         if(n == null || n.length() == 0){
 4             return n;
 5         }
 7         int len = n.length();
 8         int ind = (len + 1) / 2;
 9         long left = Long.valueOf(n.substring(0, ind));
10         List<Long> cans = new ArrayList<>();
11         boolean isEven = len % 2 == 0;
12         cans.add(getPal(left, isEven));
13         cans.add(getPal(left + 1, isEven));
14         cans.add(getPal(left - 1, isEven));
15         cans.add((long)(Math.pow(10, len - 1) - 1));
16         cans.add((long)(Math.pow(10, len) + 1));
18         long diff = Long.MAX_VALUE;
19         long res = 0;
20         long original = Long.valueOf(n);
21         for(long can : cans){
22             if(can == original){
23                 continue;
24             }
26             if(Math.abs(can - original) < diff){
27                 diff= Math.abs(can - original);
28                 res = can;
29             }else if(Math.abs(can - original) == diff){
30                 res = Math.min(res, can);
31             }
32         }
34         return String.valueOf(res);
35     }
37     private long getPal(long left, boolean isEven){
38         long res = left;
39         if(!isEven){
40             left /= 10;
41         }
43         while(left != 0){
44             res = res * 10 + left % 10;
45             left /= 10;
46         }
48         return res;
49     }
50 }

类似Next Palindrome Using Same Digits.

posted @ 2020-01-05 04:01  Dylan_Java_NYC  阅读(273)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报