python configparser模块详解



ServerAliveInterval = 45
Compression = yes
CompressionLevel = 9
ForwardX11 = yes

User = hg

Port = 50022
ForwardX11 = no


>>> import configparser
>>> config = configparser.ConfigParser()
>>> config['DEFAULT'] = {'ServerAliveInterval': '45',
...                      'Compression': 'yes',
...                      'CompressionLevel': '9'}
>>> config[''] = {}
>>> config['']['User'] = 'hg'
>>> config[''] = {}
>>> topsecret = config['']
>>> topsecret['Port'] = '50022'     # mutates the parser
>>> topsecret['ForwardX11'] = 'no'  # same here
>>> config['DEFAULT']['ForwardX11'] = 'yes'
>>> with open('example.ini', 'w') as configfile:
...   config.write(configfile)


>>> import configparser
>>> config = configparser.ConfigParser()
>>> config.sections()
>>> config.sections()
['', '']
>>> '' in config
>>> '' in config
>>> config['']['User']
>>> config['DEFAULT']['Compression']
>>> topsecret = config['']
>>> topsecret['ForwardX11']
>>> topsecret['Port']
>>> for key in config['']: print(key)  # 默认值会一直存在
>>> config['']['ForwardX11']


[Simple Values]
spaces in keys=allowed
spaces in values=allowed as well
spaces around the delimiter = obviously
you can also use : to delimit keys from values

[All Values Are Strings]
values like this: 1000000
or this: 3.14159265359
are they treated as numbers? : no
integers, floats and booleans are held as: strings
can use the API to get converted values directly: true

[Multiline Values]
chorus: I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay
    I sleep all night and I work all day

[No Values]
empty string value here =

[You can use comments]
# like this
; or this

# By default only in an empty line.
# Inline comments can be harmful because they prevent users
# from using the delimiting characters as parts of values.
# That being said, this can be customized.

    [Sections Can Be Indented]
        can_values_be_as_well = True
        does_that_mean_anything_special = False
        purpose = formatting for readability
        multiline_values = are
            handled just fine as
            long as they are indented
            deeper than the first line
            of a value
        # Did I mention we can indent comments, too?

由于解析器并不会记录文件中值得数据类型,它始终以字符串的形式保存。因此简单的传递 bool() 函数并不会处理出正确结果,因为 bool('False') 仍然返回 True 配置器提供了一个方法 **getboolean()** 此方法可以识别 (不区分大小写)'yes'/ 'no','on'/ 'off', 'true'/ 'false'和'1'/ '0'中的布尔值。例如: ```python # 上接上述配置代码 >>> topsecret.getboolean('ForwardX11') False >>> config[''].getboolean('ForwardX11') True >>> config.getboolean('', 'Compression') True # 此外,配置器还提供了 getint() 和 getfloat() 方法来处理数据类型 ```

像字典一样,配置器提供了获取 section 值的方法 get()

>>> topsecret.get('Port')
>>> topsecret.get('CompressionLevel')
>>> topsecret.get('Cipher')
>>> topsecret.get('Cipher', '3des-cbc')


>>> topsecret.get('CompressionLevel', '3')

以下是 configparser 模块的基本方法: * 读取配置文件 1. defaults() 返回包含实例范围默认值的字典 2. read(filename) 直接读取ini文件内容 3. sections() 获取所有的 section,以列表的形式返回 4. options(section) 获取指定 section 的所有的 option 5. items(section) 获取指定 section 所有的键值对 6. get(section, option) 获取指定 section 中 option 的值 7. getint(section, option) 获取指定 section 中 option 的值,以 int 类型返回 8. getfloat(section, option) 获取指定 section 中 option 的值,以 float 类型返回 9. getboolean(section, option) 获取指定section 中 option 的值,以 boolean类型返回 * 写入配置文件 1. add_section(section) 添加指定的新的 section 2. has_section(section) 判断是否存在指定的 section 3. set(section, option, value) 设置指定 section 中 option 的值 4. remove_section(section) 删除指定 section 5. remove_option(section, option) 删除指定 section 中的 option 6. write(fileobject) 将内容写入配置文件
posted @ 2019-05-10 19:13  During丶  阅读(1417)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报