

expression description
node select all children nodes of this node
/ select from root node
// select the document node from the current matched node,regardless of their position
. select current node
.. select the parent node of current node
@ select properties










expression implication
/bookstore/book[1] select the first book element belongs to bookstore
/bookstore/book[last()] select the lastbook element belongs to bookstore
/bookstore/book[position()<3] select the first two book elements belongs to bookstore
//title[@lang] choose elements of title with lang property








expression description usage specification
* match any node xpath("/div/*") select all children nodes under div node
@* match nodes with any property  xpath("/div[@*]") select all node with properties
node() match nodes of any type xpath("//div[@class=\"tb_cls\"]").node() select all div tags which class property is tb_cls






四、multiple path selection

usage specification
xpath("//book/title*|*//book/price") select all title elements and price elements of book
xpath("//title|//price") select all title elements and price elements in the document





五、xpath axis

expression description usage illustration
ancestor select all ancestor nodes of current node xpath("//div[@id=\"123\"]/ancestor::*") select all ancestor nodes that tags name is div and id property is 123
ancestor-or-self select all ancestor node of current node and itself xpath("//div[@id=\"123\"]/ancestor-or-self::*") select all ancestor nodes and itself that tags name is div and id property is 123
attribute   select all attributs of current node xpath("//div[@id=\"123\"]/attribute::class") select class attribute name that tags name is div and id property is 123
child select all child nodes of current node xpath("//div[@id=\"123\"]/child::book") select all child book nodes that tags name is div and id property is 123
descendant ... xpath("./descendant::*") ...
following ... xpath("./following::*") ...
parent ... xpath("./parent::*") ...
preceding ... xpath("//div[@id=\"123\"]/preceding::*") ...
preceding-sibling ... xpath("//div[@id=\"123\"]/preceding-sibling::*") ...
self ... xpath("./self::*") ...














expression description usage illustration
+ ... ... ...
- ... ... ...
* ... ... ...
div ... ... ...
= ... ... ...
!= ... ... ...
< ... ... ...
<= ... ... ...


... ... ...
>= ... ... ...
or ... ... ...
and ... ... ...
mod ... ... ...


















expression description usage illustration
starts-with() ... xpath("//div[starts-with(@id,\"ma\")]") ...
contains() ... xpath("//div[contains(@id,\"ma\")]") ...
and ... xpath("//div[contains(@id,\"ma\")] and contains(@id,\"in\")") ...
text() ... xpath("//div[contains(text(),\"ma\")]") ...
posted @ 2020-07-31 21:05  遥~  阅读(329)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报