用过Java的IDE MyEclipse之后,才发现Visual Studio系列其实作为一个IDE还缺少很多必要的功能。特别是在代码重构和代码风格这一块。骂过好几回了,今天发现reSharper这个VS的插件居然具有几乎所有我想要的东西,当然,这个东东是收费的,不过有总比没有强。
- Adjust Namespaces
- Change Signature
- Convert Abstract Class to Interface
- Convert Anonymous to Named Type
- Convert Extension Method to Plain Static
- Convert Indexer to Method
- Convert Interface to Abstract Class
- Convert Method to Indexer
- Convert Method to Property
- Convert Property to Auto-Property
- Convert Property to Method
- Convert Static to Extension Method
| - Copy Type
- Encapsulate Field
- Extract Class from
- Parameters
- Extract Interface
- Extract Method
- Extract Superclass
- Inline Field
- Inline Method
- Inline Variable
- Introduce Field
- Introduce Parameter
- Introduce Variable
| - Make Method/Property Non-Static
- Make Method/Property Static
- Move Type to Another File
- Move Type to Another
- Namespace
- Move Type to Outer Scope
- Move to Another Type
- Move Types Into Matching Files
- Pull Members Up
- Push Members Down
- Rename
- Replace Constructor with
- Factory Method
- Safe Delete
- Use Base Type Where Possible
reSharper 在滚动栏这一侧加了状态条,显然是跟MyEcplise的做法一样,这个很方便,有没有需要修改的问题,一眼就可以看明白。

这个是我一直希望VS能支持的功能,”Go to Type” ,“Go to File”, “Go to Symbol” 和 “Go to File Member” 这个几个功能非常好用,可以极大的提高你的效率。而之前你需要通过多次的鼠标点击打开文件和类浏览器去手工搜索。
