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UpdateLookup field by Powershell Script


Set up the value of the lookup filed(named Relation)in the SharePoint list by PowerShell script,


This script is based on the SortOrder filed as a unique key to configure the Relation filed, before running the script, please make sure two following points correctly:

  1. The value of SortOrder field cannot be empty.
  2. 确保以SortOrder字段作为操作逻辑的唯一标尺,逻辑如下:我们根据Current Item中的SortOrder字段值移除最后一位字符后,所得到值为父级的SortOrder值。如果SortOrder值只为一位,表示为顶级,额外处理. 如下案例:

    First Level: 1,2,3,4....

    Second LeveL: 11,12... , 21, 22..... 41, 42....

    Third Level: 111, 112..... 411, 412..... 421, 422...


3, Once we have completed this relation configuration. so we can run the powershell script to update

 Powershell Code:


Write-Host "PowerShell JScript Loading...."

$snapin = Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell'}
 if ($snapin -eq $null) {
     Write-Host "Loading SharePoint Powershell Snapin..."
     Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"

$siteUrl = "http://shndtpln0633:9200"    #Input the url of your country site.
$LeftNavListUrl = "lists/RelationList"        #Input the relative Url of the target List. 

#*****************User-Define Functions******************#

#update the Looupup Field value
Function UpdateFieldValue( $item, $value){
        $item["Relation"] = $value
        Write-Host "the item($($item.Title)) was updated successfully" -f White
      write-host "Error, There an issue happened for updating the item($($item.Title))" -f red

#Get Parent Value
Function GetParentValue($value){
    $result = $value
    if(([System.String]$value).length -cge 2){
        $result  = $value.substring(0, $value.length-1)
        $result = "0"    
    return $result

#Get the value from the parent item
Function GetLookupValue($List, $SortOrder){
    $res = ""
        $caml="<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='SortOrder' /><Value Type='Number'>$SortOrder</Value></Eq></Where>"
        $query=new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery
        $query.ViewAttributes = "Scope='Recursive'"
        $query.Query=$caml | Write-Output
        if ($items -cne $null){
            if($items.Count -cge  1){                            
                $res ="$($items[0].ID);#$($items[0].Title)"
        write-host "Error, there an error for getting Lookup value ." -f white
        write-host $Error[0] -f red
    return $res

#*********** Main Process******************

$site = Get-SPSite -Identity $siteUrl
$LeftNavList = $site.RootWeb.GetList($LeftNavListUrl)

foreach($item in $LeftNavList.Items){    
    if(($item.Title -ne "Top") -and ($item.Title -ne "Parent")) {    
        $sOrder = $item["SortOrder"].ToString()        
        if($sOrder -ne ""){        
            $pOrder =  GetParentValue $sOrder        
             $lookupParent = GetLookupValue $LeftNavList $pOrder
            if($lookupParent -ne ""){
                UpdateFieldValue $item $lookupParent 
            write-host "The key(SortOrder field) has no value in the item $($item.Title), Please Check." -f red        
Write-Host "Operated Completedly!"
#Dispose of the site object





posted on 2012-12-18 00:06  希望(Jack)  阅读(246)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报