试了好多版本,8.3,11.0,11.5.1,2003都不行,把linux扩展分区(0x05)弄成了win95 ext'd(0x0f),系统找不到硬盘分区,启动不了。后来重新分区,去掉扩展分区,分了4个主分区(/boot,/,/var/log,swap),都设成ext2格式,再ghost,没问题了。(注:设成ext3格式应该也没问题,不过没有测试过) 阅读全文
海淀每次都出新规则,每次我都没机会摇号啊,shit! 阅读全文
Debian Reference (version 1) 不要用“test”命名可执行的测试文件。test 是一个 shell 的内建命令。 13.1 从哪儿开始 参考资源: file:///usr/share/doc/package 下的文档和样例 Unix / Programming Information Linux Programming Bible (John Goerzen/IDG books) 更详细的文档可以从GNU获得打印版本。 接下来的四个小节中包含了用不同的编程语言编写的脚本样例,该脚本创建一个包含用户帐户信息的文本文件,调用一组进程如 newusers 程序,将这些信 阅读全文
lsof -i TCP:port -n lsof -i UDP:port -nlsof -i :port -n另:netstat -ln #查看都开了哪些端口 lsof -a -p pid|grep LISTEN #查看进程打开的端口信息 阅读全文
sudo sed -i ’s/dapper/edgy/g’ /etc/apt/sources.list替换 sources.list 中所有 dapper 为 edgy-i edit files in place (makes backup if extension supplied)’s/a/b/g’ 替换 a 为 b,g 正则全局。find /e... 阅读全文
在网格portal中,有时候需要web服务器中实现身份切换,这个脚本的内容可以实现: cat test.sh #!/usr/bin/expect -fspawn -noecho su [lindex $argv 0] -c [lindex $argv 2]set password [lindex $argv 1]expect "*assword:"send "$password\r"expect eofexit调用脚本,以用户user的身份执行命令./test.sh user user's-password "ls -ivh /home/user" 这样就可以在web程序中实现身份切换来执行 阅读全文
自动实现页面跳转的3种方法 <? //PHP自带函数 Header("Location: http://www.phpx.com"); ?> <? //利用meta echo "<meta http-equiv=refresh content='0; url=http://www.phpx.com'>"; ?> <? //利用Javasc... 阅读全文
原文地址:http://gigaom.com/2009/11/06/10-top-open-source-resources-for-cloud-computing/ Open-source software has been on the rise at many businesses during the extended economic downturn, and one of the areas where it is starting to offer companies a lot of flexibility and cost savings is in cloud compu 阅读全文
Tue, Aug 15, 2006, by TheRaveNUnlike common high traffic servers’ architecture, the Google cluster architecture is based on strong software and lots of PC’s. Some say more then 15,000 PC... 阅读全文
# Ctrl + A - Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on # Ctrl + E - Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on 切到命令行开始|结尾 # Ctrl + L - Clears the Screen, similar to the clear command 清屏,类似于 clear 命令 # Ctrl + U - Clears the line before the cursor position. If you are 阅读全文