

1 信息安全的基本原则(碎碎念的概念)

Computer security specialists must not only know the technical side of their jobs but also must understand the principles behind information security

1.1 一些原则(懒得想标题)

  1. 没有绝对的安全,有足够的时间,工具和技巧,一个黑客可以穿过任何安全方式。There is no such thing as absolute security. Given enough time, tools, skills, and inclination, a hacker can break through any security measure
  2. 安全的三个目标,机密性,完整性和可用性。Three security goals – Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability
  3. Security Controls: Preventative, Detective, and Responsive
  4. Complexity is the enemy of security
  5. FUD does not work in selling security
  6. People, process and technology are all needed
  7. Open disclosure of vulnerabilities is good for security
  8. Core Imperative is to rely on principle-based analysis and decision making

1.2 另一些原则

  1. 要把安全防御上升到战略高度 Defense in depth as strategy
    – Security implemented in overlapping layers that provide the three elements needed to secure assets: prevention, detection, and response
    – The weaknesses of one security layer are offset by the strengths of two or more layers
  2. 如果不培训员工,不指定政策,员工总会做出最糟糕的安全决定。 When left on their own, people tend to make the worst security decisions
    – Takes little to convince someone to give up their credentials in exchange for trivial or worthless goods
    – Many people are easily convinced to double-click on the attachment
  3. Functional and Assurance requirements
    – Functional requirements - Describe what a system should do
    – Assurance requirements - Describe how functional requirements should be implemented and tested

1.3 信息安全管理其实就是一种风险管理

Security through obscurity is not an answer. Security = Risk Management
– Security is not concerned with eliminating all threats within a system or facility but with addressing known threats and minimizing losses
– Risk analysis and risk management are central themes to securing information systems
– Risk assessment and risk analysis are concerned with placing an economic value on assets to best determine appropriate countermeasures that protect them from losses

1.4 信息安全分析的步骤(这个是正儿八经的)

What does “Secure” mean

  • Information assets 定义信息资产
  • Value of Information 定义信息价值
  • Protecting valuables 选择要保护的有价值的信息
  • Assessing risks 评估风险
  • Vulnerabilities and Threats 定义信息安全的缺陷和威胁
  • Controls 选择和采取控制手段控制信息安全问题

1.5 最易渗透原则 Principle of Easiest Penetration


“Perpetrators don’t have the values assumed by the technologists. They generally stick to the easiest, safest, simplest means to accomplishing their objectives.” [Donn Parker]

  • A Chain is only as strong as its weakest link
  • Analyse weakest points
  • Consider a range of possible security breaches– strengthening one might make another more attractive to a perpetrator

2 安全缺陷(Vulnerabilities)的检测


2.1 安全缺陷的定义

Definition of Vulnerability

  • a weakness of an asset or group of assets that can be exploited by one or more threats [ISO/IEC 13335-1:2004]
  • A security vulnerability is a weakness in a product that could allow an attacker to compromise the integrity, availability, or confidentiality of that product. [Microsoft Security Response Centre -]
  • Vulnerabilities exist in hardware, software and data

2.2 安全缺陷的检测


2.2.1 CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures database)
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system provides a reference-method for publicly known information-security vulnerabilities and exposures. The National Cybersecurity FFRDC, operated by the MITRE Corporation, maintains the system, with funding from the National Cyber Security Division of the United States Department of Homeland Security.[1] The Security Content Automation Protocol uses CVE, and CVE IDs are listed on MITRE's system[2] as well as in the US National Vulnerability Database.

2.2.2 OSVDB(Open Source Vulnerability Database)
Open Sourced Vulnerability Database (OSVDB) was an independent and open-sourced database. The goal of the project was to provide accurate, detailed, current, and unbiased technical information on security vulnerabilities. The project promoted greater and more open collaboration between companies and individuals.
Its goal was to provide accurate, unbiased information about security vulnerabilities in computerized equipment. The core of OSVDB was a relational database which tied various information about security vulnerabilities into a common, cross-referenced open security data source. As of November, 2013, the database cataloged over 100,000 vulnerabilities.

2.2.3 National Vulnerability Database
NVD is the U.S. government repository of standards based vulnerability management data represented using the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP). This data enables automation of vulnerability management, security measurement, and compliance. NVD includes databases of security checklists, security related software flaws, misconfigurations, product names, and impact metrics.

2.2.4 Vulnerability Review by Secunia Research

The annual Vulnerability Review by Secunia Research at Flexera Software analyzes the evolution of software security from a vulnerability perspective.

It presents global data on the prevalence of vulnerabilities and the availability of patches, to map the security threats to IT infrastructures, and also explores vulnerabilities in the 50 most popular applications on private PCs.

2.2.5 Securityfocus

2.2.6 IBM

2.2.7 微软

3 安全缺陷与潜在威胁 Vulnerabilities and Threats

Definition of Threat
– a set of circumstances that has potential to cause loss or harm [Charles & Shari Pfleegar]
– a potential cause of an unwanted incident, which may result in harm to a system or organisation [ISO/IEC 13335-1:2004]

3.1 修改 Modification

– Data is altered without authorisation
– Altered software may perform additional computations
– Changed hardware may modify data
– Data can be modified in store or in transmission

3.2 破坏 Destruction

– Hardware, software, or data is destroyed
– Hardware may be destroyed by the environment
– Software may be destroyed by malicious intent
– Data may be destroyed by deletion, or failure of hardware/software

3.3 曝光 Disclosure

– Mostly about data
– Make data available without due consent
– Data is stolen (but owner still has it)
– Impact on security and privacy
– Intentional or unintended

3.4 拦截/窃听 Interception

– Unauthorised access to computer resources
– Copying of programs, data, or other confidential information
– An interceptor may use computing resources at one location to access assets elsewhere

3.5 打断 Interruption

– Systems unavailable for legitimate use
– Damaged hardware
– Malfunctioned operating system
– Congested network
– Denial of service

3.6 伪造 Fabrication

– Spurious transactions are inserted into a network or records added to an existing database
– Counterfeited objects placed by unauthorised parties
– May be difficult to distinguish between genuine and forged one
– Phishing 钓鱼网站

5 数据安全要求 Data Security Requirements

数据安全的要求主要包括5点:Confidentiality 机密性,Integrity 完整性,Availability 可用性,Authentication 验证,Non-repudiation 不可否认性

5.1 Confidentiality 机密性


– Protection of private data, either as it resides in the computer systems or during transmission
– Confidentiality of data has been compromised where inference can be drawn without disclosure
– The need to know principle - may work well in military environment, but in business, the need to withhold principles is more appropriate

5.2 Integrity 完整性


– An unimpaired condition, a state of completeness and wholeness and adherence to a code of values
– A simpler definition, data and programs are changed only in a specified and authorised manner
– All data is presented and accounted for, irrespective of it being accurate or correct

5.3 Availability 可用性


– Data and service are accessible when and where needed by legitimate users
– Relate to aspects of reliability
– Denial of service is perhaps the best known example
– System designs are based on pattern of use
– Availability attacks are most difficult to detect

5.4 Authentication 验证


– Assures that the message is from a source it claims to be from
– A third party cannot masquerade as one of the two parties
– Extrinsic correct and valid
– Timeliness is an important attribute
– Able to trace to its original

5.5 Non-repudiation 不可否认性


– Non repudiation is to prevent an individual or entity from denying having performed a particular action
– Business and society increase reliance on electronic communications and maintaining legality of electronic documents

6 数据安全的防御措施 Methods of Defense for Data Security Requirements


6.1 软件控制 Software Controls


  1. Software development controls
    • Conformance to standards and methodologies
    • Good testing, coding, and maintenance
  2. Operating system controls
    • Protecting individual user
    • Establishing extensive checklists
  3. Program controls
  4. Above controls can be instituted at an input, processing,and output levels
  5. Balance between ease of use and level of security controls

6.2 硬件控制 Physical and hardware controls


– Locks and doors, guards at entry, general physical site planning
– Security devices such as firewalls, IDS/IPS, etc.
– Authentication hardware
– Smart card applications and circuit boards controlling access to disk drives

6.3 数据控制 data controls

Three Principles of data Security

  1. The principle of easiest penetration 最易渗透原则
    • Foundation for security
    • Identifying and managing the weakest links in the security chain
  2. The principle of timeliness 及时性原则
    • Delay in cracking a system 设置响应时间
    • Protecting data long enough 储存数据足够长的时间
  3. The principle of effectiveness 有效性原则
    • Balance between controls 平衡成本和控制
    • Controls should not be a hindrance to the business 不能阻碍商业发展和商业合作


    1. Principles of Information Security Systems – Texts and Cases – Gurpreet Dhillon - Chapter 2 : Security of Technical Systems in Organisations

posted on 2016-07-23 12:05  Donx  阅读(5189)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
