Apache DolphinScheduler 荣获国外知名媒体采访

        Apache DolphinScheduler 毕业的消息被北美科技媒体 TheNewStack 关注并邀请Apache DolphinScheduler PMC chair 代立冬 进行相关采访。


Like many IT projects, a new Apache Software Foundation top-level project, DolphinScheduler, grew out of frustration.

“We found it is very hard for data scientists and data developers to create a data-workflow job by using code. We had more than 30,000 jobs running in the multi data center in one night, and one master architect. Often something went wrong due to network jitter or server workload, [and] we had to wake up at night to solve the problem,” wrote Lidong Dai and William Guo of the Apache DolphinScheduler Project Management Committee, in an email. “We tried many data workflow projects, but none of them could solve our problem.”




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TheNewStack 北美科技媒体,创立于2014年,主要为技术人员及管理人提供领域专业知识、行业报告的综合媒体。 

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