2、使用变量接收select a=name from t 会提示不能返回结果集,可以改成 select name into a from t
序号表结构 默认步长为1 ,生成数据后,直接修改表值
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `seq`; CREATE TABLE `seq` ( `Name` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '表名', `CurrDate` date NOT NULL COMMENT '当前日期', `Num` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '序号', `StepLen` int(11) NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '步长', `SeqType` int(11) NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '0 默认序号 1首位36位字符', `FirstIdx` int(11) NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '首位索引值 type1有效', PRIMARY KEY (`Name`, `CurrDate`, `Num`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci COMMENT = '序号表' ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic;
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` FUNCTION `seq`(`seq_name` varchar(50),is_date_head int,`len` int) RETURNS varchar(50) CHARSET utf8 BEGIN -- 函数说明 为对应的序号标识生产指定长度的序号 -- 2024-10-19 11:13:11 Jevan -- seq_name 序号标识,一般为表名做为标识 -- is_date_head 序号头部是否生成以的日期格式(241019)六位字符串,1是 其他则否 -- len 要生成的序号长度(日期格式(241019)六位字符串不计在内),如传6,则为000001 DECLARE curr_date date; set curr_date = CURDATE(); UPDATE seq SET Num=last_insert_id(Num + StepLen) WHERE name=seq_name and CurrDate=curr_date and SeqType=0; IF ROW_COUNT() = 0 then insert into seq (Name,CurrDate,Num,StepLen,SeqType,FirstIdx) select seq_name,curr_date,last_insert_id(1),StepLen,0,0 from seq where name=seq_name and SeqType=0 and CurrDate!=curr_date order by CurrDate desc limit 1; if Row_Count() =0 then insert into seq (Name,CurrDate,Num,StepLen,SeqType,FirstIdx) values(seq_name,curr_date,last_insert_id(1),1,0,0); end if; end if; if is_date_head =1 then return CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(curr_date, '%y%m%d'),lpad(last_insert_id(),len,0)); ELSE return lpad(last_insert_id(),len,0); end if; END
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` FUNCTION `seq_extend`(`seq_name` varchar(50),is_date_head int,`len` int) RETURNS varchar(50) CHARSET utf8 BEGIN -- 函数说明 为对应的序号标识生产指定长度的序号,序号首位通过36位字符(0-Z)进行升序, -- 注:未处理Z后的升序;len 必须>=2 -- 2024-10-19 11:13:11 Jevan -- seq_name 序号标识,一般为表名做为标识 -- is_date_head 序号头部是否生成以的日期格式(241019)六位字符串,1是 其他则否 -- len 要生成的序号长度(日期格式(241019)六位字符串不计在内),如传6,则为Z00001 DECLARE curr_idx int; DECLARE curr_date date; DECLARE char_str varchar(50); set curr_date = CURDATE(); set curr_idx=-1; set char_str = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; update seq set Num=last_insert_id(Num + StepLen) where `Name`=seq_name and CurrDate=curr_date and SeqType=1; IF ROW_COUNT() = 0 then set curr_idx=0; insert into seq (Name,CurrDate,Num,StepLen,SeqType,FirstIdx) select seq_name,curr_date,last_insert_id(1),StepLen,1,curr_idx from seq where name=seq_name and CurrDate!=curr_date and SeqType=1 order by CurrDate desc limit 1; if Row_Count() =0 then insert into seq (Name,CurrDate,Num,StepLen,SeqType,FirstIdx) values(seq_name,curr_date,last_insert_id(1),1,1,curr_idx); end if; end if; if curr_idx=-1 THEN select FirstIdx into curr_idx from seq where `Name`=seq_name and CurrDate=curr_date and SeqType=1; end if; if LENGTH(last_insert_id())>(len-1) THEN set curr_idx=curr_idx+1; update seq set num=last_insert_id(1),FirstIdx = FirstIdx+1 where `Name`=seq_name and CurrDate=curr_date and SeqType=1; end if; if is_date_head = 1 then return CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(curr_date, '%y%m%d'),SUBSTRING(char_str,curr_idx+1,1),lpad(last_insert_id(),len-1,0)); ELSE return CONCAT(SUBSTRING(char_str,curr_idx+1,1),lpad(last_insert_id(),len-1,0)); end if; END