
'调洪演算双辅助线法程序 2011.2.13

Public X1, X2, X3 As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()

    MakeWindow Me, False
    imgTitleMaxRestore.Picture = imgTitleMaximize.Picture
    LoadSkinz Me
    List1.AddItem ("格式为:时段,来流量")
    List2.AddItem ("格式为:水位,库容")
    List3.AddItem ("格式为:水位,泄流量")
End Sub

Private Sub Cmd1_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim File1 As String
Dim LineIn As String
filenum = FreeFile

CD1.DialogTitle = "打开设计洪水过程文件"
CD1.Filter = "文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件(*.*)|*.*"
Text1.Text = CD1.FileName
If CD1.FileName <> "" Then

    File1 = CD1.FileName
    Open File1 For Input As #filenum
    Do While Not EOF(filenum)
        Line Input #filenum, LineIn
        List1.AddItem LineIn
        X1 = X1 + 1
    Close #filenum
    Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Cmd2_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim File2 As String
Dim LineIn As String
filenum = FreeFile
CD2.DialogTitle = "打开水库库容曲线文件"
CD2.Filter = "文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件(*.*)|*.*"
Text2.Text = CD2.FileName
If CD1.FileName <> "" Then

    File2 = CD2.FileName
    Open File2 For Input As #filenum
    Do While Not EOF(filenum)
        Line Input #filenum, LineIn
        List2.AddItem LineIn
        X2 = X2 + 1
    Close #filenum
    Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Cmd3_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim File3 As String
Dim LineIn As String
filenum = FreeFile
CD3.DialogTitle = "打开泄流能力曲线文件"
CD3.Filter = "文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件(*.*)|*.*"
Text3.Text = CD3.FileName
If CD3.FileName <> "" Then

    File3 = CD3.FileName
    Open File3 For Input As #filenum
    Do While Not EOF(filenum)
        Line Input #filenum, LineIn
        List3.AddItem LineIn
        X3 = X3 + 1
    Close #filenum
    Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim SD As Single  '时段长度
Dim WC, Hu1, Hu2, Z2, H, Q1 As Single
Dim LineString As String

Dim HS(), KR(), XL(), TH(), VTQ1(), VTQ2() As Single
Dim WZ, Lenth As Integer
WC = Val(TextWC.Text)
SD = Int(Val(TextSD.Text)) * 3600
Dim File1, File2, File3, File4 As String
File1 = Text1.Text
File2 = Text2.Text
File3 = Text3.Text
ReDim HS(X1 + 1, 2)
ReDim KR(X2 + 1, 2)
ReDim XL(X3 + 1, 2)
ReDim TH(X1 + 1, 3)
ReDim VTQ1(X1 + 1, 2)
ReDim VTQ2(X1 + 1, 2)
Open File1 For Input As #1
For i = 1 To X1
    Line Input #1, LineString
    Lenth = Len(LineString)
    WZ = InStr(1, LineString, ",")
    HS(i, 0) = Left(LineString, WZ - 1)
    HS(i, 1) = Mid(LineString, WZ + 1, Lenth - WZ)
Next i
Close #1

Open File2 For Input As #2
For i = 1 To X2
    Line Input #2, LineString
    Lenth = Len(LineString)
    WZ = InStr(1, LineString, ",")
    KR(i, 0) = Left(LineString, WZ - 1)
    KR(i, 1) = Mid(LineString, WZ + 1, Lenth - WZ)
Next i
Close #2
Open File3 For Input As #3
For i = 1 To X3
    Line Input #3, LineString
    Lenth = Len(LineString)
    WZ = InStr(1, LineString, ",")
    XL(i, 0) = Left(LineString, WZ - 1)
    XL(i, 1) = Mid(LineString, WZ + 1, Lenth - WZ)
Next i
Close #3
Dim VarHu1 As Single
For j = 1 To X3 - 1
        If HS(1, 1) >= Val(XL(j, 1)) And HS(1, 1) <= Val(XL(j + 1, 1)) Then
            K = (XL(j + 1, 0) - XL(j, 0)) / (XL(j + 1, 1) - XL(j, 1))
            VarHu1 = K * (HS(1, 1) - XL(j, 1)) + XL(j, 0)
            Exit For
        End If
Next j

For i = 1 To X2
    Dim VarH, VarV, VarQ As Single
    VarH = KR(i, 0)
    For j = 1 To X2 - 1
        If VarH >= Val(KR(j, 0)) And VarH <= Val(KR(j + 1, 0)) Then
            K = (KR(j + 1, 1) - KR(j, 1)) / (KR(j + 1, 0) - KR(j, 0))
            VarV = K * (VarH - KR(j, 0)) + KR(j, 1)
            Exit For
        End If
    Next j
    For j = 1 To X3 - 1
        If VarH >= Val(XL(j, 0)) And VarH <= Val(XL(j + 1, 0)) Then
            K = (XL(j + 1, 1) - XL(j, 1)) / (XL(j + 1, 0) - XL(j, 0))
            VarQ = K * (VarH - XL(j, 0)) + XL(j, 1)
            Exit For
        End If
    Next j
    VarV = VarV * 10000 / SD
    VarQ = VarQ / 2
    VTQ1(i, 0) = VarH
    VTQ1(i, 1) = VarV - VarQ
    VTQ2(i, 0) = VarH
    VTQ2(i, 1) = VarV + VarQ
Next i
filenum = FreeFile
If Right(App.Path, 1) = "\" Then
    File1 = App.Path + "pyeVTQ1.txt"
    File2 = App.Path + "pyeVTQ2.txt"
    File1 = App.Path + "\pyeVTQ1.txt"
    File2 = App.Path + "\pyeVTQ2.txt"
End If
    Open File1 For Output As #filenum
    Write #filenum, "时段 VTQ1"
    For i = 1 To X2
        Write #filenum, Val(VTQ1(i, 0)), Val(VTQ1(i, 1))
    Next i
    Close #filenum
    filenum = FreeFile
    Open File2 For Output As #filenum
    Write #filenum, "时段 VTQ2"
    For i = 1 To X2
        Write #filenum, Val(VTQ2(i, 0)), Val(VTQ2(i, 1))
    Next i
    Close #filenum
If TextHu1.Text = "" Then
    Hu1 = VarHu1
    Hu1 = Val(TextHu1.Text)
End If
TH(1, 0) = 1
TH(1, 1) = Hu1
    For j = 1 To X3 - 1
        If Hu1 >= Val(XL(j, 0)) And Hu1 <= Val(XL(j + 1, 0)) Then
            K = (XL(j + 1, 1) - XL(j, 1)) / (XL(j + 1, 0) - XL(j, 0))
            VarQ = K * (Hu1 - XL(j, 0)) + XL(j, 1)
            Exit For
        End If
    Next j
TH(1, 2) = VarQ
OutString = "时段    上游水位    下泄流量"
List4.AddItem (OutString)
OutString = CStr(TH(1, 0)) + " , " + CStr(TH(1, 1)) + " , " + CStr(TH(1, 2))
List4.AddItem (OutString)
Dim IPJ, VarVTQ1, VarVTQ2, VarHu2 As Single
For i = 2 To X1
    TH(i, 0) = i
    IPJ = (Val(HS(i, 1)) + Val(HS(i - 1, 1))) / 2 '平均入流量
    For j = 1 To X2 - 1
        If TH(i - 1, 1) >= Val(VTQ1(j, 0)) And TH(i - 1, 1) <= Val(VTQ1(j + 1, 0)) Then
            K = (VTQ1(j + 1, 1) - VTQ1(j, 1)) / (VTQ1(j + 1, 0) - VTQ1(j, 0))
            VarVTQ1 = K * (TH(i - 1, 1) - VTQ1(j, 0)) + VTQ1(j, 1)
            Exit For
        End If
    Next j
    VarVTQ2 = IPJ + VarVTQ1
    For j = 1 To X2 - 1
        If VarVTQ2 >= Val(VTQ2(j, 1)) And VarVTQ2 <= Val(VTQ2(j + 1, 1)) Then
            K = (VTQ2(j + 1, 0) - VTQ2(j, 0)) / (VTQ2(j + 1, 1) - VTQ2(j, 1))
            VarHu2 = K * (VarVTQ2 - VTQ2(j, 1)) + VTQ2(j, 0)
            Exit For
        End If
    Next j
    TH(i, 1) = VarHu2
    For j = 1 To X3 - 1
        If VarHu2 >= Val(XL(j, 0)) And VarHu2 <= Val(XL(j + 1, 0)) Then
            K = (XL(j + 1, 1) - XL(j, 1)) / (XL(j + 1, 0) - XL(j, 0))
            VarQ = K * (VarHu2 - XL(j, 0)) + XL(j, 1)
            Exit For
        End If
    Next j
    TH(i, 2) = VarQ
    WZ = InStr(1, CStr(TH(i, 1)), ".")
    If WZ <> 0 Then
        TH(i, 1) = Val(Left(TH(i, 1), WZ + 2))
    End If
    WZ = InStr(1, CStr(TH(i, 2)), ".")
    If WZ <> 0 Then
        TH(i, 2) = Val(Left(TH(i, 2), WZ + 2))
    End If
    OutString = CStr(TH(i, 0)) + " , " + CStr(TH(i, 1)) + " , " + CStr(TH(i, 2))
    List4.AddItem (OutString)
Next i

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
If List4.ListCount = 0 Then
    Dim ret4 As VbMsgBoxResult
    ret4 = MsgBox("没有数据需要保存,请先计算!", vbInformation, "提示")
    Exit Sub
End If
CDSave.DialogTitle = "保存计算结果"
CDSave.Filter = "文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件(*.*)|*.*"
filenum = FreeFile
If CDSave.FileName <> "" Then
    File4 = CDSave.FileName
    Open File4 For Output As #filenum
    Write #filenum, "时段 上游水位 下泄流量"
    For i = 1 To List4.ListCount - 1
        OUT = Split(List4.List(i), ",")
        Write #filenum, Val(OUT(0)), Val(OUT(1)), Val(OUT(2))
    Next i
    Close #filenum
    ret4 = MsgBox("结果保存完毕!", vbInformation, "提示")
    Exit Sub
    Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
TextHu1.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Mbox "确实要退出吗?", vbInformation, "注意保存结果"

End Sub

Private Sub imgTitleClose_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub imgTitleLeft_MouseDown(p_intButton As Integer, p_intShift As Integer, p_sngX As Single, p_sngY As Single)
    DoDrag Me
End Sub
Private Sub imgTitleMain_MouseDown(p_intButton As Integer, p_intShift As Integer, p_sngX As Single, p_sngY As Single)
    DoDrag Me
End Sub

Private Sub imgTitleMinimize_Click()
    Me.WindowState = vbMinimized
End Sub

Private Sub imgTitleRight_MouseDown(p_intButton As Integer, p_intShift As Integer, p_sngX As Single, p_sngY As Single)
    DoDrag Me
End Sub

Private Sub lblTitle_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
DoDrag Me
End Sub




posted @ 2011-02-13 20:22  晓染霜林醉  阅读(1893)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报