PHP下查询游戏《Minecraft》多人游戏 服务器的人数。
1 <?php 2 3 /** 4 * Minecraft服务器状态查询 5 * @作者 Julian Spravil <> Git地址: 6 * @本库免费使用,但不要删除作者和版权。 8 */ 9 class MinecraftServerStatus { 10 11 private $timeout; 12 13 public function __construct($timeout = 2) { 14 $this->timeout = $timeout; 15 } 16 17 public function getStatus($host = '', $version = '1.7.*' , $port = 25565) { 18 19 if (substr_count($host , '.') != 4) $host = gethostbyname($host); 20 21 $serverdata = array(); 22 $serverdata['hostname'] = $host; 23 $serverdata['version'] = false; 24 $serverdata['protocol'] = false; 25 $serverdata['players'] = false; 26 $serverdata['maxplayers'] = false; 27 $serverdata['motd'] = false; 28 $serverdata['motd_raw'] = false; 29 $serverdata['favicon'] = false; 30 $serverdata['ping'] = false; 31 32 $socket = $this->connect($host, $port); 33 34 if(!$socket) { 35 return false; 36 } 37 38 if(preg_match('/1.7|1.8/',$version)) { 39 40 $start = microtime(true); 41 42 $handshake = pack('cccca*', hexdec(strlen($host)), 0, 0x04, strlen($host), $host).pack('nc', $port, 0x01); 43 44 socket_send($socket, $handshake, strlen($handshake), 0); //give the server a high five 45 socket_send($socket, "\x01\x00", 2, 0); 46 socket_read( $socket, 1 ); 47 48 $ping = round((microtime(true)-$start)*1000); //calculate the high five duration 49 50 $packetlength = $this->read_packet_length($socket); 51 52 if($packetlength < 10) { 53 return false; 54 } 55 56 socket_read($socket, 1); 57 58 $packetlength = $this->read_packet_length($socket); 59 60 $data = socket_read($socket, $packetlength, PHP_NORMAL_READ); 61 62 if(!$data) { 63 return false; 64 } 65 66 $data = json_decode($data); 67 68 $serverdata['version'] = $data->version->name; 69 $serverdata['protocol'] = $data->version->protocol; 70 $serverdata['players'] = $data->players->online; 71 $serverdata['maxplayers'] = $data->players->max; 72 73 $motd = $data->description; 74 $motd = preg_replace("/(§.)/", "",$motd); 75 $motd = preg_replace("/[^[:alnum:][:punct:] ]/", "", $motd); 76 77 $serverdata['motd'] = $motd; 78 $serverdata['motd_raw'] = $data->description; 79 $serverdata['favicon'] = $data->favicon; 80 $serverdata['ping'] = $ping; 81 82 } else { 83 84 $start = microtime(true); 85 86 socket_send($socket, "\xFE\x01", 2, 0); 87 $length = socket_recv($socket, $data, 512, 0); 88 89 $ping = round((microtime(true)-$start)*1000);//calculate the high five duration 90 91 if($length < 4 || $data[0] != "\xFF") { 92 return false; 93 } 94 95 $motd = ""; 96 $motdraw = ""; 97 98 //Evaluate the received data 99 if (substr((String)$data, 3, 5) == "\x00\xa7\x00\x31\x00"){ 100 101 $result = explode("\x00", mb_convert_encoding(substr((String)$data, 15), 'UTF-8', 'UCS-2')); 102 $motd = $result[1]; 103 $motdraw = $motd; 104 105 } else { 106 107 $result = explode('§', mb_convert_encoding(substr((String)$data, 3), 'UTF-8', 'UCS-2')); 108 foreach ($result as $key => $string) { 109 if($key != sizeof($result)-1 && $key != sizeof($result)-2 && $key != 0) { 110 $motd .= '§'.$string; 111 } 112 } 113 $motdraw = $motd; 114 } 115 116 $motd = preg_replace("/(§.)/", "", $motd); 117 $motd = preg_replace("/[^[:alnum:][:punct:] ]/", "", $motd); //Remove all special characters from a string 118 119 $serverdata['version'] = $result[0]; 120 $serverdata['players'] = $result[sizeof($result)-2]; 121 $serverdata['maxplayers'] = $result[sizeof($result)-1]; 122 $serverdata['motd'] = $motd; 123 $serverdata['motd_raw'] = $motdraw; 124 $serverdata['ping'] = $ping; 125 126 } 127 128 $this->disconnect($socket); 129 130 return $serverdata; 131 132 } 133 134 private function connect($host, $port) { 135 $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); 136 socket_connect($socket, $host, $port); 137 return $socket; 138 } 139 140 private function disconnect($socket) { 141 if($socket != null) { 142 socket_close($socket); 143 } 144 } 145 146 private function read_packet_length($socket) { 147 $a = 0; 148 $b = 0; 149 while(true) { 150 $c = socket_read($socket, 1); 151 if(!$c) { 152 return 0; 153 } 154 $c = Ord($c); 155 $a |= ($c & 0x7F) << $b++ * 7; 156 if( $b > 5 ) { 157 return false; 158 } 159 if(($c & 0x80) != 128) { 160 break; 161 } 162 } 163 return $a; 164 } 165 166 } 167 ?>
<?php include_once 'status.class.php'; $status = new MinecraftServerStatus(); // 类 $response = $status-> getStatus('', 25565); // 服务器地址 if(!$response) { echo"服务器可能离线!"; } else { echo"".$response['players'].""; } ?>
其中include_once 'status.class.php';
include_once '/libraries/status.class.php';