随笔分类 -  作业--实践

摘要:1.分析SparkSQL出现的原因,并简述SparkSQL的起源与发展。 SparkSQL出现的原因: 关系数据库已经很流行 关系数据库在大数据时代已经不能满足要求 首先,用户需要从不同数据源执行各种操作,包括结构化、半结构化和非结构化数据 其次,用户需要执行高级分析,比如机器学习和图像处理 在实际 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-05-11 21:09 stu(dying) 阅读(109) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要:一、集合运算练习 union(), intersection(),subtract(), cartesian() rdd1 = sc.parallelize('abcd') rdd2 = sc.parallelize('bcde') rdd1.union(rdd2).collect() rdd1.s 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-04-20 17:43 stu(dying) 阅读(72) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要:一、词频统计 A. 分步骤实现 准备文件 下载小说或长篇新闻稿 上传到hdfs上 读文件创建RDD >>> lines = sc.textFile("hdfs://localhost:9000/user/hadoop/my.txt") >>> lines 分词 words = lines.flatM 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-04-07 18:27 stu(dying) 阅读(81) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要:一、 RDD创建 从本地文件系统中加载数据创建RDD sc:SparkContext(shell自动创建) 本地文件系统中加载数据创建RDD Spark采用textFile()方法来从文件系统中加载数据创建RDD 该方法把文件的URI作为参数,这个URI可以是: 本地文件系统的地址 或者是分布式文件 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-03-30 18:03 stu(dying) 阅读(199) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要:一、机器准备 首先准备三台机器: 我是一台WINDOWS系统主机,在WINDOWS里的 VMware 中安装两台Ubuntu系统虚拟机 如果你的虚拟机只有 CentOS,可以参考这篇文章:https://www.cnblogs.com/qwg-/p/13237210.html VMware 中如何克 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-03-21 02:26 stu(dying) 阅读(1597) 评论(0) 推荐(6) 编辑
摘要:1.Spark已打造出结构一体化、功能多样化的大数据生态系统,请用图文阐述Spark生态系统的组成及各组件的功能。 Spark生态系统主要包含Spark Core、Spark SQL、Spark Streaming、MLib、GraphX以及独立调度器,下面对上述组件进行一一介绍。 (1)Spark 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-03-15 17:08 stu(dying) 阅读(148) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要:一、安装Spark 《Spark2.4.0入门:Spark的安装和使用》 博客地址:http://dblab.xmu.edu.cn/blog/1307-2/ 1.1 基础环境 1.1.1 安装Spark之前需要安装: Linux系统 Java环境(Java8或JDK1.8以上版本) Hadoop环境 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-03-08 18:59 stu(dying) 阅读(143) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑

  1. 1 Dancing with my phone (Explicit) HYBS
  2. 2 Catch (Feat. Hwa Sa) Epik High (에픽하이)
  3. 3 건물 사이에 피어난 장미 (Rose Blossom) H1-KEY
  4. 4 The Weekend 88rising,BIBI
  5. 5 天气未报 余佳运
  6. 6 和你 余佳运
  7. 7 九月底 余佳运
  8. 8 POP/STARS K/DA,Madison Beer,(G)I-DLE,Jaira Burns
  9. 9 Uh-Oh (G)I-DLE
  10. 10 For You (G)I-DLE
  11. 11 데이지(雏菊) PENTAGON
Dancing with my phone (Explicit) - HYBS
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Dancing with my phone (Explicit) - HYBS

Lyrics by:Kasidej Hongladaromp/James Alyn Wee

Composed by:Kasidej Hongladaromp/James Alyn Wee

I'm just laying on the floor again

I'm just laying on the floor again

Can't be bothered to get up now

Can't be bothered to get up now

I wouldn't care

If I never get up again

I don't want to

Then our song comes on the radio

Then our song comes on the radio

Makes me wanna start to dance

Makes me wanna start to dance

Oh I wanna know

If you feel the same way as me

Why would you go

Dancing I'm all alone

Dancing I'm all alone

Figuring out how I can get you home

Figuring out how I can get you home

Dancing with my phone

Dancing with my phone

Thinking about you

Thinking about you

On my feet and now I'm out the door

On my feet and now I'm out the door

Walking by the places that we used to go

Walking by the places that we used to go

I remember all your favorite stores

I remember all your favorite stores

I won't lie

I don't think I even know myself anymore

I don't think I even know myself anymore

You're the one who knew me f**kin' well

You're the one who knew me f**kin' well

Yeah you know

Dancing I'm all alone

Dancing I'm all alone

Figuring out how I can get you home

Figuring out how I can get you home

Dancing with my phone

Dancing with my phone

Thinking about you

Thinking about you

Dancing I'm all alone

Dancing I'm all alone

Figuring out how I can get you home

Figuring out how I can get you home

How I can get you home

Dancing with my phone

Thinking about you

Thinking about you

Dancing all alone

Dancing all alone

Dancing all alone dancing all alone

Dancing all alone

Dancing all alone I'm dancing with my phone

Dancing with my phone

Thinking about you

Thinking about you

Dancing all alone

Dancing all alone

Dancing all alone

Dancing all alone

Dancing all alone

Dancing all alone

Thinking about you

Dancing with my phone

Thinking about you

Thinking about you