在MFC SDI应用程序中保持窗口位置
介绍 在本文中,我们将展示一种方法,它可以在一次执行和另一次执行之间保持应用程序窗口的位置和大小。 步骤 添加一个WM_CLOSE处理程序到CMainFrame类:复制Code
void CMainFrame::OnClose() { WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; // before it is destroyed, save the position of the window wp.length = sizeof wp; if ( GetWindowPlacement(&wp) ) { if ( IsIconic() ) // never restore to Iconic state wp.showCmd = SW_SHOW ; if ((wp.flags & WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED) != 0) // if maximized and maybe iconic restore maximized state wp.showCmd = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED ; // and write it to the .INI file WriteWindowPlacement(&wp); } CFrameWnd::OnClose(); }
重写CMainFrame类的ActivateFrame()方法:Hide 收缩,复制Code
void CMainFrame::ActivateFrame(int nCmdShow) { // nCmdShow is the normal show mode this frame should be in // translate default nCmdShow (-1) if (nCmdShow == -1) { if (!IsWindowVisible()) nCmdShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; else if (IsIconic()) nCmdShow = SW_RESTORE; } // bring to top before showing BringToTop(nCmdShow); if (nCmdShow != -1) { // show the window as specified WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; if ( !ReadWindowPlacement(&wp) ) { ShowWindow(nCmdShow); } else { if ( nCmdShow != SW_SHOWNORMAL ) wp.showCmd = nCmdShow; SetWindowPlacement(&wp); // ShowWindow(wp.showCmd); } // and finally, bring to top after showing BringToTop(nCmdShow); } return ; }
static char szSection[] = "Settings"; static char szWindowPos[] = "WindowPos"; static char szFormat[] = "%u,%u,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d"; BOOL CMainFrame::ReadWindowPlacement(WINDOWPLACEMENT *pwp) { CString strBuffer; int nRead ; strBuffer = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileString(szSection, szWindowPos); if ( strBuffer.IsEmpty() ) return FALSE; nRead = sscanf(strBuffer, szFormat, &pwp->flags, &pwp->showCmd, &pwp->ptMinPosition.x, &pwp->ptMinPosition.y, &pwp->ptMaxPosition.x, &pwp->ptMaxPosition.y, &pwp->rcNormalPosition.left, &pwp->rcNormalPosition.top, &pwp->rcNormalPosition.right, &pwp->rcNormalPosition.bottom); if ( nRead != 10 ) return FALSE; pwp->length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); return TRUE; } // Write a window placement to settings section of app's ini file. void CMainFrame::WriteWindowPlacement(WINDOWPLACEMENT *pwp) { char szBuffer[sizeof("-32767")*8 + sizeof("65535")*2]; int max = 1; CString s; sprintf(szBuffer, szFormat, pwp->flags, pwp->showCmd, pwp->ptMinPosition.x, pwp->ptMinPosition.y, pwp->ptMaxPosition.x, pwp->ptMaxPosition.y, pwp->rcNormalPosition.left, pwp->rcNormalPosition.top, pwp->rcNormalPosition.right, pwp->rcNormalPosition.bottom); AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileString(szSection, szWindowPos, szBuffer); }
这两个函数的灵感来自微软Visual c++ 1.52附带的SUPERPAD示例。 如果您希望将窗口位置信息存储在注册表而不是.ini文件中,只需在项目主.cpp文件的InitInstance()方法中调用AddDocTemplate之后将其添加。隐藏,复制Code
SetRegistryKey("My Company Name");