介绍 这是一个基本的互联网电视软件和所有主要软件可在互联网上使用相同的技术,网址变化描述互联网电视所有者。'添加windowsmediaplayer组件 使用的代码 关于如何使用文章或代码的简要描述。类名,方法和属性,任何技巧或提示。 代码块应该像这样设置为“格式化”样式: 隐藏,收缩,复制Code
// // Any source code blocks look like this // '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 'Sample Created By <a href="http://www.levo-technologies.com/">www.levo-technologies.com</a> <a href="mailto:'balmeet80@gmail.com">'balmeet80@gmail.com</a> 'This is a basic internet TV software and all the main softwares available on internet use same techniqe 'URL changes on descrition of internet tv owner. 'Add component of Windows Media Player '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Private Sub List1_Click() urlplay End Sub Private Sub urlplay() rr = List1.List(List1.ListIndex) lbl.Caption = "Opening " + rr Select Case rr Case "ANDORRA TV" MediaPlayer1.URL = "<a href="http://wwitv.com/a1/6778.asx">http://wwitv.com/a1/6778.asx</a>" Case "WMTY" MediaPlayer1.URL = "<a href="http://wwitv.com/a1/b2368.asx">http://wwitv.com/a1/b2368.asx</a>" Case "Bullhead city TV" MediaPlayer1.URL = "<a href="http://wwitv.com/a1/7696.asx">http://wwitv.com/a1/7696.asx</a>" Case "RAJ" MediaPlayer1.URL = "<a href="http://wwitv.com/a1/b3210.asx">http://wwitv.com/a1/b3210.asx</a>" Case "XYZ TV" MediaPlayer1.URL = "<a href="http://wwitv.com/a1/b3646.asx">http://wwitv.com/a1/b3646.asx</a>" Case Else MsgBox "Not A Valid Link", vbCritical End Select 'MediaPlayer1.URL = List1.List(List1.ListIndex) End Sub Private Sub MediaPlayer1_OpenStateChange(ByVal NewState As Long) If NewState = 13 Then lbl.Caption = "Connected to " + List1.List(List1.ListIndex) End If End Sub Remember to set the Language of your code snippet using the Language dropdown. Use the "var" button to to wrap Variable or class names in <code> tags like this. <h2>Points of Interest</h2> Did you learn anything interesting/fun/annoying while writing the code? Did you do anything particularly clever or wild or zany? <h2>History</h2> Keep a running update of any changes or improvements you've made here.