介绍 这个listbox类演示了如何在不使用OLE的情况下使用拖放重新排列listbox项。这种方法的优点是,您不必创建庞大的全局内存句柄来简单地在同一个应用程序的同一个窗口内移动数据。概念非常简单:跟踪被拖放的项,当用户拖动项时指示拖放的位置,最后,在用户释放鼠标按钮时将项插入到它的新位置。 要完成这个任务,你需要为你的listbox窗口捕捉三条消息:WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_MOUSEMOVE,和WM_LBUTTONUP。 WM_LBUTTONDOWN处理程序方法通过查找用户单击的项目来初始化拖放过程。隐藏,复制Code
void CDragAndDropListBox::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CListBox::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); //clear all the flags m_MovingIndex = LB_ERR; m_MoveToIndex = LB_ERR; m_Captured = FALSE; m_Interval = 0; BOOL Outside; //find the item that they want to drag //and keep track of it. Later in the mouse move //we will capture the mouse if this value is set int Index = ItemFromPoint(point,Outside); if (Index != LB_ERR && !Outside) { m_MovingIndex = Index; SetCurSel(Index); } }
void CDragAndDropListBox::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CListBox::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); if (nFlags & MK_LBUTTON) { if (m_MovingIndex != LB_ERR && !m_Captured) { SetCapture(); m_Captured = TRUE; } BOOL Outside; int Index = ItemFromPoint(point,Outside); //if they our not on a particular item if (Outside) { CRect ClientRect; GetClientRect(&ClientRect); //if they are still within the listbox window, then //simply select the last item as the drop point //else if they are outside the window then scroll the items if (ClientRect.PtInRect(point)) { KillTimer(TID_SCROLLDOWN); KillTimer(TID_SCROLLUP); m_Interval = 0; //indicates that the user wants to drop the item //at the end of the list Index = LB_ERR; Outside = FALSE; } else { DoTheScrolling(point,ClientRect); } } else { KillTimer(TID_SCROLLDOWN); KillTimer(TID_SCROLLUP); m_Interval = 0; } if (Index != m_MoveToIndex && !Outside) { DrawTheLines(Index); } } }
void CDragAndDropListBox::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (m_MovingIndex != LB_ERR && m_Captured) { KillTimer(TID_SCROLLDOWN); KillTimer(TID_SCROLLUP); m_Interval = 0; m_Captured = FALSE; ReleaseCapture(); CRect Rect; GetClientRect(&Rect); //if they are still within the listbox window if (Rect.PtInRect(point)) { InsertDraggedItem(); } else { Invalidate(); UpdateWindow(); } m_MovingIndex = LB_ERR; m_MoveToIndex = LB_ERR; } CListBox::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); }
使用的代码 要使用这个类,只需将一个变量(子类)附加到窗口上的listbox控件上,然后将这个变量从CListBox更改为CDragAndDropListBox。这是所有。隐藏,复制Code
// CDragDropListBoxSampleDlg dialog class CDragDropListBoxSampleDlg : public CDialog { ...... // Implementation protected: CDragAndDropListBox m_ListBox; ...... };