[tech] ssh server building in Windows

ssh server: freesshd download: http://www.freesshd.com/freeSSHd.exe

1. Installation

For managing easily, I suggest not adding the freeshd to system services. If you want to set the server as startup apps, you can copy the link into startup folder in start menu.

2. Configure

2.1 first start interface:

after configuring, one can click the second blue link to start ssh server.

2.2 click the ssh Tab Control, then the interface becomes becomes as showed below.
click the "listening address" dropdown men. if you want to let another machine within the same net domain with the server log in your server as a client, you can choose the physical IP belongs to your server. Like this:
the second one
you can change the port as you wish, but don't make conflicts. 22 is the default port for ssh.

RSA and DSA are different algorithms to generate the key. These keys here are your server's identify. Usually, nothing needs to be changed except the listening address.

2.3 click the authentication Tab

if you want to use public key as authentication for clients, make a folder named pubkey in the root directory of freesshd and select the style you want in public key authentication region. the same to password authentication. (for me, I think password isn't safe as key, but it is quire convenient. So, weight you choice by yourself.)

2.4 if the client needs port forwarding to use socket proxy, click tunneling Tab, select remote port forwarding "allow", and only localhost for security. if just remote logging in, skip this step.

2.5 click the Users Tab to manager client accounts.

click Add button, specify a login name, authorization style and permissions. If the client needs port forwarding, select tunneling.

2.6 if the authorization style is public key, then it should be generated by a key-gen app.

take puttygen.exe as example:

copy the public key string and paste it into a file named as the login name (for other key-gen apps, also follow this "openSSH" format). That means the account's name is "tmp", the key file name is "tmp" too, without suffix and passphrase.

then move this public key into the "pubkey" folder under the root directory of freesshd.

2.7 Start server

return to server status Tab and click start ssh server. Now, you did it if the cross became a green check mark.

 3. Login 

3.1 For key---->different client uses different private public key format, so use the corresponding format to login. That's all!

3.2 For password---->nothing to say.

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posted @ 2013-12-06 01:35  Dicor  阅读(361)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报