[Spring Boot]Spring Boot Configuration Annotation Processor not found in classpath








B.3.2 Adding Additional Metadata
Spring Boot’s configuration file handling is quite flexible, and it is often the case that properties may exist that are not bound to a @ConfigurationProperties bean. You may also need to tune some attributes of an existing key. To support such cases and let you provide custom “hints”, the annotation processor automatically merges items from META-INF/additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json into the main metadata file.

If you refer to a property that has been detected automatically, the description, default value, and deprecation information are overridden, if specified. If the manual property declaration is not identified in the current module, it is added as a new property.

The format of the additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json file is exactly the same as the regular spring-configuration-metadata.json. The additional properties file is optional. If you do not have any additional properties, do not add the file.

posted @ 2018-12-03 15:02  XueXueLai  阅读(164)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报