External Sorting Model


  A refresher on Memory Hierarchy: due to increasingly striking performance gap between processor and memory, computer designers must take advantage of principles of locality to present users with as much memory as is available in the cheapest technology but at the speed offered by the fastest techonology. This desire heralds the so-called memory hierarchy, where storage at one level serves as a cache for storage at the next lower level. A picture by courtesy of CSAPP comes as follow:


  In course CS359 Computer Architecture, we have learned four significant aspects regarding to cache issues: (1) Block Placement like set associative, (2) Block Identification (physical addr. = cache tag + cache index + block offset), (3) Block Replacement, such as LRU and FIFO, and (4) Write Strategies, such as write through on hit and no-allocate write on miss, or write back on hit and allocate write on miss. Given (1) and (2), we notice that one of the cache optimization tricks is to use virtual page offset to cover both cache index and block offset so that we can get access to TLB and cache simultaneously. For example, if we have 12-bit page offset and 6-bit block offset, we probably choose 6-bit L1 cache index. Also, we can get the following fomula:

    cache capacity = (# sets) * (# ways) * block size,  where typically block size = 64 bytes (6-bit offset).


  The following program simulates a naive External Sorting process on 256 integers with a main memory that can only contain 8 integers. I wrote a class called Number to implement some basic number theory algorithms, one of which plays a key role in RSA encryption. I use Java TCP socket communication with RSA encryption to simulate data transfer between a disk and a memory.


  1 import java.util.*;
  2 import java.net.*;
  3 import java.io.*;
  5 class Number  {
  6     public static boolean isPrime(int k) {
  7         for (int i=2;i*i<=k;i++) {
  8             if (k%i==0) {
  9                 return false;
 10             }
 11         }
 12         return true;
 13     }
 14     public static int modexp(int x,int n,int m) {
 15         // Calculate Modular Exponential
 16         // Precondition: x>=0 && n>=0 && m>0
 17         // Postcondition: return y = (x^n)%m
 18         if (n==0) {
 19             return 1;
 20         } else {
 21             int val = modexp(x,n>>1,m);
 22             val = val*val%m;
 23             if ((n&1)!=0) {
 24                 val = val*x%m;
 25             }
 26             return val;
 27         }
 28     }
 29     public static int gcd(int m,int n,int[] ref) {
 30         // Calculate the greatest common divisor of m and n  
 31         // Precondition: n>=0 && m>0 && ref.length>=2  
 32         // Postcondition: the gcd of m and n is returned  
 33         //      and gcd(m,n) = m*ref[0]+n*ref[1]  
 34         if (n==0) {
 35             ref[0] = 1;
 36             ref[1] = 0;
 37             return m;
 38         } else {
 39             int val = gcd(n,m%n,ref);
 40             int y = ref[1];
 41             ref[1] = ref[0]-m/n*y;
 42             ref[0] = y;
 43             return val;
 44         }
 45     }
 46     public static int inverse(int x,int n) {
 47         // Find the Multiplicative Inverse of x modulo n
 48         // Precondition: x>0 && n>0 && x is relatively-prime to n
 49         // Postcondition: y>=0 is returned such that x*y=1(mod n)
 50         int[] ref = new int[2];
 51         if (gcd(x,n,ref)!=1) {
 52             throw new RuntimeException("Error in Number.inverse()");
 53         }
 54         while (ref[0]<0) {
 55             ref[0] += n;
 56         }
 57         return ref[0];
 58     }
 59     public static int modLinEqu(int a,int b,int n,int[] val) {
 60         // Solve the Modular Linear Equation
 61         // Precondition: val.length>=gcd(a,n)
 62         // Postcondition: a*val[i]=b(mod n) i=0,1,2,...d-1
 63         //            and the number of solutions d is returned
 64         int[] ref = new int [2];
 65         int d = gcd(a,n,ref);
 66         if (b%d!=0) {
 67             // No Solution
 68             return 0; 
 69         } else {
 70             val[0] = ref[0]*b/d%n;
 71             if (val[0]<0) {
 72                 val[0] += n;
 73             }
 74             for (int i=1;i<d;i++) {
 75                 val[i] = (val[i-1]+n/d)%n;
 76             }
 77             return d;
 78         }
 79     }
 80     public static int solveCRT(int k,int[] b,int[] n) {
 81         // Chinese Remainder Theorem
 82         //        equation set: x=b[i](mod n[i]) i=0,1,2...k-1,
 83         //        where n[i]s are pairwise relatively-prime
 84         //        return the solution of the equation set
 85         int val=0, m=1;
 86         for (int i=0;i<k;i++) {
 87             m *= n[i];
 88         }
 89         for (int i=0;i<k;i++) {
 90             val += m/n[i]*inverse(m/n[i],n[i])*b[i];
 91             val %= m;
 92         }
 93         if (val<0) {
 94             val += m;
 95         }
 96         return val;
 97     }
 98 }
100 class RSA {
101     public  int p, q, e, d;
103     public RSA(int p,int q,int e) {
104         this.p = p;    // a prime
105         this.q = q;    // another prime
106         this.e = e;    // an odd relatively-prime to (p-1)*(q-1)
107         d = Number.inverse(e,(p-1)*(q-1));
108     }
109     public int encode(int k) {
110         if (k<0||k>=p*q) {
111             throw new RuntimeException("Error in RSA.encode(int)");
112         }
113         return Number.modexp(k,e,p*q);
114     }
115     public int decode(int k) {
116         if (k<0||k>=p*q) {
117             throw new RuntimeException("Error in RSA.decode(int)");
118         }
119         return Number.modexp(k,d,p*q);
120     }
121     public void sendMsg(PrintWriter out,int k) {
122         out.println(encode(k));
123         out.flush();
124     }
125     public int getMsg(BufferedReader in) throws  IOException {
126         return decode(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
127     }
128 }
130 class MemManager extends Thread{
131     public static int size = 8;
132     private int[] mem;
133     private int port;
134     private Socket socket;
135     private BufferedReader in;
136     private PrintWriter out;
137     private RSA rsa;
139     public MemManager(int port,RSA rsa) {
140         mem = new int[size];
141         this.port = port;
142         this.rsa = rsa;
143         start();
144     }
145     public void run() {
146         try {
147             ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(port);
148             socket = server.accept();
149             in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
150             out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream());
151             int num = rsa.getMsg(in);
152             while (num>0) {
153                 // Protocol: receive an integer num following num input integers
154                 //        return the minimum's index following the num sorted integers
155                 //        the communication terminates on condition that num==0
156                 for (int i=0;i<num;i++) {
157                     mem[i] = rsa.getMsg(in);
158                 }
159                 int minIdx = 0;
160                 for (int i=1;i<num;i++) {
161                     if (mem[i]<mem[minIdx]) {
162                         minIdx = i;
163                     }
164                 }
165                 Arrays.sort(mem,0,num);
166                 rsa.sendMsg(out,minIdx);
167                 for (int i=0;i<num;i++) {
168                     rsa.sendMsg(out,mem[i]);
169                 }
170                 num = rsa.getMsg(in);
171             }
172             out.close();
173             in.close();
174             socket.close();
175             server.close();
176         } catch (Exception except) {
177             System.err.println("Error: "+except);
178         }
179     }
180 }
182 class DiskManager extends Thread {
183     public static int INF;
184     private int num = 256;
185     private int[] size;
186     private int[] fib;
187     private int[][] disk;
188     private int port;
189     private Socket socket;
190     private BufferedReader in;
191     private PrintWriter out;
192     private RSA rsa;
194     public DiskManager(int port,RSA rsa) {
195         INF = rsa.p*rsa.q-1;
196         size = new int[3];
197         fib = new int[3];
198         disk = new int[3][2048];
199         this.port = port;
200         this.rsa = rsa;
201         start();
202     }
203     public void run() {
204         try {
205             socket = new Socket("localhost",port);
206             in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
207             out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream());
208             Random rand = new Random();
209             for (int i=0;i<num;i++) {
210                 disk[0][i] = rand.nextInt(512);
211             }
212             showRes(exterSort());
213             out.close();
214             in.close();
215             socket.close();
216         } catch (Exception except) {
217             System.err.println("Error: "+except);
218         }
219     }
220     private int exterSort() throws IOException {
221         int memSize = MemManager.size;
222         int tape = preprocess(memSize);
223         for (int i=0;i<fib[(tape+2)%3]*memSize;i++) {
224             disk[(tape+2)%3][i] = disk[tape][i];
225         }
226         for (int i=0;i<fib[(tape+1)%3]*memSize;i++) {
227             disk[(tape+1)%3][i] = disk[tape][i+fib[(tape+2)%3]*memSize];
228         }
229         size[(tape+2)%3] = memSize;
230         size[(tape+1)%3] = memSize;
231         tape = merge((tape+2)%3,(tape+1)%3);
232         rsa.sendMsg(out,0); // signal the server to quit
233         return tape;
234     }
235     private int preprocess(int memSize) throws IOException {
236         // Get fib[tape] sorted segments in disk[tape]
237         //        and then return the index tape
238         int segNum = (num+memSize-1)/memSize;
239         for (int i=num;i<segNum*memSize;i++) {
240             disk[0][i] = INF;    // set sentinels
241         }
242         int tape = genFib(segNum);
243         for (int i=0;i<segNum;i++) {
244             rsa.sendMsg(out,memSize);
245             for (int j=0;j<memSize;j++) {
246                 rsa.sendMsg(out,disk[0][i*memSize+j]);
247             }
248             rsa.getMsg(in);    // minimum's index
249             for (int j=0;j<memSize;j++) {
250                 disk[tape][i*memSize+j] = rsa.getMsg(in);
251             }
252         }
253         for (int i=segNum;i<fib[tape];i++) {
254             for (int j=0;j<memSize;j++) {
255                 disk[tape][i*memSize+j] = INF;
256             }
257         }
258         System.out.println("\nPreprocessing Completes.");
259         return tape;
260     }
261     private int genFib(int segNum) {
262         // Return pos such that fib[pos] wil be the minimum
263         //        Fibonacci number not less than segNum
264         fib[1] = 1;
265         int pos = 1;
266         while (fib[pos]<segNum) {
267             pos = (pos+1)%3;
268             fib[pos] = fib[(pos+2)%3]+fib[(pos+1)%3];
269         }
270         return pos;
271     }
272     private int merge(int tape1,int tape2) throws IOException {
273         // Merge disk[tape1] with disk[tape2] and store them into disk[3-tape1-tape2]
274         if (fib[tape2]>0) {
275             System.out.print("Merging  "+fib[tape1]+"\t segments with \t");
276             System.out.println(fib[tape2]+"\tsegments ...");
277             int[] pos = new int[3];
278             int cnt = 0;
279             while (cnt<fib[tape2]) {
280                 mergeHelp(++cnt,pos,tape1,tape2);
281             }
282             for (int i=pos[tape1];i<fib[tape1]*size[tape1];i++) {
283                 disk[tape1][i-pos[tape1]] = disk[tape1][i];
284             }
285             size[3-tape1-tape2] = size[tape1]+size[tape2];
286             fib[3-tape1-tape2] = fib[tape2];
287             fib[tape1] -= fib[tape2];
288             return merge(3-tape1-tape2,tape1);
289         } else {
290             System.out.println("Merging Completes.\n");
291             return tape1;
292         }
293     }
294     private void mergeHelp(int k,int[] pos,int tape1,int tape2) throws IOException {
295         // Extract one segment from both disk[tape1] and disk[tape2] respectively,
296         //        merge them and store them into disk[3-tape1-tape2]
297         int tape = 3 - tape1 - tape2;
298         while(pos[tape1]<k*size[tape1]&&pos[tape2]<k*size[tape2]) {
299             rsa.sendMsg(out,2);
300             rsa.sendMsg(out,disk[tape1][pos[tape1]]);
301             rsa.sendMsg(out,disk[tape2][pos[tape2]]);
302             if (rsa.getMsg(in)==0) {
303                 pos[tape1]++;
304             } else {
305                 pos[tape2]++;
306             }
307             disk[tape][pos[tape]++] = rsa.getMsg(in);
308             rsa.getMsg(in);
309         }
310         while (pos[tape1]<k*size[tape1]) {
311             disk[tape][pos[tape]++] = disk[tape1][pos[tape1]++];
312         }
313         while (pos[tape2]<k*size[tape2]) {
314             disk[tape][pos[tape]++] = disk[tape2][pos[tape2]++];
315         }
316     }
317     private void showRes(int tape) {
318         System.out.println("Sorting Result:");
319         int pos = 0;
320         for (int i=0;i<num;i++) {
321             if (pos>0) {
322                 System.out.print("\t\t");
323             }
324             System.out.print(disk[tape][i]);
325             pos = (pos+1)&15;    // 16 integers a line
326             if (pos==0) {
327                 System.out.println();
328             }
329         }
330         if (pos>0) {
331             System.out.println();
332         }
333     }
334 }
336 public class Main {
337     public static void main(String[] args) {
338         System.out.println("This program may take some time.");
339         System.out.println("Thanks for your patience!\t:-)");
340         // p = 97, q = 101, e = 9599
341         RSA rsa = new RSA(97,101,9599);
342         MemManager mem = new MemManager(10086,rsa);
343         DiskManager disk = new DiskManager(10086,rsa);
344         try {
345             disk.join();
346             mem.join();
347         } catch (Exception except) {
348             System.err.println("Error: "+except);
349         }
350     }
351 }


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