This is a tutorial for the online sequence diagram drawer: Simple Sequence .Sample Code is as below. Paste the code in the editor and the sequence diagram show:
Browsers supported:
Safari, Firefox, Chrome, IE 8 or later.
What is it used for?
- To show how the classes cooperate with each other;
- To help clear your head with something visualized;
Let's say// Client call methodA on A A.methodA{ // In the implementation of methodA, we call an internal methodA1 methodA1(); // Then we call methodB on B B.methodB(){ // In the implementation of methodB, we call methodC on C C.methodC(); } }
The result sequence diagram is as:
How is it used?
Just input some pseudo code into the text-box, and nothing more. The simplest way is click the "Insert Sample Code" button and see what's happening.
The grammar:
I believe the grammar is very easy and clear for a programmer reading from the example. There is still some principle when I designed it.Tips:
- 1. All messages must be originated from a pre-defined "CLIENT" entity. But there could be more than one root message invoked from CLIENT.
- 2. Other messages are invoked inside a root message or its children messages (embedded in "{}" following the parent method).
- All script saved as you are typing. Fell free to close and reopen you browser at anytime.
- If you want an Entity (e.g C) shown before others defined it on the top with :EntityName (e.g :C ).
- Keyword new still to be supported, you may use now.
- Loop/iteration/if-else still to be supported find a way for your representation.
- It is designed to support IE 8 or later, but it doesn't work as well as safari/firefox or chrome.
- No, you can't move the lines (that's a feature).