Xiao Peng

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碰巧解决'Ordinal Not Found'问题

Posted on 2009-01-08 22:07  勇敢的鸵鸟  阅读(2904)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

今天启动Maxthon报错:Ordinal Not Found。






From: http://www.cryer.co.uk/brian/windows/trbl_nt_ordinalcnblm.htm


The version of the ‘MFC42.DLL’ file on the workstation is older than the version for which the executable was built for. (The workstation on which the application was compiled contained a later version of ‘MFC42.DLL’.


The solution is to locate a newer version of ‘MFC42.DLL’ (possibly from the machine that compiled the application) and to copy it to the ‘WINNT\SYSTEM32’ directory of the workstation attempting to run the application.

Windows will typically not normally permit a newer version of the file to be copied into the ‘WINNT\SYSTEM32’ directory because it reports that the file is in use. If this is the case then to replace the file with a new one:

  1. Start a new command session.

  2. Type the following:

cd WINNT\System32
rename MFC42.DLL MFC42.OLD
copy /r
<newer-version>\MFC42.DLL .

  1. Reboot the workstation.

============a Fen Ge Xian==============================

From: http://www.techtalkz.com/software-troubleshooting/439362-ordinal-6880-could-not-located-dll-mfc42-dll.html

It seems some of the software you installed created an obsolete version of the MFC42.DLL and registered it. If you have DivX installed (it appears to have some issues with this dll)b in your machine uninstall it and reregister the original MFC32.DLL :

1. Go to Start > Run and type in

regsvr32 %SystemRoot%\System32\MFC42.DLL

2. Now Press Enter and click Ok in the messagebox.

3. Reboot and Check if the problem persists.